

New Metal Member
What gear do you guys use? From the DVD it looks like the GT-6 through a mesa or something, but I remember seeing the 5150 on both sides of the stage last time you were in Hamilton and I dont remember the floor board. I guess I can check all that out on the 28th though, haha. So what do you use? (other forum members post too :rock: )
I'll get it started :lol:

1983 B.C. Rich NJ Mockingbird
1984 B.C. Rich NJ Bich (Dimebucker in Bridge)
1985 B.C. Rich NJ ST (Kahler)
2002 B.C. Rich Virgin (Floyd Rose, EMG 81 in Bridge)
Audio-Technica 300 Series VHF Wireless System (live only)
BOSS GT-8 Guitar Effects Processor
Marshall MG100HDFX
Krank Krankenstein Dimebag Signature 4x12
Randall R412CXM 4x12

now GO!!
No ,hahaha

Bart has something like a Jackson SL2H-MAH Soloist, to a GT-6, going to the 5150 and then a 4x12 Marshall cab. Not sure about the guitar though...
SL2H-MAH -> GT6 -> 4 cable method into 5150 (original) -> marshall cab
Euro tour it'll be SL2H-MAH ->GT6 -> ENGL AMP -> Krank cab unless something changes in the next few weeks.
same cab as JF from Kataklysm? I love that cab, and have one also, from what he said when they played hamilton in august I believe its the same one I have. Have you ever had a problem with some of the gt-6's effects? my gt-8 doesnt seem to pitch shift properly when you hit more than one string, so it wont shift chords, haha. I love your guitar though, its soo nice.:OMG:
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh fucking nice guitar!!
Friend of mine just bought one like your, but only SL2h soloist in transparent black...soooooooooooooooooooooooo niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee