Getting baked before work

Theres a difference in a client fully KNOWING that you are baked (as in you make it known that you did it or you are stupid baked and cant open your eyes) and smoking before work the smart way. If noone knows you do it, how can they look at you as unprofessional? Its the "legal drug" using and sober ones im scared about, the doctors who get a box of pain pills and xanex every month doing surgery on me....the list goes WAY on...and seeing as how companies are ran in the god a bunch of non college stoners have a better shot at running shit.

And don't give me that "pot aiding concentration is horseshit, and its addictive, irresponsible, etc". 300 Million people wake up and drink legal over the counter fucking sugar blended cocaine every single morning (Redbull, 6hour power, etc.) If its your morning duty to smoke a blunt, or get juiced up on energy drinks, its your choice REGARDLESS. Thats the real issue in this discussion. If your a fucking retard who cant realize that you cant drink a bottle of liquor and smoke 5 blunts and go to a job, that doesn't mean that someone who likes to puff a j before mixing is such a rediculous thing..That just means that your a fuckup in general, and shouldn't be using any kind of drugs. It's truly sad how a lazy generation of screwups gets mixed in with something that has been used throughout the world for hundreds of years.

Theres no reason someone responsible and smart cannot function perfectly fine if not better in a "job" environment. And the funny thing is, most of you cant even see 80% of the real stoners out there, because yeah, they are smart about it, and they do their job perfectly fine and live their life. Accountants...Engineers...Musicians...6 Time Olympic Gold Metalists...

Go smoke your legal cigarettes drink those nasty heart attacks and pop your pain pills and die when your 60, ill stick with the grass and realize that drugs dont make shitty workers, stupid people make shitty workers.
Theres no reason someone responsible and smart cannot function perfectly fine if not better in a "job" environment. And the funny thing is, most of you cant even see 80% of the real stoners out there, because yeah, they are smart about it, and they do their job perfectly fine and live their life. Accountants...Engineers...Musicians...6 Time Olympic Gold Metalists...

i have an uncle who's a TV producer for a major station in a major metro area...dude's 60 years old, lives a very happy/successful life, and spends a good portion of it blazed - and no one ever knows unless he tells them
It really is true though, everyone participating in this thread ought to know this. If you leave your house and interact with people, you will probably encounter at least one person that smokes weed or is high at the time, but you won't know it or suspect it at all. People like me who get baked and go to work. Nobody bats an eye because I don't look, act or sound like somebody that is stoned.
unless im ridiculously stoned, all i get is my eyelids being a little lower
apart from that i can walk around and function perfectly normally
300 Million people wake up and drink legal over the counter fucking sugar blended cocaine every single morning (Redbull, 6hour power, etc.)

I see the word cocaine.
is this just you being over so slightly OTT? :S
cos i drink a fuckton of energy drinks
I just suspect everyone of smoking dope.


Mr. Hand

I would say smoking is going to affect everyone differently. For me it definitely doesn't help with concentration because I forget what I'm doing while I'm doing it. Lol. This is why I don't normally smoke at work, but occasionally a band will offer and I'll get a little lifted but nowhere near to being impaired. I have trouble keeping track of time when I'm up, and trying to run a show with 8 bands and 15 minute set changes would become super difficult.
I see the word cocaine.
is this just you being over so slightly OTT? :S
cos i drink a fuckton of energy drinks

And my point is, you are putting yourself at a high % chance of having an early heart attack if you drink energy drinks like anyone that I know. And yeah, it basically does the exact same function as something such as cocaine or meth would, speeds your heart up, reflexes, etc.

Tell me whats so bad about pot when you think about half the shit you are ingesting into your bodies? Hell you cant even fucking eat peanut butter anymore.

Coffee - BAD FOR YOU
Soft Drinks - BAD FOR YOU
Energy Drinks - BAD FOR YOU
McDonalds Everyday - BAD FOR YOU
Cigarettes - _BAD_

Pot - You may want to sit on the couch all day...No deaths, medicinal use, picked straight from the ground.

Tell me what the difference is? You have people that want to be jacked up all day, and you have people that want to be stoned all day. Except the people who just so happen to not smoke do not understand that we have the same right to smoke whenever we want in comparison to your habits.

Oh yeah, stoners probably have a much longer lifespan than cigarette smoking drunks that preach on how they are sober at work and hate stoner kids. Time for the world to get real and step up and worry about making our god damn food safer for us to eat and our countries dont run out of fucking money before telling us what we can or cant do in the morning in our own homes, before work or after.
I'll tell you one thing though, I would be BAD getting baked before work because I get such ridiculous munchies (I eat absurd amounts as it is) - last night, after burning down an epic blunt with 3 other gents I came home at 8, and between then and 2 AM I ate a big fish dinner, a tall glass of milk/ovaltine, like four pieces of whole-wheat bread, two chocolate truffles, a big bowl of cereal, a big bowl of cottage cheese + yogurt, and a PB&J sandwich - just cuz I get the munchies doesn't mean I break my healthy routine! :D And admittedly, this is only the second time in a little over 2 weeks that I've smoked, so it hit HARD.
I don't need any substances to calm me down, help me focus, or ensure that I have a fun night. And I live a happy, fulfilling life.
It really is true though, everyone participating in this thread ought to know this. If you leave your house and interact with people, you will probably encounter at least one person that smokes weed or is high at the time, but you won't know it or suspect it at all. People like me who get baked and go to work. Nobody bats an eye because I don't look, act or sound like somebody that is stoned.

I work at a gas station now.. You'd be suprised how many black people come in baked buying their 40's, newports, and watermelon jolly ranchers.
I'll tell you one thing though, I would be BAD getting baked before work because I get such ridiculous munchies (I eat absurd amounts as it is) - last night, after burning down an epic blunt with 3 other gents I came home at 8, and between then and 2 AM I ate a big fish dinner, a tall glass of milk/ovaltine, like four pieces of whole-wheat bread, two chocolate truffles, a big bowl of cereal, a big bowl of cottage cheese + yogurt, and a PB&J sandwich - just cuz I get the munchies doesn't mean I break my healthy routine! :D And admittedly, this is only the second time in a little over 2 weeks that I've smoked, so it hit HARD.

All I can say is..........