geek = metal head...

and yet another ancient bump by the king of geekdumb

congratulations, I believe you really have some special gifts, nearly scientific
I have no real-life friends, spend 90% of my non-study time on the computer, and haven't had a single non-school-related conversation in my two years at college. I am a bigger nerd/geek/whatever than all of you, so I win.

EDIT: But I've never played D&D and find most sci-fi to be lame, so maybe I'm just an anti-social narcissistic loser. :(
I play D&D and M:TG. I like to read sci-fi/fantasy, horror, classical literature, and non-fiction/history books. My favorite movies are horror films. I like anime. I only play classic video games or RPG's. I wear glasses. I have allergies. I didn't move out of my parent's house until I was 23. I didn't loose my virginity until I was 18. I suck at sports (though I do watch them). I'm overweight and generally unattractive. I guess you could say I'm a geek.
People for some reason poke fun at geeks and nerds.

Then I remind them that the richest (and by proxy, because let's face it money can buy damn near everything) most powerful man on the planet looks like this:
Actually, this guy is the richest:


His name is Carlos Slim, and he's a fucking Mexican! How's that for irony?
Of course, numbers 2, 3, and 4 belong to Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and some dude from India who runs an IT company, so collectively, nerds do have the most power.
Ah yes, I just heard about that guy, I also completely forgot about him! Gates has held the position for how many years though?

That guy above is worth 53.5 Bil, how much is Gates worth this year? I wonder how much he dropped due to his philanthropy? Either way, I wish I had that guys money.
If you engage in cliche metalhead behaviors (headbanging and making Gene Simmons faces for photos) or fringe-cliche metalhead behaviors (wearing corpse paint, writing poems about enchanted/satanic forests) then that is damned geeky. It is also nerdy to go on and on about metal vests and collecting CDs and giggling about the tiny subtle differences in subgenres.

So perhaps geeky = metalhead, but geeky also = fun and carefree, so who wins? We win!
I'm a geek.

I love anime, I read manga, I have lots of books about art, philosophy, anthropology, science and also alot of novels. I play lots of video games, watch lots of fantasy or sci-fi movies. I'd rather stay at home play guitar or listen to music most of the time instead of go out and get trashed with my friends. I love math and science and enjoy doing my engineering course. I also spend 90% of my time on a computer when I'm at home.

But I also do martial arts, work out almost every day, play in a band, hang out with the girlfriend and friends occasionally, used to be in the fire department for 1 and a half years, enjoy making cocktails and drinking.

I'm pretty balanced. :D
I'm no geek and I'm pretty cool and sexy. A little weird sometimes though, maybe hard to understand.
I'm a geek.

I love anime, I read manga, I have lots of books about art, philosophy, anthropology, science and also alot of novels. I play lots of video games, watch lots of fantasy or sci-fi movies. I'd rather stay at home play guitar or listen to music most of the time instead of go out and get trashed with my friends. I love math and science and enjoy doing my engineering course. I also spend 90% of my time on a computer when I'm at home.

But I also do martial arts, work out almost every day, play in a band, hang out with the girlfriend and friends occasionally, used to be in the fire department for 1 and a half years, enjoy making cocktails and drinking.

I'm pretty balanced. :D

The balanced geek is the perfect man. :goggly:

I wouldn't classify myself as "geeky" though I do spend a fair amount of time posting on internet forums from work (and home when I have nothing else to do). I suppose I've got a high tolerance for nerdy things as compared to the average person and I wrote 90 pages of gay porn about Lord of the Rings characters when I was in high school. I also think you really have to be kind of geeky to find any kind of awesome factor in wizard metal (by my definitions, "wizard metal" includes Satanic/occult-themed black metal, power metal in general, all Viking/folk metal). I really love losing myself in fantasy/steampunk/historical fiction, and most of my favorite movies are epic action movies with amazing soundtracks. While I don't LARP or play tabletop RPGs, I wouldn't be opposed to trying it out and I do go to Renaissance fairs when I'm in the States...
I don't play computer games at all and I'm not into any of the typical geeky/nerdy things people are into (anime, warhammer etc).
But I guess in the sense I'm really into audio engineering, playing guitar a lot and constantly reading stuff, I'm a geek.
I do get out a lot though and have a healthy social life, so I don't really fit into the "geek that alienates" people stereotype.
I like the occasional bong, acid trip and I dig alcohol too