Gamers Thread

Some of the best PC titles available are perfectly playable on a Pentuim III.
You're right though, nowadays a lot of games are more eye candy than content.
@ cherko: Mindless hack'n'slash? Couldn't be farther from the truth. Sure, if you're playing the Barbarian or a melee Paladin, the basic strategy is to hit shit, but the game play is a lot more varied when you try out the casters.

I played as a Necromancer when I tried that game, and yes, I find it fairly mindless. Whether you summon a bunch of skeletons or do it with a club, all you ever do is kill monsters. There's absolutely nothing more to that game.
Well, when you reduce the game to just killing everything in sight, then it does come off as very shallow.But the same can be said about most shooters No matter how interactive the environments in them are, the goal is still total annihilation.
I find that the pacing of Diablo makes it very addicting. It's got the "one more click" touch.
Well, when you reduce the game to just killing everything in sight, then it does come off as very shallow.But the same can be said about most shooters No matter how interactive the environments in them are, the goal is still total annihilation.
I find that the pacing of Diablo makes it very addicting. It's got the "one more click" touch.

They also have a pretty kick ass story for the generic "hell attacks earth" thing.
I'm personally hoping those graphics just look cartoony because they are for the low texture ones tech demo, and Blizzard will add high texture graphics in the comparison screen shot later. I loved the dark feeling of the previous games, and graphics really do help create the mood.
Yes. I really hope so.
Anyone else think it's ironic that they use low texture graphics for a tech demo?

Can someone give me a quick runthrough on the basis of this game? I always thought it was a MMO of some sort...
Okay, so basically, you pick a class - barbarian, sorcerer, amazon, assassin, necromancer, palladin - which pretty much locks you into a role. So at the beginning of the game you pretty much have to choose how you want to play. Fortunately, each of those classes can be played in many different ways, and no way is wrong, so your choices aren't really limited. Then you run around killing monsters and doing some fairly simple quests for some people in town. There are a couple acts, each involves 6 quests, all fairly simple but not necessarily easy. You don't have to do all of them, by the way. Anyhow, you hack your way to the boss, kill it, and go on. Very simple, but tons of fun. The environments are incredibly cool - ruined cathedrals that just scream black metal, hellish caverns, pyramids and catacombs of unparalleled badassery, dark forests, and finally the plains of hell, which are just fucking awesome. You don't interact with the environments much, but they lend an incredible atmosphere to the game. The monsters are all cool, evil, and fun to kill - no annoying monsters (although there's one part in the expansion with these teleporting assholes). The loot is really cool, and there's gems and runes and stuff that makes it even cooler. The skill tree is also awesome and the pacing is great. They could have left out the whole plot and put you in one area and it still would have been awesome (this is often known as Diablo I).
Sorry for the rant.
As for being an MMO, Blizzard provides a free online service where you can play coop over teh interwebs. Free. And awesome.

Some of the best PC titles available are perfectly playable on a Pentuim III.
Yeah, in fact, the requirements are so low for Diablo 2 that I recommend that anyone who hasn't played it goes out and picks it up (you can get it for like $10) and gives it a shot. Even if you don't have a gaming PC, you can run it easily.

Well, when you reduce the game to just killing everything in sight, then it does come off as very shallow.But the same can be said about most shooters No matter how interactive the environments in them are, the goal is still total annihilation.
I find that the pacing of Diablo makes it very addicting. It's got the "one more click" touch.
Yeah. And the game makes mindless killing very very cool. I loved playing the barbarian and just running through caves smashing monsters and stuff. It felt so badass.

They also have a pretty kick ass story for the generic "hell attacks earth" thing.
In my opinion the story was an excuse for some CG, which was very pretty 10 years ago and tbh still holds up against anything short of Final Fantasy CG today.
With all this talk of Diablo III, I decided I'd revisit Diablo II. However I just went to do so and found that the install disk for the game has dissapeared and is nowhere to be found. :erk: Ah well, I'll just play the Playstation version of The Lost Vikings II instead.
With all this talk of Diablo III, I decided I'd revisit Diablo II. However I just went to do so and found that the install disk for the game has dissapeared and is nowhere to be found. :erk: Ah well, I'll just play the Playstation version of The Lost Vikings II instead.

That's balls, man. :erk:

I think there should be torrents though, that have the disks as .iso files... if you have your CD keys, and a program for mounting .iso files (Alcohol 120% or Daemontools), you should be able to use that to replace your missing Install disk.
So I bought MLB '08 The Show for PS2 today... anyone know if this is a good decision? I've only payed 2K the past few years, so I don't know.

07 was probably the best game since the last ESPN game. I had to get MLB 2K8 since I have a 360 and it doesn't compare to The Show. I fuckin hate the dumbass 'total control' pitching/hitting setup
Yes. I really hope so.
Anyone else think it's ironic that they use low texture graphics for a tech demo?
I think we could expect it to be released sometime next year, so there is time for touch ups to the graphics. Those graphics are most likly a few years out of date as diablo 3 was in development when Blizzard north was still around in 2005.
Did anyone else ever play any of the James Pond games? I know they were pretty much just Sega's answer to Mario, but good god, James Pond 3: Operation Starfish on the Mega Drive (or Genesis, whichever you know it as) blew everything Mario completely out of the water. It was clearly just the 'answer' to super Mario World, but it was better in every single aspect. I have no idea why the series never took off - such a shame.
Did anyone else ever play any of the James Pond games? I know they were pretty much just Sega's answer to Mario, but good god, James Pond 3: Operation Starfish on the Mega Drive (or Genesis, whichever you know it as) blew everything Mario completely out of the water. It was clearly just the 'answer' to super Mario World, but it was better in every single aspect. I have no idea why the series never took off - such a shame.

I think I played number two on my mates Megadrive, it was a pretty cool game, but the constant bouncing annoyed me. Road Rash and Zombies Ate My Neighbors! were the shit.
The first one was pretty weak, the second was much better than the first, and the third was far better than that. Easily the best game on the system, as far as I'm concerned. I was going to add a youtube video of it, but it seems the players are either utterly useless at the game, are missing all the good parts and/or cheating. Ah well.

I never played Zombies..., but the Road Rash games were always fun every once in a while, even though there was never much too them.
I never played Zombies..., but the Road Rash games were always fun every once in a while, even though there was never much too them.

All you need is to swing a chain above your head, man. And the foot races! Haha, and there were glitches like punching through a cop car and having it drag you along.