gareth says hi.

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Sandra, if what you're saying were actually the case then there would be something to be concerned about. New questions (not 'old questions asked by different people who didn't search') are valued, especially given how rare they are - and if you don't see how 'oh noes I can't ask questions or the evil hyperpros will skullfuck me' is playing victim, there's probably not much hope for you.

I did, in fact, look at your post history... I didn't say troll (although the entry so labeled by James comes close enough, for reasons he already explained) but you did ask enough questions that would have been handled by Google (or the UM search function) to qualify as either disrespectful or incompetent.

Fortunately, you don't need to worry about destroying my world - or, for that matter, anything other than your chances at being well-regarded anytime soon. If you don't feel that you did well enough on that count already, just keep posting.

Can't we just let this fucking topic die now?

I'm getting tired of seeing this much arguing all as a consequence of some stupid shit I said.
Sandra, tip, stop fucking with Jeff and Lasse, because all that's coming of it is you making a dick of yourself, it's not worth it man.
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