gareth says hi.

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Öwen;8729772 said:
......Garth is a kewl guy......


"Yeah! You just got skool'd you n00b!"

... and you don't think that stuff ALREADY enables a hostile atmosphere?

I said personal insults are unprofessional and create an unproductive, hostile atmosphere.

I don't differentiate between noobs and established members concerning this and I never said any different. When Gareth used to rip some new guys into pieces lately, I absolutely thought his tone was not right and if I was a moderator I would have already warned him.

Some noobs need some harsher or more direct words thrown at them because they obviously don't care to read the stickies, use the search function or to post in the right section. But still, you don't need personal insults for that.
Öwen;8729728 said:
Have you started intentionally spelling his name wrong too? I've been doing that for the last two weeks :lol:

Yup, ever since that brilliant Nectar and Fuel quote I could never resist :D
I said personal insults are unprofessional and create an unproductive, hostile atmosphere.

I don't differentiate between noobs and established members concerning this and I never said any different. When Gareth used to rip some new guys into pieces lately, I absolutely thought his tone was not right and if I was a moderator I would have already warned him.

Some noobs need some harsher or more direct words thrown at them because they obviously don't care to read the stickies, use the search function or to post in the right section. But still, you don't need personal insults for that.

I think that anyone insulting people personally isn't really right, but if the insults are being thrown at someone's shitty mix of something like that, then insults are acceptable!
I said personal insults are unprofessional and create an unproductive, hostile atmosphere.

I don't differentiate between noobs and established members concerning this and I never said any different. When Gareth used to rip some new guys into pieces lately, I absolutely thought his tone was not right and if I was a moderator I would have already warned him.

Some noobs need some harsher or more direct words thrown at them because they obviously don't care to read the stickies, use the search function or to post in the right section. But still, you don't need personal insults for that.

Like I said.. the hostile atmosphere is already there; twas there before the whole Joey/Gareth thing by a looooooong shot.
I dunno, some pros here can sometimes be arrogant too, not wanting to name anyone (contributing to the hostile atmosphere), I think Gareth went pretty far but I dunno, in my head it makes sense and in yours it probably won't, but that's the way he is.

We just gotta take things with a grain of salt.
So if lets say you go to a guitar teacher,and he says to you ''man you suck,you play like shit'' ya aint gonna think he is a prick?

It's music guys.It suppose to be fun,even if it sucks.There are more serious stuff to fight/argue about.

Music is the most international language out there.Fighting about it is just not reasonable.
I think being a pro gives you permission to be arrogant because they actually know what the fuck they're talking about.

Not really. There's some unjustified elitism and arrogance towards some who wish to discuss stuff instead of not totally agree with their ideas.
I think being a pro gives you permission to be arrogant because they actually know what the fuck they're talking about.

Knowing what your talking about and arrogance do not go hand in hand. Arrogance is the lowest form of perceptual knowledge IMO. It dosen't give you the green card to demean other peoples efforts.
I think being a pro gives you permission to be arrogant because they actually know what the fuck they're talking about.

If anything it just means they have more of a reputation to uphold and should not be arrogant at all.
The arrogant, egotistical guy feels he's the best and doesn't have to improve.
The guys who stay humble can still look for weaknesses in their craft, take criticism and know they can keep learning and can keep progressing.
yowza, look what i've started :ill: sorry gareth, had no idea at all about any personal problems or intended to shed light on that... in fact my OP may have been a tad past intoxicated as tends to be the case fairly frequently. i need to put a sticky note on my monitor that says "NO DRUNK SNEAPSTER POSTS"
Öwen;8729772 said:
Speak for yourself :lol:

I've gotta find the "What genres other than metal do you listen to thread" now, I'm curious haha.
It's hard to imagine Sneap forumites not listening to metal, but I like Paramore, so........:p
basically goad him into acting aggressive to n00bs, and people that post often asked questions. People extoll JBroll (another guy I do respect) when he beats someone down; and it happens time and time again....

"Yeah! You just got skool'd you n00b!"

... and you don't think that stuff ALREADY enables a hostile atmosphere?

I'd like to think that people deserved it when I went off - the biggest ones that come to mind were people who mouthed off at established professionals to feel better about blowing oodles of money on useless shit or treated people poorly after begging for help they didn't want in the first place - and "YOU ARE ALL THAT HAS RUINED THE RIFFZORZ!" is incredibly far from that. I've also stopped doing that because it got past the point where I thought it was even remotely helpful.

The important thing is that (at least from what's been shown here) he's moving on and figuring out why things turned to shit. Maturity has nothing to do with avoiding mistakes and everything to do with making and learning from them - as someone whose progress in life is due solely to the ability to make mistakes with breathtaking efficiency, that's how I'd like to see the bullshit drama that just unfolded. If he's learning from it... great. Done. The mess from last week's shitflinging has been largely cleaned up, and I doubt anyone is losing sleep over it... learn, move on, grow up, and play nicely.

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