Gates of metal show to be broadcasted (radio/online)

something strange in "the treason wall"... seems like mikael forgot to turn on the microphone for the first few lines of the lyrics.. :D

i'm uploading the file.. in about 30 mins i'll send the link to those who have requested it.

@plintus: no need dfor you to host it as my server is fast enough to cope with large traffic amounts. in any case, if you wish to host it anyway, please contact me by mail ;)
Thank you. :)

Only downside: I didn't know/realize it would be in .rar format. My computer can't read those files (i suspect it has something to do with me not having RealPlayer/RealOne installed on my computer, but i really wouldn't know). :(
UndoControl said:
Thank you. :)

Only downside: I didn't know/realize it would be in .rar format. My computer can't read those files (i suspect it has something to do with me not having RealPlayer/RealOne installed on my computer, but i really wouldn't know). :(

actually rar format is a zip format. just unzip it using winrar (or even winzip should do) and then u'll get all separate mp3 files to be played with whatever media-player you like :)
UndoControl said:
Then i must have confused .rar for .ram or something like that. Appy polly loggies; it's 5 in the morning and my brain cells are kind of begging me for at least a few hours of sleep.
ahahah ok! well, anyway, the original stream file was ram.. but i converted it into mp3! :)
Nt3N said:
something strange in "the treason wall"... seems like mikael forgot to turn on the microphone for the first few lines of the lyrics.. :D

i'm uploading the file.. in about 30 mins i'll send the link to those who have requested it.

@plintus: no need dfor you to host it as my server is fast enough to cope with large traffic amounts. in any case, if you wish to host it anyway, please contact me by mail ;)

well, whatever. No time for chit-chat :yuk:

edit: and I'm too lazy anyways :)
yes ok but there is a quality loss considering the flac files are compressed audio files.. what i mean is: any chance you can send to me the original wav filee so to make great quality mp3s?
i'm sorry about this.. but i've noticed that the program from which i recorded the stream also recorded some sounds of my pc (such as errors and stuff like this).. :( didn't notice before... but now I do.. :(

anyway, i'm downloading the flac versione from the torrent :)
Nt3N said:
i'm sorry about this.. but i've noticed that the program from which i recorded the stream also recorded some sounds of my pc (such as errors and stuff like this).. :( didn't notice before... but now I do.. :(

dt show - Windows remix :)

Imagine you had the mic on :D

//btw, did you check on that? :loco:
plintus said:
dt show - Windows remix :)

Imagine you had the mic on :D

//btw, did you check on that? :loco:

ahahaha no.. simply i erroneously thought that the program I used to record recorded just the audio from the stream.. instead it recorded all audio on my pc.. :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: luckily enough I was not listing to other music :)

anyway, I just got the high quality flac recording by Stefan, which is f*cking awesome! great audio!.. i could rip it in mp3 and replace the stream files.. cause the flac format implies each song being about 6-7 times bigger than mp3, for a total of over 350 mb for 12 songs.. but Stefan didn't seem to be very happy about that.. so I will not do that unless he gives me the permission to (which I hope he will) :)

only downside on stefan's rip.. some speech parts seem to be cut off :( so.. i hope he still has the original complete file (even in flac) with the full broadcasting.. stefan, hope to hear from u soon about this ;)

[edit] on dimeadozen i've also found a very old (and I think rare) rehearsal by DT

Dark Tranquillity
Rehearsal 1992

1. Skywards
2. My Faeryland Forgotten
3. Nightfall By The Shore Of Time
4. Alone
5. Everflaming
6. Sadow Duet (Only a few seconds!)

but no seeders are there, so i can't download it. anyone ever downloaded it or has it?
I can assure you that nothing is cut on my recording. It may seem like that when you're playing the flac's in WinAmp or whatever you use. Burn it to a cd, and you'll se that the track transitions are smooth.

About the mp3 thing; as I understand, most of you are more comfortable with mp3, so if you want to convert it to mp3, Nt3N, you get my permission. Just don't trade the mp3's like a normal audio cd as mp3 is far inferior quality.
@Stefan: well i wouldn't "trade" mp3-cds, but i'd host the mp3 files on my website for everyone to download them if it's ok with you.. and also: mp3 quality is inferior for sure.. but to hear such a great difference u should have professional stereo equipment, which i guess the lot hasn't.. so the difference is not even so wide if you think about it.. anyway.. will u give me the permission to host the mp3 files i've converted from your flac rip on my webserver?