Gaming Thread

TOR isn't doing bad at all. They've got over a million subscribers atm and they're releasing the new content tomorrow. You've also got D3 coming in a month, so that's gonna take away some players as well for a bit, but I don't see people bailing on it. It's been out for nearly six months. The fact of the matter is people exaggerate everything when it comes to TOR, both good and bad, and in the end people want it to fail because it's not like their favorite MMO...either it's too different or it holds your hand too much or it doesn't hold it enough...most often it's the latter. This is a fact.

EA got a terrible review, which they deserve. However, EA didn't make TOR, Bioware did. TOR has nothing to do with EA, and I don't understand why people keep bringing this up. The fact of the matter is there is very little grind in the game, there's always something new to do, every single character has his own unique story and play options, and your choices can drastically affect the outcome of your entire game.

People want to believe it's TORtanic, but those very same people have never subscribed more than a month to TOR, if they've even played it at all.

It's a great game, it just depends on your personal tastes in gaming. Personally, I think JRPGs are the most boring, grindiest, dumbest, most annoying games ever made. Atlus, while innovative, simply makes dull games imo. I tried Digital Devil Saga and I can't believe there is a market for this bullshit. It's all the same...if I wanted to play FF, I'll play FF. However, just because I don't like it doesn't mean other people won't enjoy it, and that doesn't mean they're not successful. But unlike all the people who WANT to see TOR fail, I'm not making shit up just because I'm bitter.
Not going to bother arguing your points, but yeah, they meant it specifically in exporation and world size.

Of course, Bioware says a lot of things.

Btw, since TORtanic, EA's stock has plummeted from $26 to $15.

Orly? Yeah, that was in January due to launch fumbles. Why don't you tell the whole truth and include the GIANT SURGE in their stock when they disclosed a month later their Q3 earnings, and how investors are now pissed off that they didn't get on board?

Here's the report:

I don't like EA either, but stop cherry-picking your facts just because you don't like a video game.

1.7 million subscribers and growing. That was two months ago. This so-called "TORtanic" quite frankly doesn't exist and it never did. We get it, you don't like this game. You must, however, be a little more factual with your statements. If you're going to rail against TOR, rail against its factual deficiencies (of which there are several, not going to lie) and stop using false accusations and bogus media to support your personal vendetta against it. In fact, can you tell me precise things you don't like about it? List them so I can better understand where you're coming from, because as of right now your attitude toward it is that it has shit in your cereal, and I just don't see where all the hate is coming from. You like MMOs; if you were like Stormo, your disdain for it would be understandable simply because you don't like the genre. Please, help me to understand.
I didn't know that was Q3, I wasn't purposely withholding information. Anyway, I was going after EA there, not TORtanic. Calm down, man.

It's a cookie cutter run of the mill MMO, I don't hate it more than Rift or any of these other things coming out in that sense. I do hate it because it's the reason we won't have another proper KOTOR. That, and the art style.
In case anyone cares, a new Game Quiz is coming in the very near future, year 3 already. This one will be armed against google-fu though. It'll be posted here, on FB, and on the Elder Scrolls forums.

People who cry about how it takes up space are kindly requested to STFU and realize that a quiz in which people participate is more constructive than babble about food or which metal band is more obscure.
Saying that something Bioware creates has nothing to do with EA is :lol: I'm not talking about TOR, I'm just saying that if EA wants something changed or presses a release/update, they get first say. Papa EA gets what Papa EA wants.

I didn't know that was Q3, I wasn't purposely withholding information. Anyway, I was going after EA there, not TORtanic. Calm down, man.

It's a cookie cutter run of the mill MMO, I don't hate it more than Rift or any of these other things coming out in that sense. I do hate it because it's the reason we won't have another proper KOTOR. That, and the art style.

As for the EA/Bioware thing, I simply meant that EA didn't develop this game...they're just paying for it. Sure, they tell Bioware when they want things done, but they're not the developers themselves. Yes, they're the most evil gaming company on the planet (in a bad way) and I, too, despise them, but the fact of the matter is TOR is a stable and fun game. I've yet to have a single problem with it and I've been there from the beginning. I think I keep coming back to it because it's just so easy and fun and there's hardly any time sink into it. I'm not interested in games where I have to play for literally months on end every single day, and then am forced to keep up with the carrot on a stick they hold in front of me with every expansion or patch, much like in WoW. It's just fun. Maybe Max could explain it better since he likes it too.

Aaaaaaaaaaall that said, just like any other MMO, SWTOR is not exempt from losing subs...and just like any other MMO, it is losing subs. It's in the vanilla phase; it's brand new. There's not enough content yet to make the impact WoW made, nor do they expect to. I never said it was going to be the best and most profitable MMO ever, I just said it's a good game and it's a lot of fun, and that it's not failing in the least. Hell, my favorite game is Eve and there are only 300k subs for it. But it IS awesome.
It's in the vanilla phase; it's brand new. There's not enough content yet to make the impact WoW made, nor do they expect to.

Who really knows what Bioware expeted? They wanted to attract the CoD players with DA2 (which is a large amount of people) and then the same thing again with ME3. That's not just conjecture either. I honestly wouldn't be suprised at all if they expected to have at least double the subs that they do now.
The fact that Bioware have released as well as will release two different free DLCs shows that EA doesn't have 100% power, since if they're like some of you imply that would never get approved.

That and regarding that worst company of America, I wouldn't really take an online poll seriously. At all.
Yeah I've heard a lot of good things about the Xeno- series as well. I should investigate further.

God, I can't believe how utterly amazing the sountrack is. You know, the games that usually come up when discussing overall generally good music is the Castlevania and FF series (or typical standout Square games of the past), but the music from this game can easily sit by some of the best ever.

I found out why too. Both Yoko Shimomura and Yasunori Mitsuda composed it. ACE+ also worked on a few tracks.


Who can't get hyped up listening to that? Oh, and if you still have no idea who is the driving force behind this game; has anyone ever heard of Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana or Xenogears? :)
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The fact that Bioware have released as well as will release two different free DLCs shows that EA doesn't have 100% power, since if they're like some of you imply that would never get approved.

That and regarding that worst company of America, I wouldn't really take an online poll seriously. At all.

EA actually made a good point:

“We’re sure that British Petroleum, AIG, Philip Morris, and Halliburton are all relieved they weren’t nominated this year. We’re going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.”

Arrogant and dismissive? Yes. False? No.

People make a satirical meme out of something and the entire world takes it literally. Wake up, people...just because you see a humorous satire of something on the internet doesn't mean it's really like that.

Best collector's edition ever? Yes, it's a pillow case. Will I use it? Yes. Yes, I will. The game is a Otomedius, a Konami side scrolling shooter. Haven't played it yet. I also bought Borderlands since I hear it's the Diablo of FPS.
>Game of Thrones is an upcoming role-playing video game released by Cyanide and based on A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin.

>The game is expected during 2012 on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

>The game narrates the journey of two characters, a member of the Night's Watch and a Red Priest, which will cross during their adventures the characters and events of A Song of Ice and Fire.

>James Cosmo and Conleth Hill will reprise their roles from the HBO series as Lord Commander Jeor Mormont and Lord Varys, respectively.
Yeah, me too. I've never bought a game based on a tv show or film unless it was an MMO or RPG in said universe. Playing specific characters always seemed meh to me.
El Stormo's game quiz - year 3, day 1

First, a moment to pay homage to the top three scorers from last year: CptJoker, Zeno and Cecilff2, and another thank you to all those who participated last year! It was great fun to do this for two years already, and I'm sure this year will be just as much fun. Now then, onto the rules.

The Rules
  • A round of ten questions gets posted every 48 hours (or 72 for weekends). When the next round is started, the preceding round is closed and answers as well as scores will be posted. Once this happens, you can no longer send in answers for the previous rounds.
  • Scores accumulate per round, but by all means, don't be afraid to join in if you're only joining later – who knows, you might still surpass the leader!
  • Answers must be sent via Private Message to me. Do not answer in the thread. Do not give out hints. Saying you found this round hard or easy, or that you only got a few or got a lot is perfectly fine, but no spoiling things for the rest. This goes for commenting on the youtube vid too, in case my moronic brain forgets to disable comments.
  • I will always reply to PM's, give you your score for the round and the questions you got right, but keep that to yourself of course. People from the Bethesda forums, always send me a new PM instead of replying to an older conversation, because I have to delete convos to empty my Inbox to make room for new answers.
  • Do not google, use a certain program which can make music searches possible, or use an image searcher. There is no reward for winning, only bragging rights, which means you'd be stupendously lame to cheat - so please, play fair and don't googeru.
  • If you have a question or are uncertain of the question, PM me. Don't ask in the thread unless it provides absolutely no information that could be used by others. It's just not fun to see someone ruining things.
  • I put a lot of work into making this, so if you want to cry or slag it off, do so via PM, please.
  • Don't report this as being a “forum game”. Forum games are things in the style of 'say something about the member above you', or 'rate the avatar'. This doesn't fall under that rule.
  • Read the questions carefully. Sometimes I just ask to ID the game, sometimes I ask for more.
  • Have fun!

Round One – This should be EASY

We're starting off with an easy one: classic, well-known game music, even by non-gamers. Everyone should be able to get at least some. All you need to do is ID the game the music snippet comes from.

Good luck, and remember, DO NOT ANSWER IN THE THREAD!

[]Year 3, day 1 – Warm-up[/ame]

Name the game, 1 point per answer!