Getting baked before work

quoting anything from the national institute of drug abuse on a subject pertaining to drugs is like quoting tipper gore when talking about heavy metal.
oh yeah.. you nailed it on the head... scientists with doctorates on human physiology are as totally unqualified to comment on the effects of drugs on humans as a middle-aged, mid-western soccer mom is to comment on heavy metal music. very incisive. ;) lol

quit having such a strong opinion about what other people put into their bodies. some of us partakers of the herb are doing just fine.
how about you quit telling people not to do things that they aren't doing... since all i did was point out that the guy wasn't making anything up, it's backed by multiple sources... basically every study ever done by valid scientific institutions on the subject of THC's use and abuse and it's effects on human physiology and psychoses.

do what you want, all i ever personally suggested regarding the use of marijuana during sessions was that it's unprofessional, and it is.

i offered advice.. and it's sound advice.. take it or don't...but stop acting like someone is trying to tell you what to do.... that's a childish reaction.
I don't want to take any position in this lively debate. :p
But in the anti-pot people, are there any of you who takes depression pills or whatever brain pills is out there today?

I heard that you can have an overdose of aspirin but you can't of pot.
I also heard that pot has been legal for 4900 years until the USA wanted to get rid of the Mexicans during the depression in the 1920s and since apparently they were all smoking pot, pot became illegal and therefore many Mexicans were thrown out of the USA.

But I also heard of some people hooked on heroin because they smoked pot.

And for example, many people drink 6 beers and they become crazy and run naked in the bar and have unprotected sex with people they don't remember who it is. And others drink 12 beers and go home.

About smoking pot at the job, I think it highly depends on the job and the person. I know that I would never do it if I had physical work to do. But jobs where you don't really need all your brain and jobs where you don't work physically, then who gives a hulla hoop. Maybe that's why the Wal-Mart employees are so happy. :saint:
Well I am sorry if I evoked some very negative sentiments which was not my intention at all. Maybe it is time for a chill pill? :saint: Just joking. But I am not saying pot is like pills, but heroin and cocaine were very legal 100 years ago. Some pharmacists sold cocaine in tabs to children because it removed the pain of their tooth and made them happy. And I simply wonder what will be illegal in 100 years. No one knows so topic over. :p

And I think I would be much more intoxicated if I drank 5$ worth of Nyquil then smoked 5$ worth of pot. I will not try it so now topic over for me. :p
[...] I smoke before going to my day job all the time, the owner and others can't tell and I'm in a different situation, plus I do it privately in my vehicle on the way there. [...]
Yeah, great idea... You are aware that you putting people in danger by doing that, right? :guh:
oh yeah.. you nailed it on the head... scientists with doctorates on human physiology are as totally unqualified to comment on the effects of drugs on humans as a middle-aged, mid-western soccer mom is to comment on heavy metal music. very incisive. ;) lol
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go with neverpurify. It's like asking PETA wether you should become a Vegetarian or not. Of course these guys know their stuff but if they'd come across any pro-drugs arguments they certainly wouldn't state them on their website.
About smoking pot at the job, I think it highly depends on the job and the person. I know that I would never do it if I had physical work to do. But jobs where you don't really need all your brain and jobs where you don't work physically, then who gives a hulla hoop. Maybe that's why the Wal-Mart employees are so happy. :saint:
OT: Check out how happy they are by watching
006 they probably cant notice it just because you are always going to work stoned...

Stop it and they will suddenly start to tell you what a great change for better they see in you.
oh yeah.. you nailed it on the head... scientists with doctorates on human physiology are as totally unqualified to comment on the effects of drugs on humans as a middle-aged, mid-western soccer mom is to comment on heavy metal music. very incisive. ;) lol

how about you quit telling people not to do things that they aren't doing... since all i did was point out that the guy wasn't making anything up, it's backed by multiple sources... basically every study ever done by valid scientific institutions on the subject of THC's use and abuse and it's effects on human physiology and psychoses.

do what you want, all i ever personally suggested regarding the use of marijuana during sessions was that it's unprofessional, and it is.

i offered advice.. and it's sound advice.. take it or don't...but stop acting like someone is trying to tell you what to do.... that's a childish reaction.

you're right, I was a little out there with the tipper gore reference but you get my point.

actually it pissed me off that you jumped all over the guy and basically started calling him stupid and saying that he will never get it and how sad that is blah blah blah. Do you have a personal agenda against the topic at hand? if you do, that's cool. but what's not cool is lumping everyone that smoked weed together into this group of unsuccessful, mindless turds.
Yeah, great idea... You are aware that you putting people in danger by doing that, right? :guh:

Dude, I'm perfectly capable of driving while lighting a pipe. No more danger than somebody on a cell phone, lighting a cigarette or some woman putting her make-up on in the morning. Might I add I've never heard of any accidents where a driver was suspected of lighting a pipe or joint or anything. Yet I hear LOTS of reports of people texting and talking on their phone. In fact, if you search San Antonio and cell phone caused accidents resulting in death, you'll find one that happened merely three weeks ago on O'connor Road. A 17 year old female was texting on her phone and ended up flipping her car a few times before smashing into a tree which killed her - I live right around the corner from where that happened. Nice try though ;)

HeadCrusher said:
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go with neverpurify. It's like asking PETA wether you should become a Vegetarian or not. Of course these guys know their stuff but if they'd come across any pro-drugs arguments they certainly wouldn't state them on their website.

How true this is. A lot of people aren't aware that quite a few government funded tests have never had the results publicly available. Not to mention a very famous one saying it kills monkees that was very padded...conveniently leaving out the fact that they pumped nothing but smoke into them for 8 minutes straight...well what the fuck do you expect to happen. Weed smoke isn't oxygen, of course that would kill them. But we don't talk about that fact...

006 they probably cant notice it just because you are always going to work stoned...

Stop it and they will suddenly start to tell you what a great change for better they see in you. I go to work quite a bit completely sober as well. My performance is good no matter what. In fact, if you had read my previous posts in this thread you would have seen that I was sober for over a week just before a few days ago.

actually it pissed me off that you jumped all over the guy and basically started calling him stupid and saying that he will never get it and how sad that is blah blah blah.

James was just doing what James does: school a nigga. He does have a very valid point, one which I didn't consider before and makes me think about things a little different regarding clients and everything. He wasn't trying to jump all over me, per se, he just says it straight and to the point. We talked on AIM after that and it's all good.
Yeah, great idea... You are aware that you putting people in danger by doing that, right?

how so?

there have been numerous studies conducted in the past to try to prove that smoking weed impairs one's ability to drive...and they've all failed to prove such

in addition, a couple years back there was a report published by some national organization that represents auto insurers which stated that in cases where drivers in wrecks were under the influence of marijuana, it was found that the marijuana had nothing to do with the outcome 92% of the time. don't ask me how they came to this conclusion...i just remember reading the article about it.

personally, i've been in 2 traffic collisions while i was stoned - neither of which was my fault. a few years ago i was driving on the highway and some lady got cut off and came to a complete stop right in front of me...i braked, and the car behind me hit my car. then just the other day, some dumb shit hit my parked car at the gas station while i was sitting it, and then took off without stopping. fucktard.
Dude, I'm perfectly capable of driving while lighting a pipe. No more danger than somebody on a cell phone, lighting a cigarette or some woman putting her make-up on in the morning.

No, you are just as bad as them.It IS proven that smoking marijuana has a negative effect on reaction times. It slows you down, even if just a tiny bit, but that might mean the difference between life and death in a traffic situation.

You seriously need to realize that your smoking habits are affecting a lot more people than just yourself.

You seriously need to realize there are irresponsible smokers and responsible smokers, just like with everything else.
I guess I'll throw in my input.

I feel as if people are too one sided on the topic. Either it's horrible or it's the best thing since sliced bread.

I smoke quite frequently. Does it ruin my life? No...

As of right now I'm working through University as I keep on top of my music writing. So I'm fulfilled and happy AND a pot smoker! At first my girlfriend was unhappy about my marijuana usage but now she's completely fine with it. So even better.

That being said, it does have some negative effects... it makes u feel tired and burnt out, and changes the way your mind works slightly. And despite the whole "it makes you more creative" I feel thats untrue. It simply changes the way you think, sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse.

Yes I've smoked before work, but I personally have a pretty high tolerance to it and I only did it when I knew I had a slack day at the office.

Take it for what it is... it's not really a big deal.
Dude, I'm perfectly capable of driving while lighting a pipe. No more danger than somebody on a cell phone, lighting a cigarette or some woman putting her make-up on in the morning. Might I add I've never heard of any accidents where a driver was suspected of lighting a pipe or joint or anything. [...]
Well I'm not talking about actually lighting the thing put the way smoking it affects your ability to drive a car.

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude or take this on a personal level but I really do believe driving stoned/drunk is one of the least responsible things to do.

Here's why:
No, you are just as bad as them.It IS proven that smoking marijuana has a negative effect on reaction times. It slows you down, even if just a tiny bit, but that might mean the difference between life and death in a traffic situation.

You seriously need to realize that your smoking habits are affecting a lot more people than just yourself.

You guys act like driving while loading a bowl or lighting it is just like defusing a bomb.... I'm not saying it's OK or that it's not distracting...I'm saying it's no different than the 100's of texting/talking on a cell phone caused accidents that happen every week in most major cities.
Might I add I've never heard of any accidents where a driver was suspected of lighting a pipe or joint or anything. Yet I hear LOTS of reports of people texting and talking on their phone.
Maybe that's because luckily only few people smoke+drive? :rolleyes: