
This is manily for the Swedish geeks. I use Microsoft Word 2002 on XP (used to be win98), and for a long time it's been opening documents in separate windows - however, for some reason it mysteriously switched a few months ago (while I was still using windows 98) so that it now opens all documents in the same window, so I have to go to the "window" menu to switch windows every time, which I find incredibly annoying and unpractical.
After having checked out the online support for Word, I can see I'm probably the only one who wants to keep the multiple windows, so there's not too much info on that - but what there is, is in English of course. They say if you want to change this (I think it's from Single Document Interface to Multiple Document Interface or something like that) you need to go to Tools -> Options -> View. Well that's all fine and dandy if you actually HAVE "Options" (or Alternativ in Swedish) on your Tools-menu. Which I seem not to have. The Swedish version goes Verktyg and then nothing, the only thing even remotely linked to settings that I see on there is "Anpassa" and that seems to have more to do with the toolbar than with anything else.
So basically, my question is: how do I change this back to the good old days of multiple windows?
NL: Har du inte 'Alternativ' under 'Verktyg' alltså? Det har jag. Jag kikade lite där och jag är inte säker på om det ger rätt effekt men jag hittade ett alternativ som heter 'Fönster i aktivitetsfältet' under fliken visning. Fast det är ju inte till så stor hjälp om du inte har några alternativ överhuvudtaget. :confused:
CoT: Jag har lyckats fixa allt nu och till och med fått tillbaka "Alternativ" nu. Jag fattar fortfarande inte hur den bara kunde försvinna från Verktyg (jag vet att den fanns där förut), jag har inte ändrat något så det måste vara datorn som lever sitt eget liv, som vanligt. Nåja, så länge det funkar :)
I downloaded it earlier, but haven't been able to get it to connect to their thingamy. It refuses to handshake. Plus, whenever I put my password in and click Save, when I go back to the plugin config it's added two extra characters to my password. It all seems a little strange to me.
I signed on to audioscrobbler a while back and frankly, I think it's useless. It's not gonna get anyone into new music and noone cares about what you listen to so I switched it off again
i like the idea of audioscrobbler. i'd use it if the results provided by an examination of what goes through my media player were in any way a good proxy of the kind of music i'm actually into. ;) as it stands, i check new releases that i've downloaded, listen to everything one time or two, then burn it to cd or tinker with my collection trying to make complete discographies of bands.
So, it's ok to kill baby seals, but not to make mp3s of your own cds..
As that nice Lapland cartoon said: "Forget Norway!" :tickled:
So I just ordered a new PC, why is it all sales people just talk about are the graphics for gaming?
As I've stated before, I'm no gamer(except when it comes to relationships;))
My PC was about 3 years old, so for some unknown reason thought, time for a new one.
Here's what I got coming my way ...
Intel Core 2 Duo processor E4400 (2.0GHz)
2GB DDR2-667MHz dual channel SDRAM (2x1024)
128MB NVIDIA GeForce 8300GS, DVI-I, TV-out, VGA
400GB 7200 rpm SATA 3Gb/s hard drive
plus whatever??? BTW much of the above specs have no meaning for me.
When it arrives I switching to a Comcast as they are the only cable Internet service provider in my area, no more phone lines for this cowboy.

Also a couple of weeks ago got a new camera, the Kodak(DX7590) I had was great but did not care for what I'd call full bodied, wanted something compact so the one I have now is a Sony(DSC-T100)< its so sweeeeet.
8.1MP, the overall size (3.6x2.3x.9in / 92x59x22mm)

Now a question, I've been reading about computer hackers lately,
when asked what advice they would give to internet users to help protect their PCs from hackers they all say don't use Internet Explorer. Why is that, they never explain why?
if you don't use IE, what do you use?
I use Firefox http://www.mozilla-firefox-2.de/ . You won't have any problems handling it. It is built up very similar to the newest IE. The problem with IE is not really the Internet Explorer itself (if updatet regularly) but the hackers who usually target their attacks on the IE and not the other browsers. They probably just don't like Microsoft.
They probably just don't like Microsoft.

Or IE is the most used browser, so most of teh attacks are directed towards it.
I also use Firefox. An other great browser is Opera.

You should also get yourself a good Antivirus and Firewall. I use Kaspersky Internet Security. It does a great job, and the firewall is quite easy to handle if you set it on "trainng mode" first. So it will detect all the programs that are trying to establish an internet connexion and ask you if you want to allow it to get connected or not. Then when all your programs are configured, you can set it up on regular level or whatever it is called.
So I just ordered a new PC, why is it all sales people just talk about are the graphics for gaming?

Because, if you are buying a home computer, it's the only thing that matters.
If you don't play games you can buy something that is 3 years old and you'll be fine with it.

If you're buying a work computer it's a whole different ball game, depending on what you do
as work, if you don't do any graphics stuff (PhotoShop, 3D rendering, CAD or such things)
you can again buy the 3 year old computer and be fine with it. If you do graphics, you'll want
the latest graphics card and a shit load of memory and processing power.

As for hackers targeting IE, it's not only cos it's popular, it's also cos it is full of security holes,
some of which have still not been fixed even tho they have been around for ages.
And yes, it's not really even IEs fault, it's the way they build WinBlows to begin with, basicly
everything uses the same engine as IE, things like WinBlows Sexplorer and Outlook Sexpress,
thus once a there is a hole in that engine, all 3 (not to mention the 54000 other things using
the same shitty engine) will be bugged, meaning it will be easier for a hacker to exploit and
gain privilidges on your computer that they shouldn't have.

It's not quite that simple, but I don't wanna write a book about all the holes and exploit issues
with WinBlows, it won't do you much good anyway.

How to fix this issue:
1. Get a good anti-virus programs, I use Avast, it's free and updates pretty much daily.

2. If you are unsure of what you're doing, get a firewall, I won't recommend any since I don't
use one. Even better, since you're going for a cable connection anyway, get a modem with a
hardware firewall, they are very hard to get by, unless of course you fuck up and accept
something you shouldn't.

3. For the love of god, get Firefox for browsing, Thunderbird for email, VLC Media Player for
videos (it has the advantage of not having to install 5000 different video codecs as well) and
WinAmp or Foobar for MP3s. This will limit your vulnerability to spyware and other such crap
you might get with Microsoft version of the same things, not to mention the programs are so
much better with dealing with corrupt files for example.

4. Once you have installed Firefox, get the following extensions, AdBlock Plus and NoScript.
They can be found on the Firefox extensions page and install very easy.
The only thing with NoScript is that you will have to allow some pages to run scripts in order
for them to work, like this forum for example, but once you install it, you will see a little "S"
symbol on the lower right corner of the browser and by right clicking that you can allow the
scripts for that particular page, but NEVER use the global acceptance, if you use that you
might as well uninstall the extension. It may take a while to get all pages on the list, but it
will be worth it in the end.
Also for AdBlock you will want to subscribe to the different block lists, but that it easy as well.

5. Once you have installed all your programs and what not, create a user account in WinBlows
and use that for your daily activities, using the admin account is like asking for trouble (I of
course only use admin, but then I'm a geek).