Games Thread.

Kenneth R.

Oct 28, 2004
Hallways of Always
But not video games. Suckers?

Seriously, I'm sure I'm not the ONLY one who still plays/digs board games. What are some of your favorites? Have you ever made one up? Or played with tweaked rules? Drunken board games?

Monopoly & Life a long time ago..... We did something with drinking & monopoly a LONG time ago, but I can't remember all the drinking rules....
I DO remember getting absolutely trashed though......

Oh and I did play Ambush, Risk, and Ogre/GEV a lot in highschool.....
I like Dominion, a nice tactical card game. Luck is involved, but not as much as with most board games I know. And games don't follow the same pattern cause you can choose between a lot of different kinds of cards for each game, especially if you have the extra card packs.

Sometimes played stuff like the Doom boardgame with my friends, but that's kind of a pain in the ass. So slow-paced.
Sorry I'm not into board games. Occasionally I'll play monopoly with the family, but that's about it.

Right now I'm addicted to this online gamed called League Of Legends. Still new to it and trying out lots of different characters but I really like Kog'Maw, Alistar, and Morgana.
Does masturbating count?

The one game in which finishing first is not always desired.

For me:

The ultimate of all board games, of course...


99.99999999% skill-based game. You can practise and get better at it your entire life, but you'll never reach the peak.

I also enjoy a game called Super Tock. There's definitely some luck involved (which is one of the main reasons many board games fail), but there's a personal edge involved as well.
Chess for sure.

My fellow musicians should check out IV-V-I. Yes, it's a little out there, but can be fun with the right people. Basic theory and harmony knowledge required.
Apples to Apples is a solid party game. So is Jenga, if you add some rules.

But Go, that's a killer game and it's too bad it's not more popular in the West. 19x19 intersections, unsolved by game theory as of yet, and can be approached mathematically, artistically, or philosophically with equally rigorous intent.
I have tried Go online, but man that game is tough to learn. Well not so much to learn, but to play effectively. Much more so than chess.
I have tried Go online, but man that game is tough to learn. Well not so much to learn, but to play effectively. Much more so than chess.

I haven't tried, or even heard of GO, but I shall check it out.

Considering that Chess has an endless skill-gap, I don't see how it could be harder to play effectively than Chess. As hard? Probably.
A moderately good player will never stand a chance against a Chess Grand Master.
I hadn't played a board game in years but coincidentally got suckered into one today... Candy Land with a couple of four year olds. Cheating little bastards hustled all of my jellybeans.