Getting baked before work

Maybe heart and brain surgeons should smoke some weed every morning so they can "relax and concentrate" better on what they do...


And commercial airline pilots too !

That would be a barrel of fun and laugh to all passengers !

Might I add I've never heard of any accidents where a driver was suspected of lighting a pipe or joint or anything. Yet I hear LOTS of reports of people texting and talking on their phone. Nice try though ;)
yeah... my sister flipped her truck 5 times and landed in a ditch several years ago.... because she was trying to load a pipe with pot... so it happens. anything you do that distracts you from paying attention to the road can and will cause accidents; texting, putting on make-up, looking at a map, eating... and loading bowls.

she was looking into her dash for the pot and fumbling with the pipe, and she moved the wheel a teeny tiny bit to the right and hit a curb.. it was enough to launch her into the flips as she tried to correct. she survived... with a dislocated shoulder and a few scrapes... and managed to toss her pipe and weed down a drainage grate before anyone else arrived on the scene.

so now you've heard of one. Nice try though ;)

FTR, the only thing i'm saying here is that Mike is wrong, there are sometimes such accidents.... don't care to extrapolate that any further into any other argument or position.

How true this is. A lot of people aren't aware that quite a few government funded tests have never had the results publicly available. Not to mention a very famous one saying it kills monkees that was very padded...conveniently leaving out the fact that they pumped nothing but smoke into them for 8 minutes straight...well what the fuck do you expect to happen. Weed smoke isn't oxygen, of course that would kill them. But we don't talk about that fact...
ok there, Dale Gribble.... let's all just drop off the grid :lol:

despite his reply here, Mike has already admitted to me that he feels the reports i quoted seemed unbiased in his opinion.

:Smokin: < mike, hopped up on the marijuana... and goofballs.... blue goofballs. :D
You guys act like driving while loading a bowl or lighting it is just like defusing a bomb.... I'm not saying it's OK or that it's not distracting...I'm saying it's no different than the 100's of texting/talking on a cell phone caused accidents that happen every week in most major cities.

Then be better than fucking average man! Just because lots of other people do stuff that endangers peoples lives doesn't make it ok for you to do it too!

you are an intelligent guy, and I have a lot of respect for other things you've said on this forum in the past, so I know you are smarter than you let people believe in this thread.
Smoke all you want. Smoke at work. Smoke at home.
Don't smoke before you're getting in or in the car.
you're right, I was a little out there with the tipper gore reference but you get my point.

actually it pissed me off that you jumped all over the guy and basically started calling him stupid and saying that he will never get it and how sad that is blah blah blah. Do you have a personal agenda against the topic at hand? if you do, that's cool. but what's not cool is lumping everyone that smoked weed together into this group of unsuccessful, mindless turds.
actually, as Mike already pointed out, we know each other well and were talking on AIM both during and after that round of posts... i know that wasn't apparent to you so it seemed like i was just randomly bashing on someone, but that wasn't the case. i was specifically bashing Mike, :lol: ...and it was fun.
Well, what if I (or anyone for that matter) can drive stoned and still drive better than you (or anyone else)?

Maybe the government should get me real stoned and then anybody that can't drive better than me while they are sober should be euthanized.

Like was said earlier in the thread by I forget who- If you're already super fucking dumb then when you smoke weed you're going to have problems.

So if you have all these "problems" when you smoke weed, what am I really saying? :heh:

Still agree with getting stoned in front of your clients is unprofessional.
As much as I'm very pro-weed, like I said before, time and a place. I wouldn't ever smoke in my car (if I had a driving liscence or a car..) but I'm not personally going to yell shit at Mike about it because Weed affects us all in different ways. I have no right to say he isn't a perfectly good driver because I'm not him, simple. As far as the "be all that you can be, stop smoking weed and meet your potential" argument? Fuck people that say that. It's not down to the fucking plant, it's down to the person. Anyone who has the drive to succeed will most likely succeed even if they smoke. It's just a matter of self discipline.

And the "weed alters the way your mind works" thing? Fucking right it does, and I couldn't be any more proud to say my enjoyment of weed has changed the way I view things.
It's opened my mind to no end and I feel like a much better person for it.
A lot of bullshit...

Did you not even read his post before you hit the quote button and decided to post some more hyperbole to the fire?
If someone is a good driver while they're stoned, what right have you got to call them otherwise?
No amount of anti-weed sentiment will change the fact that you're being a close minded dick about THIS part of the argument.
And the ones that end up forming habits?
Who fucking cares? Natural Selection still exists in a minute form (despite the fact that we've pretty much eliminated it from society with microwaves and central heating.) If they're weak enough to not have some self discipline and realise they have a problem then I see no reason to care. If you can't handle your weed get the fuck out and leave the rest of us to make something of ourselves.
Ok, im actually pro-legalizing Cannabis, but seriously, you guys who don't realize that its dangerous to smoke weed and then driving a car are just stupid.
Cannabis causes loss of coordination, time perception, slower reflexes and it does also affect your ability to focus.. so don't bother coming with that bullshit that it doesn't affect your driving.
Yeah Jackal that was kind of a cheap shot. But, no need to bicker back and forth about it. If that's the kind of "schoolyard" mentality you're bringing, I'll let that slip by.

The simple fact is the people who have never smoked and the people who have hardly ever smoked are basing this whole argument on IGNORANCE!

Now if you're bringing the "I smoked before work once and was a useless drone". Then I'll listen. But, will still maintain that that is you, not me.
Ok, im actually pro-legalizing Cannabis, but seriously, you guys who don't realize that its dangerous to smoke weed and then driving a car are just stupid.
Cannabis causes loss of coordination, time perception, slower reflexes and it does also affect your ability to focus.. so don't bother coming with that bullshit that it doesn't affect your driving.

So how come (can't remember his name off-hand) Olympic skiier got his GOLD MEDAL revoked for testing positive for weed. That's the point, it may "slow his reflexes" but if his reflexes are still a million times faster than yours......who cares.
i think Jackal Strain has made a good point in his previous post... and anyway, what will all you people that smoke weed while driving do if you get stopped for a moving violation and the cop manages to smell the pot in your car? i'll tell you what you'll do in FL or many other states in the US... you'll likely lose your car. the Sheriff will own it and they'll auction it. i let my clients smoke at my place if they want... behind the building.. but i never allow anyone in my car that has any weed at all on them.
Did you not even read his post before you hit the quote button and decided to post some more hyperbole to the fire?
If someone is a good driver while they're stoned, what right have you got to call them otherwise?
No amount of anti-weed sentiment will change the fact that you're being a close minded dick about THIS part of the argument.

Fuck yes I'm close minded about driving under the influence of drugs or anything.
I can see that a lot of people here simply refuse to look at these thing responsibly, so I will state my opinion one last time, and then I'm done with this thread.

Driver A might be a professional driver. Lets say he's a Nascar driver or F1 or whatever.
Driver B might be an even better driver. Even when he's stoned...

But let's imagine that while driving high, driver B actually gets cut of by another driver. It wasn't even his fault in the first place! But somehow, because of the prick that cut him off, he spins out of control and ends up killing a small boy...
How do you think driver B will handle this situation? Maybe he would have reacted just a bit faster if he hadn't been driving under the influence? He'll probably never know, but I bet that question will torment him for the rest of his life.

I used to think like a lot of people here, but (and I know this is a cliche) after I became a father stuff like this really gets to me. If someone kills my daughter in traffic I will probably hate that person for the rest of my life. If that person was influenced by drugs or alcohol, I will hunt that bastard down and kill him.

So, Gareth was it?
You can call me a close minded dick all you want, but at least I'm a responsible close minded dick. I'd much rather be that than someone who drive under the influence.

I'm looking forward to discussing music and audio related stuff with all of you in the future, but I'm done with this subject.

thank you Sigurd....very good post... and i'm with you on leaving it rest here and moving on to audio topics. later hippies :wave:.
So how come (can't remember his name off-hand) Olympic skiier got his GOLD MEDAL revoked for testing positive for weed. That's the point, it may "slow his reflexes" but if his reflexes are still a million times faster than yours......who cares.

Well, loss of time perception, speed perception, coordination, reflexes, awareness, perception etc. is not just reflexes that is the problem..

Your argument does not hold up.. because then we might just as well apply the same to any other drug.

And you really don't know if you are just as good at driving when high as when you are "sober", due to the fact that it affects your perception.

.. BTW, how would a Olympic skier harm another person by skiing under the influence of cannabis? ;)
As much as I'm very pro-weed, like I said before, time and a place. I wouldn't ever smoke in my car (if I had a driving liscence or a car..) but I'm not personally going to yell shit at Mike about it because Weed affects us all in different ways. I have no right to say he isn't a perfectly good driver because I'm not him, simple. As far as the "be all that you can be, stop smoking weed and meet your potential" argument? Fuck people that say that. It's not down to the fucking plant, it's down to the person. Anyone who has the drive to succeed will most likely succeed even if they smoke. It's just a matter of self discipline.

And the "weed alters the way your mind works" thing? Fucking right it does, and I couldn't be any more proud to say my enjoyment of weed has changed the way I view things.
It's opened my mind to no end and I feel like a much better person for it.

You are my hero good sir
Well, loss of time perception, speed perception, coordination, reflexes, awareness, perception etc. is not just reflexes that is the problem..

Your argument does not hold up.. because then we might just as well apply the same to any other drug.

And you really don't know if you are just as good at driving when high as when you are "sober", due to the fact that it affects your perception.

.. BTW, how would a Olympic skier harm another person by skiing under the influence of cannabis? ;)

I DO KNOW, because i've done both many times. That's the difference, if you never do it, where is your argument coming from?

The point is SOME PEOPLE's "loss of time perception, speed perception, coordination, reflexes, awareness, perception etc." still leaves their time perception, speed perception, coordination, reflexes, awareness, perception better than yours when you're sober. Why is that so hard to understand?

For years and years i've been stoned up 60feet standing on a 30 degree pitched roof, straddling 24" on center roof truss with a toolbelt and a circular saw in my hand. Can you do that?

BTW how would you BECOME an Olympic skiier if what you are saying is true for everyone?