get ready

some of the songs that Arrington drummed on are better than 75% of the stuff released in the 2000s, so you actually aren't far off. :lol:

How trippy would it be if he rejoined?

With Ron being "wanky", it's true... but he has an endless supply of cool melodies and riffs. RIFFS! Something we've seen fewer and fewer of.
Howdy doody, Nevermore peepuhls! :D

I don't typically visit fan forums, mainly because there's not a whole lot of relevant discussion about the band in question; usually it's just a bunch of trolling, flame wars, fan-bashing, and people posting funny shit. *glances around* But it's clear that there are a lot of strong feelings in here, and when I heard this news, I thought that maybe I should pop in and see what everyone else had to say.

Unfortunately it doesn't look like there really were a whole lot of opinions on the how's and why's this happened. Seems to me like most of you just sort of turned on each other. That's a bummer.

Obviously because I don't post here, I'm not going to poke at anyone with sticks (although I do enjoy it immensely).

I just wanted to say that it's sad news for those of us who have watched this band evolve from the beginning, just as it was sad news when Tim Calvert peaced out, just as it's sad news when any member of any band decides to bounce. But it does no good to start chewing on each other's asses about it.

Look at it this way: With all the lingering suspense that WD created at the beginning of this thread, it could have been something far more tragic than a paradigm shift. What if (God forbid) someone hadn't left the band, but in fact PASSED AWAY? I highly doubt that you all would be bashing them and bashing each other. No, you would sing his praises, post photos, and console one another, and all of a sudden, being a "fanboi" would be a bragging right.

We all got into this band because of the people in it. I'm not going to stop being a fan of Jeff Loomis because he made this decision. That's just stupid. And why is everyone bashing Jeff, anyhow? I don't know about you guys, but in all my years on this giant fucking rock, I have yet to meet a highly accomplished, magazine-glossing, world-touring major-label lead guitarist who DIDN'T have an ego. (Trust me; do you know who my husband is? *lol*)

And for the record, I had the pleasure of meeting all these guys back in 2002. I've seen them live about seven or eight times. I haven't really stayed in direct communication with any of them because life happens and we're all really fucking busy. But you know what? Jeff was always the one who was willing to sit down with me over a beer and shoot the shit, Jeff was always the one who had a hug for me every time he saw me, and Jeff is STILL the only one who drops me a line from time to time for no particular reason, just to say hello. So I'm not sure which Jeff Loomis some of you are referring to, but I've never met him.

In closing, bad news for fans, but obviously good news for all parties involved. A band of people who don't get along will inevitably make shitty records.

I have to agree with this. (except i only Jeff once and it was extremely brief)
The shit flying in this thread is rather juvenile and we shouldnt be trying to gnaw each other's extremities off over this.
SHit happens, deal with it. :)

Also...when did this smilie :hahamiddlefinger: happen? How bizarre!
With that being said, here are my fantasy lineup picks:

Warrel Dane
Jim Sheppard
Atilla... the hun

Know what? Let Warrel complete the vocals for WatchTower's Mathematics and Ron join NM! I doubt Ron's songwriting will go over with the rest that well, but as far as guitarists go he's my all-time number 1 (as is WatchTower as a band).

Richard Christy's not one of my favorite skinsmen ("surprisingly", that would be Rick Colaluca), but I don't think it should be all that difficult to find a good replacement - indeed, like Mark Arrington. More importantly, I wouldn't mind if the new direction moved away from the post-Pantera groove some...

Or just have Lenny and Dave join and call it Neverary!
not directed at you alone, but it's puzzling to see that the majority of posts (trolling included) in this thread are people comparing themselves as fans against... well.. everyone else. which is pretty much the dumbest part ever. no one gives a shit how much bigger of a fan you are then other people or for what reason. it's one of the many reasons why people in here post food as response and also why everyone hates Will.

can't we all just mourn in peace instead of people wanting to stand on the biggest pedestal

Didn't mean to come off that way. I prefer the older material and feel like the focus of the band's musical mission shifted once Jeff started using 7strings. I like both ends of the spectrum but Warrel's voice is much more well suited for the more song oriented stuff rather than the techy stuff.

It's all speculation but I don't think this would have happened if TOC wasn't watered down so much. That's the biggest disappointment to me. Obviously all the guys will continue making great music on their own paths but the fact that the last album was Wicherfied sucks.

And now I'm off to see Symphony X with no Nevermore :(