Getting baked before work

Well, I don't know wether or not Diesel-fueled cars are common in the US but in Europe you have to be careful cause Diesel-Cars don't like 'normal' fuel and vice versa.
Well, I don't know wether or not Diesel-fueled cars are common in the US but in Europe you have to be careful cause Diesel-Cars don't like 'normal' fuel and vice versa.

True, though diesel passenger cars are incredibly rare here (people would rather drive hybrids, with the same fuel economy and more potential for shit to break :rolleyes: )
I Vaporize weed .....smoking is gay.....To each there own i guess
I do everything high on is dull without weed

Also i wanted to add for every 1000th story of your pot head dude going no where and it turning his brain to mush........there are a 1000 stories of people who smoke weed being successful .....Right now on the Howard Stern show the lead singer of Staind aaron lewis, dude is talking about smoking weed from the time he wakes up till he goes alsleep.......YEah yeah i know Staind is gay but i would say that's one successful

i think DUMB mixed with drugs is a bad if you are a dumb person to begin with, i wouldn't recommend doing drugs on top of that

keep the stereotype's down
yes, seriously...

example: i had a friend come over yesterday while i was working on getting my new room set up...we smoked a bowl of hydro kush, and i went right back to what i was doing - i got the room all painted, measured and figured out where the desk and monitors needed to go, got everything wired up and plugged in, cleaned up afterwards, etc. etc.

that sounds like crack was involved with that:p.....i have never heard a weedhead wanna do's the opposite.
Where i live, weed is very common and smoked by a lot of the population, young and old. They're by and large well educated people living reasonably happy lives.

But i still can't name a single heavy weed smoker i know personally who's going to get good qualifications and realise they're potential in any area other than the arts. The ones from the old guard who still smoke heavily have become paranoid to some degree or other.

Obv. this isn't a scientific survey, just observations of the people around me
Personally, I think the effects of weed are pretty comparable to alcohol, so as long as you do either in moderation they're fine, but of course there's always the potential for abuse. The only difference I guess is it's easier to abuse weed because there aren't nearly as many physical consequences (and it hits a lot quicker, and doesn't taste so goddamn awful :lol: )
Personally, I think the effects of weed are pretty comparable to alcohol, so as long as you do either in moderation they're fine, but of course there's always the potential for abuse. The only difference I guess is it's easier to abuse weed because there aren't nearly as many physical consequences (and it hits a lot quicker, and doesn't taste so goddamn awful :lol: )

personally, i would say that the physical effects of alcohol far outweigh those of weed

i've never been too high to walk/talk/function...i mean, i've been stoned silly before, but i was still aware of what was going on around me

i also never woke up the next day feeling like death from smoking a ton of bud
Yeah, true that, but I've still been pretty fucking baked - of course, another benefit to weed is it isn't at all physically addictive! (emphasis added so people don't spew more stories about people they know that can't function without a daily toke and blah blah blah, see my above stuff about habit-formation, willpower, and self-control!)

Honestly, I felt the way so many of you did, feeling like life was better if I could have fun without substances; then I discovered that getting drunk was fun, and I was happier just letting go and enjoying myself than being uptight and worrying all the time about how much better I was that other people because I refused to. It took a couple more years for me to allow myself to feel the same way about weed, but I'm glad I did! (and I say "allow myself to" because I smoked a few times in that time and only saw the bad in it, and convinced myself "oh yeah, this is why it sucks", but if you truly feel confident about your ability to entertain yourself and be happy without substances, then there's no reason not to try weed IMO! ;))
Oh, a weed thread, don't worry guys here I am. :wave:

I think weed helping concentration is an odd statement. I don't feel it does so with me, but I don't feel I have any less ability to concentrate either. I go to work stoned almost every morning, just because. The owners/customers/my employees can't tell. My girlfriend can't tell unless I tell her I'm stoned or I cut loose and act goofy. I've had serious conversations with my parents in person while 100% certifiably baked and they couldn't tell. I've not had a single client complain, and I ask before each session and respect the client's wishes if they don't want that going on. I do, however, get baked before they show up in that case. They can't tell lol.

It's different for everyone though. Some people can't do shit stoned, some people can. So, it may help Shreddy to concentrate, I dunno for sure I've never had anybody say it does and then get a chance to observe them like James has. My opinion is that if you can't hold your shit when you are high then don't do it before work. Period. You will get fired if you can't be straight. If you work for yourself, your clients will notice. Period. I do it because I know people can't tell when I'm high and it doesn't make me fuck up or anything.

And Lasse: For the past 5 months or so I've had weed the entire time, but for the last week or so I have been completely out. You know how many times I thought about it or had an urge? Barely at all. I didn't feel like arranging to buy any, and forgot about it. FACT: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. IT HAS BEEN MEDICALLY PROVEN. THANK YOU.

you know i love you mike
to each his own. I only smoke when I don't have anything else going on and I just want to sit back and relax. I have a friend that smokes ungodly amounts of weed daily and works his ass off and does a great job at what he does. hopefully everyone is smart enough to realize what does and doesn't work for them. definitely don't let anyone on the interwebz influence the way you live your life or tell you that this or that is shit just because they don't agree with it.
If you think it calms you down, it means that you're having withdrawal symptoms when you're not smoking it - the 'calming down' effect is actually just because you're relieving the withdrawal. Same with tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and pretty much any other addiction you care to mention.

As for helping your concentration... seriously, who are you trying to kid? It's incredibly well documented that cannabis wrecks your concentration and short-term memory. You only have to watch someone who's stoned trying to use a microwave or something to see that. However, it can also screw with your perception of time - meaning if you're the one whose stoned, you don't realise it's taken you an hour just to open the door on the damn thing.

Taking a drug that slows down your motor functions and reactions, and alters your sensory perceptions is a stupid thing to do before work - there is no job in the world where those are desired qualities, and especially not in a field like audio engineering where you rely on trusting your hearing to earn your money.

Besides, getting mashed before you work just shows a total lack of respect - someone is paying you to do a job, and you're deliberately taking something which impairs your ability to do it. That's just childish and selfish.


Because you know my body better than I do, right?

Weed does not impair my ability to do absofuckinglutely anything, and despite what any of you 'experts' on the subject say, claim, or think (or read.. fucking tools), nobody will ever know my body as well as I do. Honestly, I bet half the people here trashing it have never toked ONCE in their lives. Even if they have, marijuana's effects on the brain change over time as you smoke more of it, even if it's just at night (usually when I smoke.. Today was an exception that happened to be pretty damn pleasant so I figured I'd start an open-minded thread like this. (LOL)) If you've smoked once, and had a bad experience, you really shouldn't hold a personal vendetta against us who do enjoy smoking marijuana leisurely.. It just shows how close minded and intolerable you are pertaining to matters you THINK you know everything about. As 006 said earlier, I actually just quit smoking for a week and a half too, and I had no problem at all continuing my life as-is and not obsessing over it. It may be habit forming, but so is everything else in the world depending on who you are. It is proven to not be physically nor chemically addicting, and anybody who claims they are addicted to weed are very poor-willed individuals who I show my deepest sympathies for. Weed calms me down, and makes me happy. It's a stimulant to the brain so that's to be expected, eh? Can't have withdrawals of the caliber some of you mentioned without being addicted to something, by the way. Also, colonel you have an excellent point, alcohol should infact be illegal, and weed should be at the very least decriminalized. Mainly because weed doesn't destroy your liver, kidneys, brain, and other internal organs like alcohol does. I used to work with a guy who, by the age of 23, had already drank so much, his liver resembled that of a 60 year old.
Because you know my body better than I do, right?

Weed does not impair my ability to do absofuckinglutely anything, and despite what any of you 'experts' on the subject say, claim, or think (or read.. fucking tools), nobody will ever know my body as well as I do. Honestly, I bet half the people here trashing it have never toked ONCE in their lives. Even if they have, marijuana's effects on the brain change over time as you smoke more of it, even if it's just at night (usually when I smoke.. Today was an exception that happened to be pretty damn pleasant so I figured I'd start an open-minded thread like this. (LOL)) If you've smoked once, and had a bad experience, you really shouldn't hold a personal vendetta against us who do enjoy smoking marijuana leisurely.. It just shows how close minded and intolerable you are pertaining to matters you THINK you know everything about. As 006 said earlier, I actually just quit smoking for a week and a half too, and I had no problem at all continuing my life as-is and not obsessing over it. It may be habit forming, but so is everything else in the world depending on who you are. It is proven to not be physically nor chemically addicting, and anybody who claims they are addicted to weed are very poor-willed individuals who I show my deepest sympathies for. Weed calms me down, and makes me happy. It's a stimulant to the brain so that's to be expected, eh? Can't have withdrawals of the caliber some of you mentioned without being addicted to something, by the way. Also, colonel you have an excellent point, alcohol should infact be illegal, and weed should be at the very least decriminalized. Mainly because weed doesn't destroy your liver, kidneys, brain, and other internal organs like alcohol does. I used to work with a guy who, by the age of 23, had already drank so much, his liver resembled that of a 60 year old.

Weed seems quite important to you. Nuff said.

And is weed a stimulant to the brain?? is it? and how would that mean that it would calm you?

I don't think most of us are here saying smoking weed is a bad experience...i love being stoned, but not when i've got something important to do. Same as i love being drunk, but not when i've got something important to do
Oh I'm sorry, did someone request to know some more noteworthy weed smokers that are also successful? Here, let me see what I can dig up...

And for those not interested in clicking, here's a quick list:

1) Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson
Owner of the Virgin Group
Estimated Worth: $5 Billion

2) Newt Gingrich
Speaker of the House 1995-1999

3) Ross Rebagliati
Olympic Gold Medalist Snowboarder 1998

4) David Hockney
Famous Painter

5) Richard Feynman

6) Michael Bloomberg
Mayor of New York City

7) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Top 50 Greatest Basketball Player

8) Queen Victoria
Ruled Great Britian from 1837-1901

9) Aaron Sorkin
Television writer
Creator of “West Wing”

10) Robert Smith
Former Minesota Vikings Running back

Booty. Not another fucking word, kthxBYE.