Gears of War...

Trust me, if a game makes enough money and is from a 3rd party programmer, it will find it's way across platforms. Resident Evil was billed as ultra exclusive to Sony for a long time, then of course suddenly wasn't.
I'm not suggesting that GoW II won't end up on PC or PS3. However, if MS has exclusive rights to it, than there's nothing to discuss.

Also, it's important to keep in mind, GoW was written for the 360 in much the same way Apple writes software for the Mac. Simply porting it over won't create the same flawless environment.

I'm not suggesting that GoW II won't end up on PC or PS3. However, if MS has exclusive rights to it, than there's nothing to discuss.

I suppose if MS wanted to "lock up" a game franchise, it certainly has the financial clout to easily do so - the only problem is that most 3rd party platforms want to dip their wicks in all available wells, and I think the only way to prevent a game franchise from platform crossover is to "lock up" the entire 3rd party. For example, if Sony had kept Capcom exclusively on it's payroll, Resident Evil would never have made its way over to Xbox, etc.

What I think actually happened in that case was that Sony had a contract with Capcom for a few years, then when the contract ran out, so did franchise exclusivity.

General Zod said:
Also, it's important to keep in mind, GoW was written for the 360 in much the same way Apple writes software for the Mac. Simply porting it over won't create the same flawless environment.

Sure - just because a brand is released across platforms, it's never actually the same game due to limitations of each individual system. There's no such thing as a true "port".
I suppose if MS wanted to "lock up" a game franchise, it certainly has the financial clout to easily do so - the only problem is that most 3rd party platforms want to dip their wicks in all available wells, and I think the only way to prevent a game franchise from platform crossover is to "lock up" the entire 3rd party. For example, if Sony had kept Capcom exclusively on it's payroll, Resident Evil would never have made its way over to Xbox, etc.
Here's a quote from a press release from MS:

REDMOND, Wash. — Dec. 15, 2006 — A video game champion has been crowned; “Gears of War” made history today by becoming the fastest-selling next-generation game of 2006 and the fastest-selling exclusive Xbox® game ever.

Microsoft Game Studios and Epic Games, Inc., today confirmed that “Gears of War,” the Xbox 360™-exclusive title, has sold more than 2 million copies worldwide since its release six weeks ago, with a stunning 1 million copies sold in the U.S. alone.

“‘Gears of War’ clearly has won the battle for the title of the must-have game of the year,” said Jeff Bell, corporate vice president of global marketing for the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft Corp. “Its phenomenal success is one of many reasons why Xbox 360 is the ultimate place to get together with friends to play this holiday.”

“We’ve always held high hopes for ‘Gears of War,’ but we never expected such an overwhelmingly positive response from critics and gamers all over the world,” said Michael Capps, president, Epic Games. “I can’t describe how stoked our team is right now. Our fans can absolutely count on Epic to keep delivering new gameplay through Xbox Live®.”

In addition to being the must-have video game of the holiday season, “Gears of War” continues to rage on the Xbox Live battlefield as well, with more than 1 million unique gamers engaging in 10 million online gameplay sessions and unlocking an impressive 7 million achievements.* On top of being the No. 1 title on Xbox Live, “Gears of War” has driven new members to the network; paid registrations per day have skyrocketed more than 50 percent since the game’s launch.

Aside from the use of the word "exclusive" in this and every press release about the game, the fact that Microsoft Studios was involved in the development (and listed first on the game box), would seem to indicate you'll never see this game elsewhere. Rule 1 in the technology world, "Don't fuck with Microsoft".

Resident Evil 5? Awesome!
So today I saw there were two versions of the 360 available. Do I need the more expensive one or will the "core" model do?
the more expensive one is definitely worth it, I don't remember exactly what, but it has features that you will probably regret not getting with the core version.
Aside from the use of the word "exclusive" in this and every press release about the game, the fact that Microsoft Studios was involved in the development (and listed first on the game box), would seem to indicate you'll never see this game elsewhere. Rule 1 in the technology world, "Don't fuck with Microsoft".

Well, for one thing I was speaking in generalities because I was unaware that Microsoft was actually involved in the making of the game. With that knowledge I would agree, the "Gears of War" exclusivity will remain just that. As another example, Nintendo has always been involved in the development of the Super Mario games and hence has never crossed over to another platform.

Resident Evil was developed strictly by Capcom who had the sole rights to the game after their contract with Sony expired. While Capcom was under contract, believe me, Sony threw around "Exclusive to the Playstation" every chance they got.
I think Sony makes contracts with a certain restriction that they don't release publicly, where with Capcom and Nintendo they announced it publicly that they would release 6 RE games on Gamecube,(although only 2 new ones and a remake that is very amazing and kickass), I also think Capcom waits for the the expiration of these contracts before porting it to the other systems which fans obviously hope for.

summary: the obvious is stated, Resident Evil rocks my socks, etc
I bought a 360 a couple weeks ago along with Gears of War. It's hands down one of the best games I've ever played. Lost Planet will be amazing but will come nowhere near GoW.
I hope they get back to zombie central. I wasn't all that thrilled with Res Evil 4 to be honest. It was great but just not the same vibe of all those Racoon City mofos.

I really think they should've not used the Resident Evil title and previous characters in 4. The game's style was too over the top and unrealistic compared to all of the other ones ,and the ability to save anywhere, the immense ammount of ammo and healing and the generally linear play goes against the creepy old-style where the horror is added with the anxiety of running out of ammo and health , getting lost and the cinematic camera angles. Resident Evil 2 and the Resident Evil Remake are soooo orgasmic for this stuff.
I was about 8 when I first played that :waah: haha scary indeed, but the remake is even better. Coincidentally I had a dream last night that I bought the DS port of Resident Evil but it was completely different involving aliens and a time machine and I broke my DS out of anger:S
Microsoft is the publisher for Gears of War, not the developer (not that you were saying that, but I wanted to make sure the distinction was understood). The engine it's built on is being used for the upcoming Unreal Tournament 2007, which is coming out on PC. Porting it would not be technically difficult. But, that'll be up to Microsoft because they're the publisher and they hold the pursestrings. I still stand by my prediction that it'll stop being an exclusive when it's profitable to do so.
I really think they should've not used the Resident Evil title and previous characters in 4. The game's style was too over the top and unrealistic compared to all of the other ones ,and the ability to save anywhere, the immense ammount of ammo and healing and the generally linear play goes against the creepy old-style where the horror is added with the anxiety of running out of ammo and health , getting lost and the cinematic camera angles. Resident Evil 2 and the Resident Evil Remake are soooo orgasmic for this stuff.

Have you played Res Evil 3 and Code Veronica? Both awesome.

For some reason, people were disappointed in RE3. I thought it was great (if not a little short) but I loved the idea of being able to make your own ammo by combining other ammo. That was the only way I could take out build those freeze grenades.

Code Veronica was exceptional too. Great storyline.

RE2 is without doubt the magnum opus.
The Gamecube remake of RE number whatever was brilliant except for one puzzle I could never solve. I traded it in unfinished :erk:
I haven't played RE3 Since 2003 haha I really need to replay that.. Haven't really played Veronica it was too scary back then
RE2 is definitely the best one though, I remember the part in the interrogation room.. fucking scary:lol:

Dorian, what was the puzzle you couldn't do?


RE2, RE (remake) , RE3, RE0, RE4, haven't played Veronica enoguh to have an opinion and the spinoffs are general shitty