Dead Winter
TOR isn't doing bad at all. They've got over a million subscribers atm and they're releasing the new content tomorrow. You've also got D3 coming in a month, so that's gonna take away some players as well for a bit, but I don't see people bailing on it. It's been out for nearly six months. The fact of the matter is people exaggerate everything when it comes to TOR, both good and bad, and in the end people want it to fail because it's not like their favorite MMO...either it's too different or it holds your hand too much or it doesn't hold it enough...most often it's the latter. This is a fact.
EA got a terrible review, which they deserve. However, EA didn't make TOR, Bioware did. TOR has nothing to do with EA, and I don't understand why people keep bringing this up. The fact of the matter is there is very little grind in the game, there's always something new to do, every single character has his own unique story and play options, and your choices can drastically affect the outcome of your entire game.
People want to believe it's TORtanic, but those very same people have never subscribed more than a month to TOR, if they've even played it at all.
It's a great game, it just depends on your personal tastes in gaming. Personally, I think JRPGs are the most boring, grindiest, dumbest, most annoying games ever made. Atlus, while innovative, simply makes dull games imo. I tried Digital Devil Saga and I can't believe there is a market for this bullshit. It's all the same...if I wanted to play FF, I'll play FF. However, just because I don't like it doesn't mean other people won't enjoy it, and that doesn't mean they're not successful. But unlike all the people who WANT to see TOR fail, I'm not making shit up just because I'm bitter.
EA got a terrible review, which they deserve. However, EA didn't make TOR, Bioware did. TOR has nothing to do with EA, and I don't understand why people keep bringing this up. The fact of the matter is there is very little grind in the game, there's always something new to do, every single character has his own unique story and play options, and your choices can drastically affect the outcome of your entire game.
People want to believe it's TORtanic, but those very same people have never subscribed more than a month to TOR, if they've even played it at all.
It's a great game, it just depends on your personal tastes in gaming. Personally, I think JRPGs are the most boring, grindiest, dumbest, most annoying games ever made. Atlus, while innovative, simply makes dull games imo. I tried Digital Devil Saga and I can't believe there is a market for this bullshit. It's all the same...if I wanted to play FF, I'll play FF. However, just because I don't like it doesn't mean other people won't enjoy it, and that doesn't mean they're not successful. But unlike all the people who WANT to see TOR fail, I'm not making shit up just because I'm bitter.