Getting baked before work

every person i've ever met that claims that pot just "calms them down" or "helps them concentrate" has turned out to be, to one degree or another, a bit self-deluded about the latter.... the claim of pot aiding their concentration. that is to say, they are convinced it helps them in regards to concentration... but merely observing them while they work yields all the proof you need that it doesn't at all. there's a reason it's called "getting baked" and not "sharpening up" or something like that, lol.

and i think it sends the wrong message to clients, even if they themselves are weed smokers.
It's not about smoking the shit. It's about choosing the time and place, and right before work is definitely not the time.
i agree with that,

i did this one time, many many years ago, and it was such a bad bad bad experience for me.

if you work in a supermarket and do some rack work, its maybe different, but for a job with responsibility its a different story

every person i've ever met that claims that pot just "calms them down" or "helps them concentrate" has turned out to be, to one degree or another, a bit self-delused about the latter.... the claim of pot aiding their concentration. that is to say, they are convinced it helps them in regards to concentration... but merely observing them while they work yields all the proof you need that it doesn't at all. there's a reason it's called "getting baked" and not "sharpening up" or some sort, lol.

and i think it sends the wrong message to clients, even if they themselves are weed smokers.

agree 100%,
hey James..went to the Riot show last night and saw Rodney from Devastation....he says how are you doing.
every person i've ever met that claims that pot just "calms them down" or "helps them concentrate" has turned out to be, to one degree or another, a bit self-deluded about the latter..

I think that misassumption just comes from being addicted/used to.
when you're "too" used to it and don't get your joint you'll be scattered and tweaky....
weed doesn't help you concentrate, it just gets rid of the effects of withdrawal...which you wouldn't have if you're not used to having pot in the first place.
So if you really think it helps you concentrate you should think about your use of it

I'm not totally against pot....I occasionally have a little bit before I go to sleep and listen to audiobooks (Nietzsche-thus spoke zarathustra atm)..takes my mind off music/job-related concerns...self-employed people know what I'm talking about.

And it's breaks of weeks or even month w/o anything here....just the occasional bit sometimes to help me relax.

I'd NEVER do it at or before clients wouldn't believe me to be professional (as James has already stated).
I would not hire an engineer that comes to work stoned...or drunk...or with his cock hanging out his fly...common sense I guess
It's not about smoking the shit. It's about choosing the time and place, and right before work is definitely not the time.

This is it.

I tried mixing stoned about 3 times... it all sounded to nice, got "into it" too much and fell asleep 20 minutes later... woke up and the "magic" was gone.

I agree with James on "deluded" bit 100%

I don't smoke pot anymore... got nothing against it... just not my thing.
no way!!!!If you wanna smoke weed, go for it, but not in a combination with any responsibility!!!! Same for any other drugs. Man I had a bad conscience because I was so tired at one session I overheard the drummer fucking up some fills....I was so pissed of myself when I was tracking guitars with the band!!!
Oh, a weed thread, don't worry guys here I am. :wave:

I think weed helping concentration is an odd statement. I don't feel it does so with me, but I don't feel I have any less ability to concentrate either. I go to work stoned almost every morning, just because. The owners/customers/my employees can't tell. My girlfriend can't tell unless I tell her I'm stoned or I cut loose and act goofy. I've had serious conversations with my parents in person while 100% certifiably baked and they couldn't tell. I've not had a single client complain, and I ask before each session and respect the client's wishes if they don't want that going on. I do, however, get baked before they show up in that case. They can't tell lol.

It's different for everyone though. Some people can't do shit stoned, some people can. So, it may help Shreddy to concentrate, I dunno for sure I've never had anybody say it does and then get a chance to observe them like James has. My opinion is that if you can't hold your shit when you are high then don't do it before work. Period. You will get fired if you can't be straight. If you work for yourself, your clients will notice. Period. I do it because I know people can't tell when I'm high and it doesn't make me fuck up or anything.

And Lasse: For the past 5 months or so I've had weed the entire time, but for the last week or so I have been completely out. You know how many times I thought about it or had an urge? Barely at all. I didn't feel like arranging to buy any, and forgot about it. FACT: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. IT HAS BEEN MEDICALLY PROVEN. THANK YOU.
I did this once, and even for a mind numbing summer job like Landscaping it was not the right thing to do. I felt terrible about it, not because I didn't get my work done, but because I worked for a guy that I respected and liked a lot, and I felt like I had lied to him. :(

No problems with smoking now and again, but only at night after the days work is done.

I would never even think about it now. That Landscaping job was years ago, and I've never done it since then.
I fought weed for SO long, but now I really like it (pretty much because I've finally let myself like it) - that said, I regard it strictly as a vice and indulgence; not saying one can't function on it and accomplish things, but come on, to continue the semantics issue, why do you think people always talk about wanting to "get fucked up?" It makes you goofy, high, and happy, and I've come to love it when I've taken care of all my responsibilities and feel I deserve it!

And yeah, it's NOT addictive, it's just habit-forming, like anything else fun (the biggest comparison I always make is video games, which are definitely as dangerous in this day and age IMO!). All it takes to not get "addicted" to weed is a little fucking will-power, work ethic, and self control!

EDIT: That said, I really only like to smoke at night; generally during the day I prefer being clear-headed!

true, it's not physically addictive.

BUT and you'll have to admit it...if you're doing it for a long time and then stop doing it you have problems sleeping etc. (also a fact).

biting your fingernails is physically not addictive either but people that keep doing it for ages and than are forced to stop will act strange (watch their hands, they're all over the place), they'll act nervous and unfocussed.
These people will tell you "it helps me to relax and stay focussed", but you can be pretty sure that there's nothing in the fingernails that helps them's just the mind being UNfocussed if stopping that habit.

Same with weed.
Its threads like this that make me realise most of the people here are responsible, sensible human beings.

I'm sorely dissapointed.