Getting baked before work

Oh, a weed thread, don't worry guys here I am. :wave:

I think weed helping concentration is an odd statement. I don't feel it does so with me, but I don't feel I have any less ability to concentrate either. I go to work stoned almost every morning, just because. The owners/customers/my employees can't tell. My girlfriend can't tell unless I tell her I'm stoned or I cut loose and act goofy. I've had serious conversations with my parents in person while 100% certifiably baked and they couldn't tell. I've not had a single client complain, and I ask before each session and respect the client's wishes if they don't want that going on. I do, however, get baked before they show up in that case. They can't tell lol.

It's different for everyone though. Some people can't do shit stoned, some people can. So, it may help Shreddy to concentrate, I dunno for sure I've never had anybody say it does and then get a chance to observe them like James has. My opinion is that if you can't hold your shit when you are high then don't do it before work. Period. You will get fired if you can't be straight. If you work for yourself, your clients will notice. Period. I do it because I know people can't tell when I'm high and it doesn't make me fuck up or anything.

And Lasse: For the past 5 months or so I've had weed the entire time, but for the last week or so I have been completely out. You know how many times I thought about it or had an urge? Barely at all. I didn't feel like arranging to buy any, and forgot about it. FACT: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. IT HAS BEEN MEDICALLY PROVEN. THANK YOU.

There is a certain type of person that becomes heavily reliant on marijuana- this is medically proven. I'm not saying you are one of those people, but there are people that smoke everyday for MANY many years, and after a while, the effects of the drug start to wear off. The user smokes more weed to achieve the same effect, but to no avail, and will usually switch over to cocaine or even meth.

So for some people, weed can definitely bad business. As for my opinion on smoking before work- well I think it's kind of lame. I'm not trying to offend those who are big time potheads over here, but I really can't say I understand it. I can get through work, and life with no need or desire for any mind altering substances, and coming to work stoned is pretty unprofessional if you ask me.
I'm smoking up right now.

There is a certain type of person that becomes heavily reliant on marijuana- this is medically proven. I'm not saying you are one of those people, but there are people that smoke everyday for MANY many years, and after a while, the effects of the drug start to wear off. The user smokes more weed to achieve the same effect, but to no avail, and will usually switch over to cocaine or even meth.

So for some people, weed can definitely bad business. As for my opinion on smoking before work- well I think it's kind of lame. I'm not trying to offend those who are big time potheads over here, but I really can't say I understand it. I can get through work, and life with no need or desire for any mind altering substances, and coming to work stoned is pretty unprofessional if you ask me.
I almost can't even find the energy to argue back to a post like that in all honesty.

You know why? Your argument sucks.
IF'S and BUT'S don't make a flawless fucking argument.
Driver A is a collosal fuckhead and is driving down the road eating a motherfucking sandwich
and Driver B is driving down the road and he's pretty high.

Imagine they were coming up on a crossroads or something, driver A could easily run a redlight without realising because he/she was too busy filling her fucking face with sandwich and Driver B could have slowed down at a nice steady pace when he noticed the lights were changing because he was stoned and paying really close attention to stuff

you can spin this whatever way way you like. Replace Sandwich with "shooting up smack" or "lighting a joint" and you have the same fucking argument, riddled with flaws based on ifs and buts and no cold hard facts.
Yet here we have an individual by the name of Mike testifying to the fact that he can drive perfectly fine while he's high.
I know who I'd believe even if I wasn't a bit of a stoner.
And anyway, if your average stoner is having a joint on the way to work, and it's like a half hour drive, they'll probably only start feeling it towards the end of the journey anyway.
And one joint isn't going to get you to the point where you can barely walk. Hell, one joint puts my head in a nice place but my body's still perfectly functioning. You aren't going to find any "yeah, once a month at party's LOL" users smoking up on the way to work are you? Just the people that can handle a fair amount.

Like I said, I still wouldn't smoke up if i was driving to work or something, but a joint on the way to work isn't going to do shit.
I almost can't even find the energy to argue back to a post like that in all honesty.

You know why? Your argument sucks.
IF'S and BUT'S don't make a flawless fucking argument.
Driver A is a collosal fuckhead and is driving down the road eating a motherfucking sandwich
and Driver B is driving down the road and he's pretty high.

Imagine they were coming up on a crossroads or something, driver A could easily run a redlight without realising because he/she was too busy filling her fucking face with sandwich and Driver B could have slowed down at a nice steady pace when he noticed the lights were changing because he was stoned and paying really close attention to stuff

you can spin this whatever way way you like. Replace Sandwich with "shooting up smack" or "lighting a joint" and you have the same fucking argument, riddled with flaws based on ifs and buts and no cold hard facts.
Yet here we have an individual by the name of Mike testifying to the fact that he can drive perfectly fine while he's high.
I know who I'd believe even if I wasn't a bit of a stoner.

I wouldn't drive when I'm stoned, though.
Yeah, for the record, James' sister crashed because of distraction, she could've just as easily been fumbling for a CD or a bible or something else less offensive and the same would've happened. Haven driven stoned on a few occasions, I can say it's plenty doable and I feel my reaction time, coordination, etc. is fine - it's all procedural memory, they were roads I've driven thousands of times, so the muscle memory takes over, surely you all are familiar with this experience. One thing I did notice is my sense of direction/location was a bit skewed, but since I was practically on autopilot cuz I knew the areas so well, it didn't matter (though I'm only talking driving all around my old college town, FWIW).

Anyway, a lot of people seem to be blatantly anti-weed, and for the last time, I used to be to, but then I gave it a chance and discovered it was ok - as I've said so many times, it's all about how you use it, and while I agree it's a bit iffy to totally argue that it's fine to drive high, people just need to relax a bit with the weed hating, and address their inner issues as to why it gets them so riled up!
I DO KNOW, because i've done both many times. That's the difference, if you never do it, where is your argument coming from?

The point is SOME PEOPLE's "loss of time perception, speed perception, coordination, reflexes, awareness, perception etc." still leaves their time perception, speed perception, coordination, reflexes, awareness, perception better than yours when you're sober. Why is that so hard to understand?

For years and years i've been stoned up 60feet standing on a 30 degree pitched roof, straddling 24" on center roof truss with a toolbelt and a circular saw in my hand. Can you do that?

BTW how would you BECOME an Olympic skiier if what you are saying is true for everyone?

That you have driven both sober and high does not support that you know that you drive just as good when your high as when you are sober.
Cannabis affects your perception, this means that you might just perceive your driving as just as good as when you are sober.

I do understand your point that some people have better coordination/reflexes then me, even if they are high, but that does not make it a legit reason to drive when under the influence.. there are allot of people that probably would drive 10 times as good as you do when they are drunk, so should drunk driving be legalized?

I dont think you can become an Olympic skier if you are stoned during your training, due to that cannabis has a huge impact on your learning abilities and coordination, but sure, if you smoke a joint before hitting the slopes when you already are on that level, you might to be able to perform just as good.

Anyhow, i don't think that you know better then those studies that has been made about driving under the influence of THC.

Edit: Oh, and for the record, im still pro-weed, but im not for driving under the influence, no matter what drug you've taken.
Doing anything that might affect your driving is irresponsible, irrelevant of whether many of people out on the roads simply suck at driving.

You still have a responsibility to be at your sharpest and have the fastest reaction times you reasonably can.

That being said, we've all done highly irresponsible things and life would be pretty boring if we had to do full written risk assessments before we even step outside a sterile padded cell.
Oh wait............we already do have to :(

PS: weed kicks ass and is great fun, but it does slow you down. Some people less than others, but still, it's kinda a fact that it does
And anyway, if your average stoner is having a joint on the way to work, and it's like a half hour drive, they'll probably only start feeling it towards the end of the journey anyway.

i don't know about that...the longest it ever takes for bud to kick for me is 2-3 minutes. when i smoke a bowl, i'm usually at my peak high-ness by the time it's gone.
All those studies say that it AFFECTS your perception and all those other things.

It might affect SOME PEOPLE for the better.

For example, sober you might be driving thinking about work, family stuff, etc. and not paying attention to your driving. OR, you might be stoned and really focusing on driving (and maybe being EXTRA careful because of the legal issues that James brought up) and driving better than you would if you were sober. It's all about "Time and Place".

You CAN train yourself to overcome (what you call) these limitations that are imposed by THC just like anything else.

I went to the driving test for my liscense when I was 18 stoned. So if I was good enough to pass that then what do you think it's like when I have "trained" behind the wheel stoned for 15 years?
On that note, why isn't everyone arguing against driving after drinking a cup of coffee or smoking a cigarette. Both of those are "mind-altering" substances as well.

I wasn't going to get into this but here's the FACTS for ME. I have ADDHD (atleast I was diagnosed with that as a young child). As far as production work, if i am sober and say editing drums I can't focus on the task at hand and my mind wanders (thinking about the guitar tone, girlfriend, that night 10 years ago when I should have hooked up with that chick, etc.) but when I smoke, it "slows down" my thought process just enough so that I can focus 100% on what I am trying to do. So yeah it alters me and slows down my brain function but arguable "for the better".

In the end that equals for ME, my brain function may slow down, but I can put MORE thought onto important stuff and less thought into random stuff that has nothing to do with what i'm doing.
All those studies say that it AFFECTS your perception and all those other things.

It might affect SOME PEOPLE for the better.

For example, sober you might be driving thinking about work, family stuff, etc. and not paying attention to your driving. OR, you might be stoned and really focusing on driving (and maybe being EXTRA careful because of the legal issues that James brought up) and driving better than you would if you were sober. It's all about "Time and Place".

You CAN train yourself to overcome (what you call) these limitations that are imposed by THC just like anything else.

I went to the driving test for my liscense when I was 18 stoned. So if I was good enough to pass that then what do you think it's like when I have "trained" behind the wheel stoned for 15 years?

.. i know of one guy that took his driving test for his license drunk, and got it, so that doesn't really say anything.
Im quitting this argument right now, because you're clearly not going to change your mind.. i just think its scary to see that you're using the same argument as most drunk drivers: "I know that i drive just as well under the influence."

Newsflash: You dont.
:kickass: cheers dude.

I didn't really consider it an argument. Just iterating my side of it. Not trying to "change your mind". For some reason the people so vehemently against it are. We all know opinions are like assholes........
Force666... not all opinions are like assholes. Mine, for example, aren't shitty and don't have dicks going into them.

For the "pot is emotionally/psychologically addictive" shit... shut the fuck up, already. You can get addicted in that way to *anything* so it's *no fault of pot whatsoever*. This is coming from a guy who has no interest in pot whatsoever, so it's not like I'm trying to defend a habit by thrashing my skills sober so that doing things high looks good by comparison - that's just whiny, blabby horseshit from overly-protective twats who are just looking for excuses to feel sorry for people, so if you're faulting *pot* for a response that can take place easily without pot you really need to reconsider your own habits. Pretending that it makes pot 'addictive' in some sense is pure wank, and it's just another excuse for people to avoid having to take responsibility and deal with not making the best decisions - by those standards everything is addictive, so shut the fucking fuck up because you, too, are an addict and have no place to complain. Tolerance and addiction are separate things, with one possible without the other, and whimpering about the addictivity of marijuana is obnoxious - people need to quit pretending to be fucking addicted to everything and grow a pair; pretending that a psychological response *independent of marijuana itself* is marijuana's problem when it can happen easily with things that are completely noncontroversial is utter cuntstuffery, plain and simple.

As stated before, the average human has no addiction, whether it be mental or physical, to marijuana. With that said, with my experience in the field of Addiction Psychology, it is common knowledge that there is a SPECIFIC type of biology that gains a dependence to the drug, and relies on it heavily for many years.

In my area of study, it's VERY common for us to see people who smoke everyday for 10 years+, and suddenly the effects start to wear off. That person begins to smoke more and more, trying to achieve the same high they once had, but to no avail. While the pot itself is fairly harmless, it is commonly a gateway drug that lead into other drugs, most commonly cocaine.

In my personal experience, I've had a ton of friends who've drank, and I've had a ton who got into pot. What I can tell you is that I notice a definite change of personality and lifestyle in those who smoke pot, at least one that is more long lasting than alcohol. In my own personal experience, it seems as those who choose to drink still retain their energy, and overall personality. Of my 20+ friends, those who have gotten into smoking have become noticeably different, and quite frankly, way more boring.

I recall playing a house show once, and everyone was upstairs smoking a bowl. I obviously wasn't partaking but I was conversing with others. One 25 year old dude who was in one of the bands was partaking, and my fellow bandmate who was a mere 18 at the time, asked him, "So you guys can pretty much just smoke here anytime right?" The guy responded, "Yeah bro! Everyday before and after work, I toke a bowl. It's the life!"

Just my opinion, but if you are feeling the need to get baked before work, you should probably re-evaluate what you're doing. And your job probably isn't the best. Obviously it's your body and your life, but I think it's fairly immature. If I had kids growing up, I don't think I'd want to raise them to be getting baked before work. Opinions though.
I didn't say it wasn't tolerance, alright. Perhaps we should agree to disagree, however it's documented in a variety of NIDA published literature that long term marijuana use results in withdrawl. I think that withdrawl is a sign of dependence, and dependence is a sign of addiction. As I stated before, this is EXTREMELY rare for someone to become dependent on marijuana, but it is documented that a certain type of biology is prone.
If that does happen and qualifies as an addiction, fine. I'm just sick of hearing so many excuses for not having the balls to make real decisions, and 'emotional dependence' just cheapens *real* addictions - with those kinds of measurable, quantifiable symptoms and effects - in a way that doesn't help anyone. It's the last resort of a failed argument, so that specifically is what needs to die - not actual biology.
