Getting baked before work

true, it's not physically addictive.

BUT and you'll have to admit it...if you're doing it for a long time and then stop doing it you have problems sleeping etc. (also a fact).

biting your fingernails is physically not addictive either but people that keep doing it for ages and than are forced to stop will act strange (watch their hands, they're all over the place), they'll act nervous and unfocussed.
These people will tell you "it helps me to relax and stay focussed", but you can be pretty sure that there's nothing in the fingernails that helps them's just the mind being UNfocussed if stopping that habit.

Same with weed.

+ Godamned 1!

dont ever smoke weed and listen to "the great kat´s - beethoven on spead" :)

do what makes you happy and feel good!!
but question yourself, could you handle all the stuff if you are not high?

for some of my friends, neighbors, in the area where i have grown up, dope is their #1 priority in life, they cant handle nothing if they are blank, and when they are high, they act like normal...
you know that they are high when you can talk to them normally :), but when they are blank, you better stay away from them, it can be very uncomfortable.

Perhaps, weed its not physically addicting, but these people are somehow addicted to it, and that cant be denied.

when i´m smoking, then its occasionally, and then i really enjoy it..
its like drinking a 1/8l good red wine or a glass of good whiskey..

and that happens maybe one time each 1 or 2 months..

Öwen;8317794 said:
Its threads like this that make me realise most of the people here are responsible, sensible human beings.

I'm sorely dissapointed.

its not only about responsibilty, its also about respect!
Calms me down and helps me concentrate, that's why I do it, no matter what time. It all varies from person to person

If you think it calms you down, it means that you're having withdrawal symptoms when you're not smoking it - the 'calming down' effect is actually just because you're relieving the withdrawal. Same with tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and pretty much any other addiction you care to mention.

As for helping your concentration... seriously, who are you trying to kid? It's incredibly well documented that cannabis wrecks your concentration and short-term memory. You only have to watch someone who's stoned trying to use a microwave or something to see that. However, it can also screw with your perception of time - meaning if you're the one whose stoned, you don't realise it's taken you an hour just to open the door on the damn thing.

Taking a drug that slows down your motor functions and reactions, and alters your sensory perceptions is a stupid thing to do before work - there is no job in the world where those are desired qualities, and especially not in a field like audio engineering where you rely on trusting your hearing to earn your money.

Besides, getting mashed before you work just shows a total lack of respect - someone is paying you to do a job, and you're deliberately taking something which impairs your ability to do it. That's just childish and selfish.

If you think it calms you down, it means that you're having withdrawal symptoms when you're not smoking it - the 'calming down' effect is actually just because you're relieving the withdrawal. Same with tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and pretty much any other addiction you care to mention.

so you also quit smoking with Alan Carr? :D
As for helping your concentration... seriously, who are you trying to kid? It's incredibly well documented that cannabis wrecks your concentration and short-term memory. You only have to watch someone who's stoned trying to use a microwave or something to see that. However, it can also screw with your perception of time - meaning if you're the one whose stoned, you don't realise it's taken you an hour just to open the door on the damn thing.

Yup, I'll agree with this, though not quite to that degree unless you are fucking RIIIIIPPPPPPPPEEEEEEDDDDDD ;)

However, I feel this needs repeating

All it takes to not get "addicted" to weed is a little fucking will-power, work ethic, and self control!
I've decided to just sit back, watch the "experts" discuss this, and just lol.
It's incredibly well documented that cannabis wrecks your concentration and short-term memory. You only have to watch someone who's stoned trying to use a microwave or something to see that.

are you seriously insinuating that someone who's high will have trouble doing something as simple as push a couple buttons?

if so, that person sucks at life, regardless of their substance use...

and maybe it's just me, but i can do anything/everything just as well when i'm high as i can when i'm sober. if i'm running a session i won't smoke out of respect for the client...but if they offer up some smoke to me, i'm gonna hit it
Weed helps your concentration......hmmmmm

is there anyone here who DOESN'T smoke regularly who feels that?

If my brain is completely fried for some reason, stress or whatever, then sometimes i find a small whiskey helps me calm and actually improves my concentration because it dulls the crazy friedness enough so i can operate. I can see that a small amount of weed could have the same effect. Coffee is similar, if you're so tired you can barely think then a coffee will help you get stuff done, but if you're already fully awake then a coffee is just gonna make your concentration worse. Unless your brain is used to being pumped with caffiene 24/7
are you seriously insinuating that someone who's high will have trouble doing something as simple as push a couple buttons?

if so, that person sucks at life, regardless of their substance use...

and maybe it's just me, but i can do anything/everything just as well when i'm high as i can when i'm sober. if i'm running a session i won't smoke out of respect for the client...but if they offer up some smoke to me, i'm gonna hit it

You claim you can do everything "just as well" when you're high as when you're sober, and I've never had the pleasure to observe you either way, but come on...


I agree that turning on a microwave oven is a pretty bad example, but don't tell me you mic up a drum set or edit just as well when you're high. I believe you believe you do it just as well...

I'm not arguing against smoking (I've hit that pipe pretty hard sometimes myself), but I'm talking about choosing the right time and place. Having some professional work sense and ethic.
Even of the drugs only reduce your abilities by 2%, it's still 2% too many. I don't know about you, but I wanna put 100% into my work all the time, but I know (and you probably do too) that smoking weed just wont let you do that.