Gears of War...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I haven't been into video games in more than a dozen years. Not since my brothers and I would spend hours and hours battling at Madden '93. However, the wife bought me an Xbox 360 for my birthday and a 20" HDTV (which doubles as my PC monitor) for the holidays. After reading some reviews, I picked up Gears of War. Holy crap!. The graphics are just stunning. The gameplay is sick. I'm addicted.

I got a call from Amman the other day -- all he said was, "have you seen the clips for Gears of War? That's it, I'm getting an XBox 360".

I remember I once bought a Sega Dreamcast just for Res Evil Code Veronica.
heh, I want an xbox360 to get Gears of War and Oblivion. These 2 games are just amazing.
I want to see what the next revision of Oblivion looks like. I think GoW has redefined how to write a game to the metal (for the 360), and the games that follow the path it's blazed should be pretty awesome. The three games I'm most looking forward to are Halo 3 (obviously), Command and Conquer (the new version looks sick) and Lost Planet.


EDIT: Tranquillian beat me to it on Lost Planet... not quite as cool looking as Gears (I played the LP demo last night), but close.
Xbox360 has an AMAZING lineup for the next few months. I love how you have to utilize the ability of covering or you're dead in that game, just like in real life. My brother and his friends play on Insane mode and if you aren't covering , you're basically dead in 3 seconds.
i had my first experience with XBOX360 last week as well at a friends home ...
not a big video game freak either ... but played some racing game ... and holy crap !!!

there was a route covering the Manhattan and Brooklyn bridge here in NYC and I know these streets by heart ... every freaking building and guardrail was dead on identical ... total realism.

I am hooked as well ... but would be afraid that getting something like this would totally kill my time ... oh wait ...
Happy Birthday Zod
I need to trade in my XBOX for a 360. I read somewhere that GTA 4 is coming out this year.
Gears of War evolved from what was to be Unreal Championship a few years back on PC. Obviously, it evolved a lot. There's no reason for it not to be on PC, except that Microsoft paid them a buttload of money to make it a 360 exclusive. Why am I ranting? I dunno, must be tired.

My brother's copy of PC Zone (UK PC gaming mag, and a damned good one too) arrived today, and there's a brief feature on Gears Of War in the news section. Didn't actually read it, but I'm guessing it contains rumblings about the possibility of a PC conversion.
Gears of War rules; if I had an Xbox 360 I would be constantly playing it, but my fucking buddy won't let me play on his Xbox very much.
They've gone back and forth on it's PC status, but the official word is "don't hold your breath". They said the same about Halo, and it came out a year later. My guess is once they feel like anyone who would buy a 360 for it already has, they'll release the PC version to the rest of the people who want to play it but don't want a 360. I have been wrong before, though.