German music


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
I'm doing German and have to do a presentation on something to do with Germany, so I've chosen music. I'm primarily going to focus on rock and metal.

What aspects do you folks are worth covering? There are some pretty cool festivals there, so I might talk about them. Is there a German metal music awards or anything, or is there a metal category in their main awards?

I get to talk about Helloween in class. Nice.

So anyway, let's talk German music.
Been there , all that remains is a small monument to the star club and a little metal club where it was, Grose Freiheit is still there which is a good venue.
If you are going to mention Germany you gotta mention the Reeperbahn , its an eye opener thats for sure heh heh :)

Yes, Wacken is regarded as 'the' festival of the genre.

For something a little different, you could mention the Star-Club in Hamburg:

And of course the thrash and power metal scenes churning out a number of quality bands.
Rock and metal aside, if you're going to be doing German music you've at least got to nod towards Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Handel and Wagner. The dudes basically invented modern music.
Yeah, but aside from the fact that he wasn't born there, or did any work there, or actually had anything to do with Germany, he's as German as they come! He went through there a couple of times...

Maybe if you actually want to pass you shouldn't listen to me.
Thanks, peoples! Keep the suggestions coming. They get metal in the charts in Germany, don't they?

I will mention Beethoven etc, but there's someone else doing music as well, and I reckon they might give a broader overview of German music, so I thought I'd start off with that before moving into more modern stuff.