gareth says hi.

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p.s..... don't get me wrong, kate (of kates playground) is still totally fappable, hoof or not.


And Ermz you are right: It is totaly a respect issue.
And James PLEASE stay here!!!! I love your tough posts and you ALLWAYS give us great inside infos!!!

Andy can you give James a KICK-ASS mod-function, so he can simply kick out every idiot of the forum?
If this means I get my ass kicked, I´m fine with just reading here and seeing the forum getting back on track :)
ha ha.. no no... i don't want any mod powers here... cuz i'd be too temped to USE them, lol. i'll still be around, just not posting very often... but i'm easy enough to reach as long as you don't expect super fast replies, via AIM. my SN is in my profile.
I've got a few things I'd like to say, but I can already tell I'm going to get raped by James and Jeff in some sort of tyrannical Eiffel Tower, where I get blinded in the left eye by their spooge, and cannot sit down for a week. So instead, I'll post this to remind us all... this is a forum; no need to take it too seriously:

So instead, I'll post this to remind us all... this is a forum; no need to take it too seriously:


this is actually the used to be a gathering place for dedicated interested people who took this place seriously and built a great community...
now it becomes a place of OT banter, leetspeek and funny pics, infested with people that are just here for the entertainment and fannying about.

why do people who see it like that don't just piss off to HCAF? there's plenty of that bullshit to be had there!

I seriously which I could just ban 50% of the peolpe on the forum, get the old-timers back on board (many good people have left already!) and turn it back into the place it once used to be....where 95% of the people were here for the info and love for music/production.

fuck, I know I sound like a bitter old man, but I'm just speaking the truth!
we had the creme de la creme of metal posting here, now we just have some kids that try to turn this place into another Harmony Central.
makes me sick
I honestly doubt that this place is infested with people just fannying about. *Maybe* in the off topic forum, but that's what off topic is... a place to shit the shoot, shoot the shit, and talk bullshit. But everywhere else there is still good stuff happening.

I've been to a lot of forums over the years, and I tell ya, this place is one of the best. Because of the good balance of titting about, and knowledge. Honestly... I'd let go of this utopia that you keep referring to, because chances are it was never like you remember it, and its just the product of romanticism.

And also; James earlier mentioned that he doesn't really want the forum to be filled with "tender arsed crap" (I'm paraphrasing here) ... well, I'm sorry, but the only tender arsed crap that I can see is from you seasoned Sneapers... who are bitching and moaning about the good ol' days.

I bet Gareth is laughing his arse off at all this inanity.
Also; may I just point out that quite a lot of the threads I've started in non-off-topic areas are in the equipment forum. That's because equipment is massively interesting to me; I love the discussions on tubescreamers, amps, and all that. I've posted quite a bit in the production tips forum, sometimes to help others, sometimes to ask for help myself. This forum was basically a massive resource for me, when recording my bands album, and I couldn't have done it without this place.

So I'd like to thank everyone who posts information and tips for the rest of us; I sincerely do appreciate it. James has helped me various times with Pro Tools peculiarities, and various other people have helped me learn how how to mix; just by using the search function, and reading huge ass threads! I don't think I've ever made any posts related to mixing, because it is all there for the taking anyway.

I used to be a KVR regular, and still go there occasionally. I left because it just got boring; I think its fine if you've reached that point with the Sneap forum. It's going to happen eventually. But I don't think the place is as bad as you make it out.
It may seem like the reminiscing is too-good-to-be-true bullshit... but that's not the case. As far as 'tender arsed crap'... you've been reading a different forum than the one I've seen, apparently, because there are far fewer old-timers complaining than twats who get their panties in a knot over anything that isn't ego-stroking. Go to a mix-rating thread and spend three pages describing everything you didn't like in a mix and see how well it's received. Now we have a bunch of stupid cunts who have no idea where they are or who they're talking to (like the 'sandra-' character above) and far fewer threads like the ones that we have to constantly link to because few people can ask new questions. Before recommending that the old farts let go of the 'utopia', you should probably examine whether or not you have any idea what has changed in the last few years. Since you seem to have the situational awareness of the average banana, though, it would be easier to just advise you to go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut and it's getting increasingly difficult to not do just that.

Is the past going to be idealized? Sure. Is it inaccurate? Occasionally. Is this forum still anywhere near what it used to be? Doubtful, at best...

EDIT: How many new FAQS and serious technique debates are we seeing now? Hell, that's not the only problem - I've been waiting on feedback on several things so that I know what to write about next, as have several other people, and... nothing. It's not like it would matter much, since they'd be so rarely used and would receive a tenth of the traffic that 'how do jerk off to pointless fucking meme?' or 'The internet needs one more thread about boobs!' will take. I'll throw in my own experience... there used to be all sorts of technical oddities to explain and I could get a lot done by turning them into mathematics problems. Now the most technical stuff I do with anyone on this forum is an occasional bit of C++ debugging or math tutoring as a personal favor over an instant messenger.

There's just no comparison, and we can't escape the fact that there are so many new people are coming in with no idea what their place should be and enough of a sense of entitlement to mouth off at anyone who disagrees with them. It seems like we've been relying on inertia for quite some time - on top of that, several of the big names have left, and of those who remain many are understandably having a hard time coming back. We're running out of good questions and good resources very quickly.

Lasse, just do it.


I like bananas. Look, I'm aware of what has changed; like I said... I've used the search function, gone back, read entire threads, I know the score. But things change, they always will. No sense in bemoaning it. If Lasse did decide to do just that; would be no skin off my nose. I'd just move on and find somewhere else that caters to my needs. The Electrical Audio forum... not visited there in a while. Crammed full of useful information, and some nice people there, and for the pics of bunnies, there is always 4chan or Gearslutz. ;)
Bemoaning, bitching, and whining on their own may be senseless... but when there are many trying to improve things, only to be met by the kind of behaviour that led to (and persisted in) this thread and the fact that 'Let's rate movies, argue about operating systems we're unqualified to talk about, and jerk off to video games!' are just more important, you can't dismiss what's being said here as dead parrots pining for the fjords.

Nah, I'm not trying to just outright dismiss what you folks are saying; I do appreciate it. But I just don't think its gotten THAT bad yet. Anyway.. we truly are buggering a dead horse in Tom Green fashion here, so I think I'll bow out now and go and shower.
ha ha ha perfect example of the kind of of tender-arsed crap i've been on about... not to mention the the troll aspect of just popping up in a forum that's been running strong with an established dynamic for several years, and criticizing it, and people that are part of it, based on practically no knowledge at all of what it once was to all of us who've been here a while. you know what? you lot all just have fun with each other.. you've ruined this place (not you personally, just the bum-rush of a fuck-tonne of like-minded newcomers that, rather than getting a feel for the place and fitting in, just plop down and start wrecking the joint. busting into an already crowded room with next to no perspective on the dynamic and ongoing dialogue within, and mouthing off with newbie-minded, tender-arsed dribble = retarded.).
FYI... there have been, since this forum's inception, close to 10 members, if not more, that have gone on to professional careers in audio.

oh and guess what else?... you've just been the target of a rant from a "wannabe" pro!
Calm down. I just asked a serious question how many "real pros" are here.
I'm no troll or anything. Of course i am very very sorry for stating my opinion even tho i don't have pro studio equipment.

oh and guess what else?... I didn't criticize anything.

Now we have a bunch of stupid cunts who have no idea where they are or who they're talking to (like the 'sandra-' character above)
Hey 'JBroll' cunt character.
What exactly did i do and why am i a cunt?

This is off-topic. When i invade a superpro thread of you and infect it with my non-metal newbness you can call me stupid cunt.
wow, so close to 50 posts and so close to getting banned.....
this forum is really getting better and better....
lots of people in this forum have got a , lets say, "strong" character...people Like JAmes, JBroll, myself etc can be quie a dick sometimes, but the people that have been around here long enough know how to take that and know how it's meant....
surprisingly none of the oldtimers EVER had trouble with that.
lately everyone seems to feel offended and reacts in an offensive manner in return....
This might sound elitist, but I'd strongly advice to learn the mechanics of the forum and be a bit humble and passive before you're making enemies.
I've always been a dick and an asshole for example, but I doubt many of the old-timers will complain about that...same goes for Jeff, Glenn, James, Ermz etc....

die Leute hier sind Musiker von KSE, Despised Icon, ausserdem Leute wie JEns Bogren, Colin Richardson, Mark Lewis, James Murphy...und natürlich Andy Sneap...
und viele Mehr!
Übe dich einfach erstmal in Bescheidenheit und lerne das Forum etwas kennen und wie die Sachen hier laufen, es ist hier ein wenig anders als in den meisten anderen Foren....
wenn du dir gleich am Anfang nur Feinde machst wirst du hier keine lange Zeit haben.


Wenn mich Jemand "stupid cunt" nennt ohne Grund, nenne ich ihn auch so.
Ich wollte wirklich wissen, wieviele hier "pro" sind, nachdem ich etwas von dem "Attack Attack"-Thread gelesen habe, weil das da alles mehr als lächerlich klingt.
Da muss man nicht gleich austicken. Es ist ja nicht so, dass ich irgendwo nen Thread aufgemacht hätte "Hi i newb wieviele pros here fuckers? lolz."

Edit: Ich habe nicht mal grossartig ein Problem damit wie mich irgendein "JBroll", den ich persönlich nicht kenne nennt. Aber wenn mich jemand ohne echten Grund beleidigt, dann schreib ich halt zurück wenn ich Lust habe.
Wenn ihr keine Leute haben wollt die weniger als 3000 posts haben, dann solltet ihr die registrierung schliessen.
If the second part of your question hasn't already been answered, it might have something to do with sweeping, useless generalizations that entirely miss the point of more informed posts... the whole 'playing victim because every wannabe pro is a wanker with a badger up his ass' card you played didn't help either.

When you say something stupid, people get to call you stupid. That's just the way it works - on-topic or off-topic, 'super-pro' or only reasonably-pro, get used to having people say what they think and having responses to your actions. Don't pretend that you're being called out for no reason,.

Jeff etc: the difficulty is that I can't ban people from the sneapforum only....and just "being annoying" isn't enough to ban them from UM...Metalages wouldn't approve a mass-ban like that ;)
I wish there was the possibility of banning pople just from the sneap Forums...or making it "invite only" or so....a trial period would be great also...
but for now I think we just have to live with it as it mcuh as that sucks
Lasse: Ban me if you want. If i stepped so much on your toes.

If the second part of your question hasn't already been answered, it might have something to do with sweeping, useless generalizations that entirely miss the point of more informed posts... the whole 'playing victim because every wannabe pro is a wanker with a badger up his ass' card you played didn't help either.
I didn't play victim. In fact. From reading a lot in this forum. I found out that a lot of questions and threads of new people are not welcome here. That's why i didn't ask a lot of questions. And that's what i just said in that oh so whiney post. Calm down. Look at my post history or my started threads and tell me how much of a disrespectful troll i am.

I've been reading this forum passive for long enough. If you want me to ban cause i destroyed your world with one stupid question so shall it be. I guess i can live with that :)
thing is....I'm not a communist and I'm perfectly fine with putting people in drawers.....not everyone is equal to me ;)
I mean...people like Jeff, Glenn, James, Goddamn, MKS, DSS, Brett etc...all the have some kind of diplomatic immunity.
you may call that nazi or whatever, but that's just how it is...those are the people who made this forum a great place, and as unfair as it may sound far as I'm concerned....those people can do whatever they want...and none of them ever used it, they all supplied great info and help over and over again....

someone that just stepped in and who's first action is to bitch about/against someone like James Murphy just doesn't have the same "value" to the forum IMO.

and my goal is to help restoring the value the forum once had
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