gareth says hi.

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Then we can agree to disagree, but I think sometimes you have to be arrogant/confident/whatever as that is your position to be so as the engineer, or else you will get walked all over by bands/management/whoever.

I have been working with bands for a good number of years now on a weekly basis, maybe I'm just bitter and tired of the same old bullshit over and over

I don't think arrogant is what you mean, just because you are tired of the same ole bs.....does not mean you're better than the person bsing you. you can be confident as well as assertive, but being arrogant is not cool.
I think Pro stands for making money for living out of recording.....
I´m fine with this definition and I have to say, NO PRO on this forum was arrogant or asshole-like IMO

Media-technics are very new (film and audio) they are around 100 years old + - some years...There is a lot of hype and myths around and thats why there is no clear definition about what makes you a PRO.

But one thing can be said:
Posting bullshit on an open-forum and dissing people who share their knowledge with you DONT MAKE YOU A BETTER AE.
Take a listen to Brian's work. The quality is on par with Joey at the moment and other Sneapsters have also commented on the similarities between the two.

I realy dont know what this has to do with anything???
They both use SSD and Podfarm, and they produce the same kind of music (besides Attack attack:) )

Bands want that sound and they get it.

But this shit is all 360° or sin pi/2 (and as an AE we should know what that means :D )
I don't think arrogant is what you mean, just because you are tired of the same ole bs.....does not mean you're better than the person bsing you. you can be confident as well as assertive, but being arrogant is not cool.

Fair enough, and for the record I never said I was better than anyone
I fail to see what's so funny.
Take a listen to Brian's work. The quality is on par with Joey at the moment and other Sneapsters have also commented on the similarities between the two.

joey is working oh his producing not so much his engineering. from what i've heard

also brian hood is a bad ass but i like joshuawickmans mixes a bit better. they are both fucking epic
I think the main point I was trying to make was that arrogance is often confused with confidence and assertiveness, and I was NOT saying that it is right to dog other people because you think (or know? haha) that you are better at this or that. I know that's not what my original post said.

Everyone starts from somewhere, and I remember when I first came to this forum Joey was just another dude trying to learn all he could, and charging $1500 for an entire album I think? Now that he's taken it to another level there's some animosity towards him, for being successful?

I think Garth is a funny dude, eh makes me laugh sometimes, but sometimes he does act like that "stereotypical 18 year old in his mom's basement."
all this talk of arrogance... reminds me of a story from my first internship, years ago.... a session with some guys from UFO was in the studio and "big shot" (for real) engineer Steve Fonatano was at the helm... the session was on 2", IIRC, with a small PT 5.x system on a side-car for fly-in edits. i didn't know PT very well at the time, though i did have the exact same system at home (PT 5.x with an AM III card in a Mac Quadra 650, woo hoo). i hadn't had the system long, and was much more adept with Opcode Studio Vision.

Anyway, for whatever reason the PT Editor booked for the session didn't show.... so Steve asked me if i could fill the seat... i didn't hesitate, "sure, i have the same system at home". so i hopped in the chair and he watched me "go fish" in the menus twice in the first minute before he promptly and coldly said, "get up, you're done".

my first thought was, "what an arrogant prick". but it motivated me to learn PT well... to learn every shortcut, and to be able to operate as quickly, efficiently, and accurately as possible... and to this day i've not had the occasion to thank him. i will correct that one of these days... he did me a great service by not being "nice" to me. and you know, this is the way i found it to be as an intern, and then as an assistant, in the studios i worked at/in in the SF/Berkeley area in the early to mid 90's. the engineers were hard on us (and pretty cold and demeaning, often)... but that would motivate us to do better, and as we got better, sharper, more professional, they would become commensurately more personable and friendly, and eventually camaraderie would develop. it was a time-honored system, and a good one... it weeded out the weak, and hardened, honed, and sharpened the strong.

so personally, i take it as badge of honor when newer guys think i'm arrogant... because i know that it won't be long before they are either my peers, or have fucked off back to the 9-5.

so if you were referring to me at all, by all means don't bother to dance around it... if you take me to be arrogant, well... you're supposed to. all that's really important is if you have the proper follow-up reaction to that emotion (hint: it's NOT to spend more than just a few brief moments bitching about it).

if you don't get how it was uncalled for and not to be tolerated on this forum to trash anyone's work to that degree, no matter their esteem in the industry, no matter their level of skill, no matter whether they work in top studios or out of their bedrooms, or that the prohibition of that behavior should have nothing whatsoever to do with it having any real ability to do any actual harm... well then i just throw my hands up in defeat, Herr Colonel :erk:

honestly, maybe it makes me a total douche myself, but i don't even really see anything wrong with what gareth said

it was pretty dickish, there's no doubt there, but if his opinion is that joey is some sort of hack who represents everything that's wrong with the music industry, then that's his opinion, and he has every right to express it....just like joey has every right to tell to him fuck right off and go back to making hit records

like i expressed in my earlier post...gareth is some no-name kid who does shit on the hobbyist level, while joey is one of the most in-demand young producers in the game, and i doubt that any band, label, or other entity who may require joey's services in the future will neglect to do so because gareth talked some shit
honestly, maybe it makes me a total douche myself, but i don't even really see anything wrong with what gareth said

it was pretty dickish, there's no doubt there, but if his opinion is that joey is some sort of hack who represents everything that's wrong with the music industry, then that's his opinion, and he has every right to express it....just like joey has every right to tell to him fuck right off and go back to making hit records

like i expressed in my earlier post...gareth is some no-name kid who does shit on the hobbyist level, while joey is one of the most in-demand young producers in the game, and i doubt that any band, label, or other entity who may require joey's services in the future will neglect to do so because gareth talked some shit
you miss the point again... i thought it was clear... it's not about careers or slander... that argument could be made of course, and it's def worth noting that such posts are potentially slanderous, but as you've pointed out it doesn't hold much water in reality. no, it's about civility here, on the forum. arguing is fine, but shit like that episode, if allowed to continue unchecked, will eventually degrade this place beyond usefulness for any of us (case and point: HCAF)... so it's best not to allow a precedent to be set. clearly, the mods felt it needed dealing with. over and done. Gareth can prob come back tomorrow or the next day if he likes, and we can move on.
all this talk of arrogance... reminds me of a story from my first internship, years ago.... a session with some guys from UFO was in the studio and "big shot" (for real) engineer Steve Fonatano was at the helm... the session was on 2", with a small PT 5.x system on a side-car for fly-in edits. i didn't know PT very well at the time, though i did have the exact same system at home (PT 5.x with an AM III card in a Mac Quadra 650, woo hoo). i hadn't had the system long, and was much more adept with Opcode Studio Vision.

Anyway, for whatever reason the PT Editor booked for the session didn't show.... so Steve asked me if i could fill the seat... i didn't hesitate, "sure, i have the same system at home". so i hopped in the chair and he watched me "go fish" in the menus twice in the first minute i was in the chair before he promptly and coldly said, "get up, you're done".

my first thought was, "what an arrogant prick". but it motivated me to learn PT well... to learn every shortcut, and be able operate as quickly, efficiently, and accurately as possible... and to this day i've not had the occasion to thank him. i will correct that one of these days... he did me a great service by not being "nice" to me. and you know, this is the way i found it to be as an intern, and then as an assistant in the studios i worked at/in in the SF/Berkeley area in the early to mid 90's. the engineers were hard on us (and pretty cold and demeaning often)... but that would motivate us to do better, and as we got better, sharper, more professional, they would become commensurately more personable and friendlier, and eventually camaraderie developed. it was a time-honored system, and a good one... it weeded out the weak, and hardened, honed, and sharpened the strong.

so personally, i take it as badge of honor when newer guys think i'm arrogant... because i know that it won't be long before they are either my peers, or have fucked off back to the 9-5.

so if you were referring to me at all, by all means, don't bother to dance around it... if you take me to be arrogant, well... you're supposed to. all that's really important is if you have to proper follow-up to reaction to that emotion (hint: it's NOT to spend more than just a few brief moments bitching about it).


when i was going to school for engineering, the guy who taught our courses had a pretty solid reputation around campus for being an arrogant prick...he's an extremely accomplished jazz musician & engineer who is also the head of the performing arts division at the school, and he designed/built basically the entire studio there himself...anyways, after 2 years under his tutelage, it slowly became clear to me that he isn't arrogant, he's just 100% professional - he treated students in the recording classes and jazz band the same he would treat engineers and session players in the real world...which was do the job, do it now, do it right, or GTFO. some people learned to handle the demands and pressure, and get better at their craft, while others got all butthurt and cried about it, and usually dropped their music courses or transferred elsewhere.

from what i can tell, this is the same basic attitude that's shared by pretty much all of the "old-school" guys...probably because they were paying $1000's of dollars a day to book magnificent rooms and track everything to tape, and as i'm sure we all know the slightest fuck-up could prove to be extremely costly
you miss the point again... i thought it was clear... it's not about careers or slander... that argument could be made of course, and it's def worth noting that such posts are potentially slanderous, but as you've pointed out it doesn't hold much water in reality. no, it's about civility here, on the forum. arguing is fine, but shit like that episode, if allowed to continue unchecked, will eventually degrade this place beyond usefulness for any of us (case and point: HCAF)... so it's best not to allow a precedent to be set. clearly, the mods felt it needed dealing with. over and done. Gareth can prob come back tomorrow or the next day if he likes, and we can move on.

gotcha...i sort of skimmed my way through this trainwreck of a thread, and thought that you were taking issue with gareth's voicing his displeasure with a pro's work as much as you were the manner in which he expressed his displeasure

i def. agree that he went about saying what he had to say in the wrong way, and a forced vacation was definitely well-earned...but i still also feel that the users of this forum should still retain the right to say something is crap if they believe it to be
when i was going to school for engineering, the guy who taught our courses had a pretty solid reputation around campus for being an arrogant prick...he's an extremely accomplished jazz musician & engineer who is also the head of the performing arts division at the school, and he designed/built basically the entire studio there himself...anyways, after 2 years under his tutelage, it slowly became clear to me that he isn't arrogant, he's just 100% professional - he treated students in the recording classes and jazz band the same he would treat engineers and session players in the real world...which was do the job, do it now, do it right, or GTFO. some people learned to handle the demands and pressure, and get better at their craft, while others got all butthurt and cried about it, and usually dropped their music courses or transferred elsewhere.

from what i can tell, this is the same basic attitude that's shared by pretty much all of the "old-school" guys...probably because they were paying $1000's of dollars a day to book magnificent rooms and track everything to tape, and as i'm sure we all know the slightest fuck-up could prove to be extremely costly
yep, and fuck-ups are still costly, in time if nothing else (and who has much of that to piss away these days?), so it's still a great model. can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

and yeah, before anyone whines... i'm well aware that many here are avowed hobbyists with no pretensions to, or desire for, a professional career. doesn't mean you shouldn't be exposed to how it really is for young interns & assistants in the real world.
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