Gamers Thread

I played Deus Ex: Invisible War.

Invisible War has more in common with the original than Human Revolution does, though it's probably a worse game still. Take Invisible War, give it good characters, an actual gritty aesthetic, make the levels ten times larger and more nuanced, give the player meaningful character-customization, and add the most prophetic writing ever found in a video game, and you have the original.
I've forgotten just about everything about IW but I recall the conversations with the NG Resonance hologram being really great.

EDIT: Actually, I also remember the Omar ending being the best ending in video game history
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I liked parts of Invisible War, it wasn't terrible but it was a huge disappointment at the time. I remember hating NG Resonance but I was 13 the first time I played the game so a Britney Spears parody probably came off as extra embarrassing. Completely forget about her tbh. I did like the Omar ending, kind of a "Fuck the entire plot were just doing our own thing" ending which was unusual. Their faction overall was pretty neat, at the very least it didn't feel like a fan-pandering rehash of the original which the Order/NWO/Illuminati shit was. I liked the Templars too for similar reasons, even though they were basically cartoon villains. Probably my favorite thing about the game is that it lets you massacre an entire school of 10 year old girls, which would be totally verboten today. The wonky physics combined with the strength augmentation made it fun as well, pretty much a short-range gravity gun, made up for the retarded universal ammo system.
Playing Morrowind again with OpenMW and Tamriel Rebuilt. The former is an open-source reimplementation of the game engine; it is still in development but already far superior to the original engine (far more stable, performs better, adds some quality of life features). The latter is a hugely ambitious mod project that has been in development since 2002 and adds a whole new landmass to the game. I am completely overwhelmed by amount and quality of its content. Despite being a huge collaborative effort, it is highly cohesive and the creators seem very tapped into the design philosophy of the original game. The only times the new content doesn't pass for vanilla content is when it's actually better.

It's such a fantastic time to be a Morrowind fan right now. You ought to become one, @Phylactery.
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Do they have a functioning mod to make it compatible with a 360 controller yet? It’s not that I can’t play games using a mouse and keyboard - I play WoW. I just find it unwieldy with a game like Morrowind!
OpenMW has native controller support! I have no idea how good it is because I haven't tried it.

EDIT: Giving the controller support a spin with my 360 controller - it works pretty great out of the box but the interface isn't adapted for controller use at all so inventory management is kind of a pain. Would recommend using a mouse for inventory management if playing with a controller.
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re: our conversation the other week, telltale has more or less folded and everything other than the walking dead season 4 is cancelled, including the wolf among us 2.
re: our conversation the other week, telltale has more or less folded and everything other than the walking dead season 4 is cancelled, including the wolf among us 2.

That's sad and unexpected, but on the other hand the quality of their games had been declining for a long time so I'm not sure I'll miss them.
re: our conversation the other week, telltale has more or less folded and everything other than the walking dead season 4 is cancelled, including the wolf among us 2.

Apparently TWD season 4 is cancelled too! The developers who were working on that have all been let go, and the remaining Telltale employees are all working on Minecraft: Story Mode. That's a shame, reception toward the episodes of s04 that have been released so far was actually positive.
I guess this graph explains their bankruptcy. They overinvested based on the roaring success of TWD s01, acquired a bunch of expensive licenses, but were never able to achieve that level of success again.

In the upcoming Red Dead Redemption game Rockstar brought back that GTA feature where you can gain or lose weight depending on what/how you eat.

I loved the first game, hopefully this one isn't a letdown. Rockstar is normally solid though.

I've been playing CoD Modern Ware 2/3 online lately because they're backwards compatible now. The nostalgia is real.

Also, Nintendo is coming out with a revamped N64 this year. I still have my original and all my games so unless this new version comes with online gameplay, I don't need it. Still pretty cool though. I've always thought there would be a huge market for an online multiplayer version of the original Smash Bros or Mario Kart etc.
i fucking loved all things digimon tbh, from the tamagotchi to the show to the games. i still need to watch digimon tamers which has developed a cult reputation as some kind of animé masterpiece.
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