Yea guru Vegas is something to be reallllly proud of. Fucking pile of filth that shit hole is.
Least I make a living with my music, and I am not some bedroom warrior crying like a little bitch over a band.
Yea guru Vegas is something to be reallllly proud of. Fucking pile of filth that shit hole is.
alright then guru, keep making a fool out of yourself if that's what you want.
hahaha man where do you come up with this shit??? All I said was I think it'd be fun to punch you in the face. I never said a fucking thing about BJJ.Just reliving the good ol days.
I love interwebz toughz bitchez.
especially ones who know BJJ and think they can take anyone out cause they are "trained".
First rule of interwebz bitches, brag about some nonsense that makes absolutely no difference in a street fight. Then threaten someone who you know nothing about cause you think they are just some random thug.
I welcome pieces of shit like him to my city.
Let him come and lets see how far he gets.
my pals .. shut the fuck up. You really are just a bitch.
FYI if you don't like it you can suck my dirty fat cock ... ok?
This pissing you off bitch boy?
(when will it come?)
Seriously, I've never been a Nevermore fan, I've never frequented this board, I've never read any of your posts prior to today, yet you have managed to give me the impression of being a pathetic, miserable little piece of shit who can only reach spiritual completion by denigrating others, i.e. among the lowest piece of human life.
I shed some Swedish tears for you.
Least I make a living with my music, and I am not some bedroom warrior crying like a little bitch over a band.
the beauty of this forum is that we're able to form relationships with others here, instead of mindlessly following a band and loving everything they do. any of us that have a history on this board know who guru is and what his deal is. on the other hand, we have no idea who YOU are, and we really don't care.
haha way to deflect my point. Must have hit a nerve big time.
Its like me and Karen we argue, and fight and piss each other off but deep down inside we are both Jews and we all know blood is thicker then piss