Gary Gygax Passes Away

Yippee - next Saturday I am scheduled to attend my first C&C game. I'm looking forward to it. The dice bag has not been rattled in ages. The books are dusty with age. And... well... see for yourself...


...but pay no attention to the website on the shirt - the server has been offline for a couple of years. The community started a new server over on The Bloodstone Lands.

oh, you people just do not understand what you may unleash should I be allowed to game again... :heh:
pardon me while I revive this thread all of a sudden, but I found a quote I had to share...

  • "It reminds me of one time where I saw some children talking about whether they liked radio or television, and I asked one little boy why he preferred radio, and he said, ‘Because the pictures are so much better.’" -Gary Gygax


and on a personal note, has anyone who played the older editions of AD&D ever had the opportunity to explore The Ruins of UnderMountain, whether as player or DM?

Yippee - next Saturday I am scheduled to attend my first C&C game. I'm looking forward to it. The dice bag has not been rattled in ages. The books are dusty with age. And... well... see for yourself...


...but pay no attention to the website on the shirt - the server has been offline for a couple of years. The community started a new server over on The Bloodstone Lands.

oh, you people just do not understand what you may unleash should I be allowed to game again... :heh:

Not to go too off topic here, but what'd you think of Half Life 2?
Biggs - I never played HalfLife. You'd have to ask Patrick about that one. And I think he mainly got it for the included Counterstrike expansion. The Ultima Online box up there was never installed either. I received that one as a gift, but never found the time to try it out. The BG and IWD series though each great, though I favor IWD a bit more. LOVED IT!

and back on topic concerning my last question... I guess no one ever played through The Ruins of UnderMountain in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting? :err:
and back on topic concerning my last question... I guess no one ever played through The Ruins of UnderMountain in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting? :err:

It was a half-baked box set... half "here it is" and half "do it yourself," which I found really off-putting. If I'm buying a big fucking box of a dungeon, I want the damn thing ready to play out of the box... if I was going to do it myself in the first place, I'd have done it myself in the first place.
It was a half-baked box set... half "here it is" and half "do it yourself," which I found really off-putting. If I'm buying a big fucking box of a dungeon, I want the damn thing ready to play out of the box... if I was going to do it myself in the first place, I'd have done it myself in the first place.

oh, ok... well, I enjoyed it for the most part. And still do. I was one of those DMs who filled in many of the empty halls and chambers with all manner of encounters and scenarios of my own devising. But that was years ago, and when I had much more time on my hands.

But the whole reason I bring it up in the first place is to share with everyone what I have gotten involved with lately: Back in Print Project.

And here you can find a picture of the all new Level 7 of UnderMountain with it's chief cartographer. And here is another picture of the Level 7 map side by side with the original Level 1 map. Pretty cool, eh? :cool: I am going to be assisting with Level 8 and 9 once I learn the cartography skills and Adobe Illustrator. Should be fun! :tickled:

Beyond that, I have found a group in the metro Atlanta area who I will be gaming with soon, once a month or every six weeks. We will be exploring the original campaign of UnderMountain. But do not fret, folks. As I plan to utilize many of my old AD&D modules into those large expanses of empty areas of UnderMountain. And since a few of these AD&D 2E gamers have not played through those older modules, it will be all new to them. ;)

But the whole reason I bring it up in the first place is to share with everyone what I have gotten involved with lately: Back in Print Project.

Fuck 4th edition. :) The real stuff is back with a vengeance.

My own forthcoming project, writing is 100% complete, just waiting for Aino to finish the art:
Fuck 4th edition. :) The real stuff is back with a vengeance.

heh - I hope you don't think the Back In Print stuff is being written for 4th edition. Far from it. They are concentrating their efforts on Basic through AD&D 2E, much like Dragonsfoot.

If it was 4th edition, I'd be avoiding it like the plague. :Puke:

One of the terrible things about being based in a small town is trying to find a decent group of people to play with. A good friend of mine who is attending the showcase is actually a huge AD&D fan, and we tried to get a game going with disastrous results. I also learned to never try to fill out your character sheet when there's Jager and Goldschlager to drink.
One of the terrible things about being based in a small town is trying to find a decent group of people to play with.

I always used to wonder "Who in the world would want to come to (say) Dragon*Con to sit in a room all weekend to game, when there's sooo much else going on?"

--And then you realize....many of the gamers there don't have a local community to game with, and they come to cons so they can actually play with like-minded souls.
One of the terrible things about being based in a small town is trying to find a decent group of people to play with. A good friend of mine who is attending the showcase is actually a huge AD&D fan, and we tried to get a game going with disastrous results. I also learned to never try to fill out your character sheet when there's Jager and Goldschlager to drink.

Is there a way to play AD&D without alcohol?

The problem here is not lack of players, it's lack of players who are not assholes or complete dorks. There aren't enough cool players.
Is there a way to play AD&D without alcohol?

I've been playing since December 1983 and there's never been alcohol in my game table.

The problem here is not lack of players, it's lack of players who are not assholes or complete dorks. There aren't enough cool players.

The key to role-playing happiness is to make new players and not to just draw from the people who already play.
I've been playing since December 1983 and there's never been alcohol in my game table.

We always used to drink when we played, though not to drunkenness. When you're playing for 8 or 10 hours, it's more of maintaining a steady buzz. You'd never last otherwise.

The key to role-playing happiness is to make new players and not to just draw from the people who already play.

I've tried that a few times with little success. The one notable success was my wife. Tried with a few other people though, and didn't get very far. I've always thought that the majority of people out there are mentally lazy, and as a result, for those people, learning a PnP RPG is just too much work. At least that seems to be what puts them off.

However, I think you're right. When I first played D&D I was much older than the stereotype. I think I was like 20 or 21, as were my friends. However, I remember how enthusiastic I was about it back then, and how much I loved it. You can only do something the first time once.
Yippee - try this place:

It worked well for me. Granted I found three of my current group through two other forums, but I found one of my players at Pen and Paper Games. And I have potentially one or two more from there as alternates.

And we're actually going old school and playing AD&D (mostly 2nd edition) instead of the 3.X editions. And forget 4th edition that is due out in June. It is being written strictly for the video game generation. I've seen some articles on it. And it's horrid. It takes everything we ever learned about roleplaying and tosses in right in the trash. It's all stats and monster races and... well, just garbage I tell you. :ill: No wonder Gary passed away. They've taken his dream and turned it into a perpetual nightmare.

Anyway, I digress. I have found a group at long last who wants to play the game as it was originally intended: an adventure game for roleplaying explorers. I am preparing to take them into the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, and more specifically UnderMountain - the gran'daddy of all dungeon crawls. :heh:
Once we get underway in a couple of more weekends, I'll be writing up a campaign journal. I'll be sure to post it here as well so that my fellow old schoolers can see what we're up to each month.

Should be fun. I haven't been this stoked about a tabletop AD&D game in more than 5 years! :tickled: woohoo!