gareth says hi.

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No I mean actual shit in his life thats going on, the dude is really down at the moment.

I know what you meant, but the mods here aren't social workers. A five day ban is nothing, and I doubt a premature ban lift would really help with personal issues that Gareth is going through at the moment anyway.

+1 to slash's post.


Come on, you guys are talking like it happened between them in real life and you were watching. It's just the fucking internet. I'll never see how people can get so serious about things happened on a message board.

I'm kinda with you on this one. Maybe it's the Finnish mindset. I mean, we can't even buy a pack cigs without getting insulted by the clerk over here \o/
Come on, you guys are talking like it happened between them in real life and you were watching. It's just the fucking internet. I'll never see how people can get so serious about things happened on a message board.

An insult is an insult, no matter the medium. In some ways it's even worse than a face-to-face insult because doing it on here is very much public slander.

It's not really about if Joey even felt insulted or not, but things like this just degrade the quality of the forum and enable a hostile atmosphere. We really don't need that.

Many on here strife to be professionals, seek information, feedback etc. But using this place as a playground for personal tempers and neuroses is very much unprofessional and drives away the "professionals".
An insult is an insult, no matter the medium. In some ways it's even worse than a face-to-face insult because doing it on here is very much public slander.

It's not really about if Joey even felt insulted or not, but things like this just degrade the quality of the forum and enable a hostile atmosphere. We really don't need that.

Many on here strife to be professionals, seek information, feedback etc. But using this place as a playground for personal tempers and neuroses is very much unprofessional and drives away the "professionals".

I fully understand, I was mostly talking about how you guys deal with it afterwards.

I'm kinda with you on this one. Maybe it's the Finnish mindset. I mean, we can't even buy a pack cigs without getting insulted by the clerk over here o/

Hahahahaha, yeah, when my Mom was still in the corporate world she said she often had to go to a sort of tech-briefing by the head IT, a Finn named Hannou, who my Mom said had the driest wit she had ever encountered (and he called it the VYSIVIG :lol: )

And I've tried to stay out of this (mainly because half of the fucking thread in question had been deleted by the time I read it :Smug: ), but yeah, Garth is my homie, and I too look forward to his return
Gareth says....

"Just thought I'd set some things straight, cos when darthjujuu linked me to this on facebook this morning i facepalmed and figured id have to get someone to post something up for me at some point when people start talking horseshit in one way or another.

first, stop going on like "BRING HIM BAAAACK GUUIIISE" cos whether i got banned or not, i was planning on taking some time off from pretty much everything in general in order to re-asses my outlook on shit and the way i treat other people.
muckypup: please, man, shut the fuck up about my personal life? If I choose to talk to someone about shit that's up I don't expect some white knight to go onto the forum and go LOL HI GUISE. ive confided in the forum before, and people have been pleasant enough to offer help and support, considering the forums full of nice guys. but as of late i dont want the help, the sympathy or any sort of bullshit concessions made for me due to my mental state, and i sure as hell don't DESERVE any of that either.
and i know theres plenty of people on here who are sick to the teeth of me whining about how im consistently fucked, and to have people get the impression that im trying to get some sort of sympathy vote is pretty much the last thing i want right now. i dont particularly have any qualms with saying "shit" when someone goes "how are you?" but that's because i believe in speaking the truth, or attempting to, which is exactly what i did when i talked to muckypup the other day, but it was by no means some bullshit attempt to get everyones sympathy or to whine to get attention. so kindly stfu about all of that shit, muckypup, ty.
anyway, I made my bed and im sleeping in it, because despite the fact that yeah I'm pretty fucked up, I still know, ultimately, whats up. its not like im saying this shit behind a veil of clouded judgement or some shit. ive been an asshole to people who don't deserve it, full stop, which is unnacceptable.
ive been an overwhelmingly immature, vindictive individual for the past few months (past few years, perhaps, but more so as of late.) and for this i apolagise and is something im aiming to fix, because that's just not me.
as for the joey thing, far from my finest hour. i stand by my points and my opinions but i definately don't stand by the way in which i voiced them. id apolagise for it, but i dont get the impression sturgis would really give a shit, because after all, im just a kid mixing shit in his bedroom, my opinion literally means nothing, same goes for any attempt at an apolagy i could try and make, because at the end of the day he's raking in the cas. so fuck it.

either way, stop kicking up a fuss about me being banned, stop kicking up a fuss about my personal life. how about you guys forget i exist for a couple of weeks and get on with your lives just as i'm getting on with mine. i'll come back one day and attempt to EARN back people's respect rather than saying "HI GUIZ PLZ GIV ME RESPEKT" and expecting it with the snap of a finger. in the mean while im going to focus on being less of an asshole.
so how about we all kindly shut the fuck up about the joey thing, and we all kindly shut the fuck up about me. yeah? nice. cheers.

peace and fucking <3"
Well, there it is THEN, please :D

EDIT: Or maybe I'm retarded, nevermind :D (but I could've sworn there was a "then" at least some of the time)
Heh, this feels like he's communicating to us from the dead or something. "Tell them I said hi..."

But in all seriousness I hope he gets a chance to get things straight. Having a personal life screwed up screws everything up. If he does decide to come back and join the ranks, he's welcome on my end.

That sounded so gay. Let me rephrase. I'd welcome him back. There. That's better.
Preface this with: Gareth is a cool guy. Totally respect him, no matter what he says and does; coz we is on the same wavelennnnyyythhh.... innit bruv.

...enable a hostile atmosphere. We really don't need that.

Anyway... The problem with this is.... people would often chant Gareth on, and basically goad him into acting aggressive to n00bs, and people that post often asked questions. People extoll JBroll (another guy I do respect) when he beats someone down; and it happens time and time again....

"Yeah! You just got skool'd you n00b!"

... and you don't think that stuff ALREADY enables a hostile atmosphere? In fact.. we're all into METAL... you don't think that already enables a hostile atmosphere?

And before you rag on me about it; yes.. I know I'm often a douchebag. But that's life.
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