Genre Anthems

A serious message should have a serious expression and a more playful, light or sarcastic message should have an equivocal expression. From there you evaluate how well the artist achieved that expression. Simple enough, right?

Cool, if you feel that way enjoy it.

So raping and killing virgins and overthrowing heaven upon a bloodstained goat is a serious message to you? I still don't see why expression and message have to mirror each other in that way. For example, Skyclad are about as playful lyrically as you can find yet at the same time are also very political/socially-aware, and the two do not clash in the slightest.

"oh well that doesn't apply because Walkyier is a talented lyricist, do you see Cronos writing witty and meaningful lyrics on the suffering caused by bull-fighting or socioeconomic strife amongst the English working-class?"
Well in this case, Bathory done goofed. Their message was initially "Let's jam some Venom tunes" and everyone took their expression all srs :/
I don't give a shit about this retarded argument, so let me put this out there. Bathory>Venom because Bathory is better than Venom. Der. Disagree? Wrong, cunt. Go listening to The Return and listen to Black Metal and tell me differently. Then listen to Under the Sign and whatever else Venom has in their discography.

I saw Venom live. Fucking Cronos refused to shake my hand when I met him cause he's a metal rockstar and shit. What a fucking faggot. Like, all I wanted to do was shake his hand and be like "yo, dude, thanks for creating black metal and being a cool dude" then I try and shake his hand and he just puts his limp hand, like I should I kiss it or something. His bandmates shook my hand because they were cool. I couldn't even get a pic with them. We could only take pic OF them. Like, who the fuck wants to take a pic of Cronos? Who the FUCK does this faggot think he is that people are only worthy of shaking his stupid pathetic limp wristed hand-shaked and NOT get a pic with him? OH WAIT! You can snag a pic OF him. Fuck you Cronos. Venom sucked major cock live at MDF and I fucking hate you.


Michael S. Schmidt

A less faggot than you

Faggot Edit-> I love Venom still. Welcome to Hell shits on nearly everything you listen to right now. Go back that shit and we can still be friends. Also, Fuck Cunts.

i see you made it home safe from the bar last night
I don't give a shit about this retarded argument, so let me put this out there. Bathory>Venom because Bathory is better than Venom. Der. Disagree? Wrong, cunt. Go listening to The Return and listen to Black Metal and tell me differently. Then listen to Under the Sign and whatever else Venom has in their discography.

I saw Venom live. Fucking Cronos refused to shake my hand when I met him cause he's a metal rockstar and shit. What a fucking faggot. Like, all I wanted to do was shake his hand and be like "yo, dude, thanks for creating black metal and being a cool dude" then I try and shake his hand and he just puts his limp hand, like I should I kiss it or something. His bandmates shook my hand because they were cool. I couldn't even get a pic with them. We could only take pic OF them. Like, who the fuck wants to take a pic of Cronos? Who the FUCK does this faggot think he is that people are only worthy of shaking his stupid pathetic limp wristed hand-shaked and NOT get a pic with him? OH WAIT! You can snag a pic OF him. Fuck you Cronos. Venom sucked major cock live at MDF and I fucking hate you.


Michael S. Schmidt

A less faggot than you

Faggot Edit-> I love Venom still. Welcome to Hell shits on nearly everything you listen to right now. Go back that shit and we can still be friends. Also, Fuck Cunts.
I loled way too hard at this.