Gaming Thread

The GTX 1060 seems interesting too.

Yeah, I'm curious to seeing how it stacks up. I'm probably going to end up getting a 1070 when they go down in price, if they go down in price. It was my understanding that it would run about 380 euros when the partner cards hit the market, but they've been holding steady at around 500. This is pissing me off. The entire reason to get a 1070 was that it was a killer card for less than a 980TI but performed close to what the old Titan X did. If I have to fork over 500 bucks for a card when my system is rather old but can run just about any game by lowering some graphics and having about 40 or so FPS (i7 2600 3.4GHz, 16 GB RAM, GTX 750TI), I can't really justify splurging on a 700 euro card. However, if the 1060, which is supposed to run just shy of a 980TI costs 200 bucks, that gives me a great alternative price-wise.
Tried the Gear VR last night. It was actually worse than I expected, although it might heavily depend on the phone model you're using. Haven't been able to try the Vive or Oculus, but I'm 100% confident that both of those would produce way more convincing results. Not that I expect anything much out of the VR games that are being released this year anyway, but I'd assume that it would at least be somewhat useful for other applications or even movies. The screen resolution of the Gear VR combo I tried out was really low, and it was also a blurry mess, despite having a "focus wheel". I could never get it to not look super blurry, and the field of view was so small that it looked like I was viewing something from behind a porthole. Not sure how that's supposed to be immersive, but that's not how my vision works in reality.
Like Symphony of the Night (except a lot fucking harder)? Like an amazing metal soundtrack? Get this right away then! $8.00 on Humble Bundle right now, and it's also supposed to be coming to the consoles soon.

It had a lot of problems with the initial launch. Namely there was no feedback with the combat, and jumping was so off that it caused a lot of cheap deaths. All of that has been rectified with the recent update/rerelease, and it's gone from "shit tier" to fantastic.
No Man's Sky.


This is the most JV release I think I've ever seen; console port doesn't even BEGIN to cover it. They lied about the entire thing. They lied about the multiplayer. They lied about the minimum specs for PC. They lied about the gameplay. They lied about the capability of the engine. The graphics settings don't even work in the game.

And I can't stop playing it. It's a fucking mining simulator in space, that's all it is. There is no combat, there's no trading there's none of that. Shooting things isn't combat and selling what you shoot isn't trading. I'm so disappointed in this piece of shit that I've already got over 20 hours in the game because I thought it was leading me somewhere, but it doesn't. Avoid this piece of fucking dog shit game. If I could refund my money in Steam I would, but I have too many hours in it.

No Man's Sky.


This is the most JV release I think I've ever seen; console port doesn't even BEGIN to cover it. They lied about the entire thing. They lied about the multiplayer. They lied about the minimum specs for PC. They lied about the gameplay. They lied about the capability of the engine. The graphics settings don't even work in the game.

And I can't stop playing it. It's a fucking mining simulator in space, that's all it is. There is no combat, there's no trading there's none of that. Shooting things isn't combat and selling what you shoot isn't trading. I'm so disappointed in this piece of shit that I've already got over 20 hours in the game because I thought it was leading me somewhere, but it doesn't. Avoid this piece of fucking dog shit game. If I could refund my money in Steam I would, but I have too many hours in it.

Now you see what kind of a Peter Molyneux game it was.

I don't laugh at another's misfortune (unless it's intentionally a comedy), a way you kind of asked for this, for having those kinds of expectations, and believing the fairy tale promies that were made. Because with the kind of budget this game had, it could have never delivered. From all of the previews they showed too, the mining to upgrade your ship, to travel to other planets so that you can mine, to upgrade your ship loop is all I saw out of it anyway. Zzzz...
The 10 - 20 hour mark is around the time quite a lot of people are saying the novelty wears off.

This is why I've learned to temper my hype for games, by a very large amount since last generation. Even then, there have been a handful of letdowns. The next game to get excited for like you did for this is probably Star Citizen. Although it does have the budget to deliver.

Also, when I hear or see the words "proceedurally generated", I always end up with a sudden bout of narcolepsy. I've yet to play a game like that, that wasn't absolute filler.

Don't know why this reviewer needed two videos either, since he basically just repeats what he says two to four times.
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The problem with this game is that I can't stop playing it. It's fascinating. I'm severely pissed off that it's so horrendously not optimized, and it's a grind-fest, but I keep playing and I can't explain it.

It's absolutely gorgeous, I'll say that. If they could just fix the optimization it would be much better.

I can't wait for Star Citizen, if it ever comes out. I'm more reticent to get my hopes up for that than NMS because Chris Roberts is a fucking megalomaniacal loon who consistently promises the world and you end up with a snowglobe. He fancies himself a sort of Elon Musk of media but he's just not. He doesn't have the follow-through.
Yeah I saw that the other day. I don't have VR but it looks interesting. However, I'm more of an Elite: Dangerous/Star Citizen fan; I like planetary landings, space station walking, etc. I'm gonna have to check this out anyway.

I'm actually tempted to get back into Eve.
Someone on Reddit described it perfectly: NMS is the worst game I've ever loved.

I actually tried to get a refund on Steam but I've played like 25 hours or something so that's a no-go. I'm hoping for an Aliens: Colonial Marines-style backlash where massive amounts of people are refunded their money. If they told me I could refund it today I'd do it.

I think.

My only hope is that they come out with the REAL minimum specs because what they have now is severely underestimated. My system beats the shit out of every single part of the min specs but it plays like I have only the min specs. In my opinion, Sean Murray has worked out a deal with Steam to hold off on refunds for the time being, but it's only a matter of time before people actually start taking legal action. Steam usually gives you a little leeway with how long you've played and time owned, but I think they're adhering strictly to that now in order to help Hello Games fix this huge bungle. They flat-out lied about nearly every aspect of the game. I've seen used car salesmen more honest than this.

That reddit post is probably going to bury them, especially now that Sean's possibly going back on his word about free DLC.
It's funny that this game greatly underestimates the minimum requirements, because the upcoming Deus Ex game seems to be greatly overestimating the recommended specificiations. It suggests 16gb of ram. What the fuck?
I dunno, most everything now for recommended specs needs 16 GB of RAM, especially anything that's open world or simulator-esque because it eats up a lot of CPU power and will start pulling from the hard drive if there's not enough system RAM.

I'm a huge flight simulator buff, and I've got the Red Flag map for DCS, and although my video card is low to mid-range now, I've never had a problem running it. I had to put an extra 4 GB from my 12 GB in order to get it to run without stopping to move files from the HD. Sure, it's in Alpha still, but system RAM now is becoming just as important as it used to be in the 90s due to the massive leap in technology for gaming these days.

I'm about to get a GTX 970, though, and that should help a lot. I was gonna get the 1070 when they stated it would be about 380 euros, but that was obviously a lie. I'll just get a 970 for now. Don't care about VR, don't care about 4k HD, still just using my trusty old 24" monitor.
I dunno, most everything now for recommended specs needs 16 GB of RAM, especially anything that's open world or simulator-esque because it eats up a lot of CPU power and will start pulling from the hard drive if there's not enough system RAM.

I'm a huge flight simulator buff, and I've got the Red Flag map for DCS, and although my video card is low to mid-range now, I've never had a problem running it. I had to put an extra 4 GB from my 12 GB in order to get it to run without stopping to move files from the HD. Sure, it's in Alpha still, but system RAM now is becoming just as important as it used to be in the 90s due to the massive leap in technology for gaming these days.

I'm about to get a GTX 970, though, and that should help a lot. I was gonna get the 1070 when they stated it would be about 380 euros, but that was obviously a lie. I'll just get a 970 for now. Don't care about VR, don't care about 4k HD, still just using my trusty old 24" monitor.

I honestly haven't played any "modern" PC games lately aside from TW3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider, and neither of those required this obscene amount of system ram. In the 90s, system ram was more important due to the relatively low amount of Vram on video cards, and because of how video cards actually worked back then compared to the early 2000's when the GPU started taking the lion's share of the workload for graphics. It prevented the game from having to use virtual memory (hard drive caching). It also worked as a kind of buffer to prevent stuttering on a mechanical drive, but that issue is almost entirely eliminated on an SSD. Video cards nowadays come with 8gb Vram anyway, so I'm just assuming the recommended system ram is for those with cards that have 4gb or less and want to play at resolutions higher than 1080p.

Just for the hell of it, I ended up ordering 8gb more, since it was only $44. Although I doubt it will be needed.

edit: I don't actually care that much about 4K yet either (for PC gaming anyway), but do you ever use Antialasing? Bumping up your resolution, or downsampling (have the GPU render at a higher resolution, and then display it at your native) still makes the image overall better by helping to remove aliasing. It's more of a brute force method though.
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Yeah I use AA all the time, although with my middle of the road 750 TI I keep it at around 2x. I just ordered a 970 so I'll be using it more.

The thing I noticed the most about the extra RAM isn't that it renders faster or anything, but certain things seem to go more smoothly in the game. It's really not THAT much of a boost if you've got a good card. However, with a mid-range card like mine, you do see a slight improvement in performance, mainly easing up on the CPU a bit.

Like I said, it depends on the games you're playing. If you play flight simulators or anything that has massive areas, you should get 16 gigs because the CPU will definitely need it due to draw distance. I played TW3 without any real difficulty with 12 gigs of RAM and the 750 TI, but I had to lower some settings. I ABHOR that bloom effect shit where everything looks like you just walked into the hot sun from a freezer and your glasses fogged up.

With my current setup, I usually run with AA on 2x, Anisotropic Filtering on 4 or 8, sometimes 16 depending on the game, Vsync on, and a 1920x1080 resolution, bloom off, motion blur off. I could play with them on but I hate the effect.
I was gonna get the 1070 when they stated it would be about 380 euros, but that was obviously a lie. I'll just get a 970 for now. Don't care about VR, don't care about 4k HD, still just using my trusty old 24" monitor.

I honestly don't know. Unless the 970 is just going for around 250 or less euros. Still a decent card, but it's essentialy a clone of the GTX 780 I bought almost three years ago, but with 500mb more vram. It's still a relatively powerful card for playing last gen games at 1440p with relative ease, and it can also probably play modern games at 1080p with moderate settings, but who knows but him?!

I just sent my 980 Ti back to EVGA Wednesday for a 1080, and I'm somewhat stressing out about it arriving undamaged. EVGA insisted that it be shipped back in a box that allowed for "two inches" of packing material around the card's box, so what I had to end up doing was putting it in the box that it shipped to me in that was from Amazon (with packing material), but then also putting it in a kind of too large box I bought from the post office. Every other box was too small. Ended up covering the entire bottom of the large box, as well as filling up the gaps around the side of the Amazon box with those air cushions that most items ship with anymore (I had been saving all of them), and then just kind of pathetically laid two strips across the top of the Amazon box...with there being five inches of space between it and the top of the post office box. Drew up arrows all around it, and it even has FRAGILE stamped all over the top, but I'm still imagining it flipping over repeatedly and dropping hard from the conveyer belt sorters it has to go through.

Currently replaying Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut, since I never finished it. I don't typically give a shit about first person or third person shooters (aside from Resident Evil 4 and Mass Effect), but this game was pretty good, and the new one is shaping up to be better.

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I got the 970 for 250 bucks and had to get a new power supply. I figured it'll last me another year or year and a half before I need another upgrade. I'm not made out of money so I can't just drop 500 bucks on a video card. Plus, I'm about to get an SSD in the near future as well. My computer is an old i7 2600, and before long I'll get another PC anyway. I didn't want to dump 800 bucks on components.

The 970 is way cheaper than the 980 and the TI so for what I use it for it's worth it.
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Yes, it will be my first SSD. In fact, my HDD is an old, old 1.5 TB 5400 rpm...shit isn't even 7200. The last 7200 I had crapped out on me after a year; this one has been going strong for 4 years.

I'm gonna see how my gameplay goes with this video card upgrade and then I'll decide on the SSD. Honestly, though, I haven't had much trouble with my system at all. Until recently, I play pretty much anything, although at lower settings. I'm not a huge ZOMG GRAFFIXX!!! gamer, and loading times aren't that big a deal to me. I play flight sims, Elite: Dangerous, The Witcher, and other RPGs, both party and first person like Deus Ex. Actually, the new Deus Ex lit a fire under my ass to upgrade.

I use a monitor and not a tv, so the whole HD thing is moot for me.