German music you dont meantion this!

the girl at 2.11 looks stunned! :lol:
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Metal certainly does chart there. I had been looking for a copy of Warlock's Triumph and Agony on CD at a reasonable price for years before I found it in a department store much like Myer in Berlin! I had a look at the chart wall, and Manowar's most recent release at the time was number 3! :lol:
Thanks for your ideas folks. I restricted myself to talking about Atari Teenage Riot, Kraftwerk, Scorpions, Die Krupps, Rammstein, Helloween and Blind Guardian, and about the Rock im Ring, Wacken and Love Parade (not my thing, but I thought I'd mix it up a bit!) festivals. Ended up talking for 15 minutes, rather than 5, which stuffed the teacher's lesson plan up a bit. :) A couple of guys said it was really interesting because I was talking off the cuff about stuff I knew, rather than reading from a script. I just hope the teacher thought the same. Anyway, it was good to get it out of the way.
The German porn industry would have been an excellent topic. I'll have to save that one for next semester. :)

The presentation was last week...