Gay Myspace Profile of the day

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Puckfiend said:
His (?) parents must be proud.

I would consider myself as the worst parent of all time, and would immediatley put a gun in my mouth and blow the back of my head off.
Haha, that jeffreestar person..thing.. my friend showed me that profile a while back. We had fun trying to find out what gender he is. It is. She? He? :erk:
You want to Know about me eh?
Im Jake
so, Dont judge me on Appearances, Im not like you think, yes, im very vain, ill check my appearance in cars i walk past, and i cant stand looking bad. I LOVE my friends, id rather spend a day with them then my family anyday, they are much more beautiful than you, so go cry yes? Am i a nice guy? well, im nice to you, if i like you. If i dont, you'll hear about it. I love going out with my mates, well who doesnt, annddd wont pass up a MILKSHAKE! i love MilkShakes :)
I can be a reall dick'ed if im in a bad mood, or even if im in a good mood :) so be lucky, and dont catch me at bad times :) School, is like, bad m'kay?I love meeting new people, i go and talk to random people that look cool in the street, just because i am bored. Im normally very honest, if i dont think your pretty, ill tell you, i dont lie to people usually, unless its a special case.
Dont label me, i dont like it, i wont label you. I like most kinda of music, i like screamo, emo and i also like some rap :) its funn, but Lou and Sophie got me into it :)
If you add me, and write Thanks for the add.. I WONT TALK TO YOU! so dont do it!

if i see her i would but thankfully i don't thanks to school transfers so she can't really copy me
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