gareth says hi.

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how the hell do you think throwing in some shit about "paranoia" and "drinking too much coffee" at the end of what could otherwise have been a reasonable reply could do anything other than make you look like a passive-aggressive shit starter, eh? for fuck's sake, do you really need this explained to you? lol

Dude; it's called a sense of humour!! Plus, you were being a little paranoid. Whatever man. I got no beef with you; I just misread your initial post, that's all.
ha ha ha.. there you go again, characterizing my words just exactly how you want to; "you were being a little paranoid"... thank you Dr. Freud!

no... it's not called a sense of humour, it's call passive-aggressive behaviour, and it's condescending and lame... anyway, it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you! (now THAT's humour :lol:).
What's with all that "pro" talk here? How many of the regular posting people here are really "pro"? 3? 4?

Also... Arrogance = bad and stupid.

It has its effect sometimes though. I - for example - didn't ask a lot of question just because of the general "elite tone" that is on this board here and then i would just end up being target of a rant of some wannabe pro.
err... more like a strange interpretation of what i said. here's something that you should be able to understand... practice reading more.

jeebus, some of you guys just read what the hell you want to read, the way you want to read it. i meant they should read the story i wrote, so they know how it often is for guys that are going for a career via the intern/assistant route as a launch point...

It's funny because this is true no matter what the career.

You think it's hard being an intern/assistant in a studio? - Try being a commis chef (essentially an intern under a positional chef in a traditional French hierarchical based restaurant.) In my previous life I worked my way up to sous-chef in a very reputable restaurant here in Connecticut after attending culinary arts school.

I worked for a saucier that kept me on my toes, usually with various insults and profanities thrown in for good measure. It was very much like the example you gave - I'd make a mistake and he would tell me to leave. In any career, people need to learn from their mistakes and move on - learn what they need to to be the best they can be at their chosen career. while he was a bitch to work for - he taught me enough to finally make the moves I needed to to build up my repertoire until I made the move to sous-chef.

Unfortunately a medical issue ended that career and made me reassess my options (to bad I was not interested in music production back then or I would have chosen that.) But, I love what I do now and it pays the bills and allows me to buy shit!

The lesson - learn something from every interaction. Experience, grow, progress - wash, rinse, repeat. I hope Gareth learns from this and comes back looking to helping out folks without all the previous shit that tended to get attached to his attempt to voice his opinion. Like I said in the other thread it was often like watching a monkey in a shit fight. He may have his reasons for throwing shit around, but it's still unpleasant to watch.
What's with all that "pro" talk here? How many of the regular posting people here are really "pro"? 3? 4?

Also... Arrogance = bad and stupid.

It has its effect sometimes though. I - for example - didn't ask a lot of question just because of the general "elite tone" that is on this board here and then i would just end up being target of a rant of some wannabe pro.

ha ha ha :lol: perfect example of the kind of of tender-arsed crap i've been on about... not to mention the the troll aspect of just popping up in a forum that's been running strong with an established dynamic for several years, and criticizing it, and people that are part of it, based on practically no knowledge at all of what it once was to all of us who've been here a while. you know what? you lot all just have fun with each other.. you've ruined this place (not you personally, just the bum-rush of a fuck-tonne of like-minded newcomers that, rather than getting a feel for the place and fitting in, just plop down and start wrecking the joint. busting into an already crowded room with next to no perspective on the dynamic and ongoing dialogue within, and mouthing off with newbie-minded, tender-arsed dribble = retarded.).
FYI... there have been, since this forum's inception, close to 10 members, if not more, that have gone on to professional careers in audio.

oh and guess what else?... you've just been the target of a rant from a "wannabe" pro! :p

Jind has it right on the money though, and is an exemplar of the type of person here that' s invited to stay in touch with me and ask any questions they like via my AIM, moving forward.... just be prepared to wait sometimes, i'm often working and can't always respond super quickly.

James - Been a fan of yours for a really long time (actually listened to "Touching the Earth" today off of Convergence -- awesome song, by the way), and when I first joined I was so stoked that you were on here, I think I read every one of your posts. You seem like a real decent and down to earth guy, and I will miss reading your posts man.

If you decide to split for good well, that sucks, but - Good luck James... much success to ya brother! :rock:
The problem with the internet is that it gives everyone a voice. Now *that* is truly an arrogant thing to say, but look at the comments to just about any youtube video and the validity of that statement becomes unquestionable. think of it this way. It puts everyone on an even playing field. So you could be reading one of my posts on Gearslutz, but then David Bendeth could post just after and what's there to set us apart if we're both posting anonymously? What if our ideas were directly opposed? Who would you be more inclined to believe in real life? The internet can obscure these things so shit-talkers like yours truly downplay the relevance of things said by true pros. There is a hierarchy in real life for a reason. That's why you listen to the first engineer and not the intern about where to put the mic on your cab. Here you've got the first engineer outnumbered by the 'interns' about 20 to 1, and they are all louder. Whoopee.

The real life professional environment is a testament as to why interns/assistants/bystanders are best seen and not heard.

James' posts can frequently be cold and to-the-point, and at times even seemingly adversarial, but you've got the reasoning for it outlined on the other page. This is how it's done out there. Just because cheap gear has put the recording profession within reach of everyone, doesn't mean everyone is cut out for it. If anything it's even more invaluable to have attitudes such as his in this day and age. There's much much more weeding out to be done.
Why does every goddamn forum I hang on turn into crumbles... ;(

I don't even know why I even bother reading topics like this... total waste of time...

...but as of right now I'm bouncing a track anyways so not complete waste of time ;)
guize, guize, thread starter, i'm going to put a conclusion, epilogue, and hopefully a [/thread] this time.

*cue triumphant college graduation-esque background music*

we, as sneapsters, as a forum, are more civilized, helpful, intuitive and positive, and a more tightly knit community of strangers-that-aren't, than any other forum even remotely similar to us on teh entire intarwebs. (FACT.)

we as sneapsters have a level of integrity, articulation, and dignity, previously unbeknownst to internet kind, as far as a culmination of strangers go... and the e-scuffles that we've endured these past few days are uncharacteristic. but let it not cloud our vision of ourselves, as teh truly epic metal production forum ...perpetually.

when a total n00b comes in, and asks some silly question... about why his metalzone going into a PC microphone jack doesn't sound right going into acid 4.0... do we ridicule him, flame him, and post humorous lolcats about why he should kill himself?!

no. we jeer him gently, give solid advice about where to start, an encouraging slap on the butt cheek and send him on his way. with the occasional lolcat, ONLY when totally witty and appropriate for the thread. lose faith in your fellow sneapsters, is... .......... ....well in the long run not a very huge deal, but we should take pride!! would i rather be at gearslutz than here?! fuckno!!!! if i pick up a new set of SDC's and am curious as to what my trusted fellow sneapsters are using for pre's for overheads on this particular set of SDC's, you better believe that i have faith in expecting a piece of golden valuable advice from PROFESSIONALS, SEMI-PRO's, and ASPIRING PRO'S, all equally as valuable. and that's what i'd get!! what would i get on gearslutz?! some elitest dimwit answer suggesting i'm retarded for not already knowing what the entire forum regards as "the best" preamp for overheads.

the point is, guize, let's not sell ourselves short. there's alotta members here james, and i think it's a safe bet that 99% of them (or anyone that frequently reads production tips, anyway) would sorely miss your presence.

aaand i've broken my own previously declared rule of no more drunk sneap-posting. whoops. been sober since monday, too.

p.s..... don't get me wrong, kate (of kates playground) is still totally fappable, hoof or not.
ha ha ha :lol: perfect example of the kind of of tender-arsed crap i've been on about... not to mention the the troll aspect of just popping up in a forum that's been running strong with an established dynamic for several years, and criticizing it, and people that are part of it, based on practically no knowledge at all of what it once was to all of us who've been here a while. you know what? you lot all just have fun with each other.. you've ruined this place (not you personally, just the bum-rush of a fuck-tonne of like-minded newcomers that, rather than getting a feel for the place and fitting in, just plop down and start wrecking the joint... busting into an already crowded room with next to no perspective on the dynamic and ongoing dialogue within, and mouthing off with newbie-minded, tender-arsed dribble = retarded.).
FYI... there have been, since this forum's inception, close to 10 members, if not more, that have gone on to professional careers in audio.

oh and guess what else?... you've just been the target of a rant from a wannabe pro! :p

Jind has it right on the money though, and is an exemplar of the type of person here that' s invited to stay in touch with me and ask any questions they like via my AIM, moving forward.... just be prepared to wait sometimes, i'm often working and can't always respond super quickly.


I feel everything you have been saying a lot James. I have been frequenting this forum since my band toured with The Absence years ago and one of those dudes told me about it while he chatted with James on AIM. I think that was something like 5 years ago. The attitude on here has changed quite a bit and its a real bummer sometimes. BUT I mean this kind of stuff is gonna happen I guess:erk:.

I can remember Ermz helping me out in one of my first posts years ago and being very kind and insightful and I will always be thankful of that. I will always be very grateful of all the help I have ever been given from this forum and great bunch of dudes. Either or I don't post here much anymore either bc I just feel the dynamic isn't the same. I still have loads of respect for all you dewds though.
It's tough love. Some people just find it hard to dig out the lifesaving advice within what easily seems to be arrogant and elitist. I remember clearly how I coiled a mic cable the wrong way when I first stepped into a real studio when I was fifteen. I felt like dying at the moment, but needless to say I now know how to coil cables ;)
ha ha ha :lol: perfect example of the kind of of tender-arsed crap i've been on about... not to mention the the troll aspect of just popping up in a forum that's been running strong with an established dynamic for several years, and criticizing it, and people that are part of it, based on practically no knowledge at all of what it once was to all of us who've been here a while. you know what? you lot all just have fun with each other.. you've ruined this place (not you personally, just the bum-rush of a fuck-tonne of like-minded newcomers that, rather than getting a feel for the place and fitting in, just plop down and start wrecking the joint... busting into an already crowded room with next to no perspective on the dynamic and ongoing dialogue within, and mouthing off with newbie-minded, tender-arsed dribble = retarded.).
FYI... there have been, since this forum's inception, close to 10 members, if not more, that have gone on to professional careers in audio.

oh and guess what else?... you've just been the target of a rant from a wannabe pro! :p

I had to quote this in bold letters, cause it's so true and somes it up so well
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