Getting baked before work


yes, seriously...

example: i had a friend come over yesterday while i was working on getting my new room set up...we smoked a bowl of hydro kush, and i went right back to what i was doing - i got the room all painted, measured and figured out where the desk and monitors needed to go, got everything wired up and plugged in, cleaned up afterwards, etc. etc.

being under the influence of marijuana didn't inhibit what i was trying to do in the least bit - and it doesn't at my job, either. granted, i sell people electrical supplies all day, so there's not a lot to what i's not like being baked would keep me from being able to find a 40 amp double-pole QO breaker for a contractor, or whatever the fuck else it is that people come in needing

if i was a surgeon or air traffic controller or something, i would definitely stay away from the shit...but for most things i do, being high doesn't change what i do, or how i do it. it changes how i FEEL - not how i operate.
^But in terms of how you "feel", I think it could effect your perception in terms of being an AE (to be specific to the forum), because you'd "feel" as though this part was edited well enough, it sounds good enough, etc., etc.

Obviously, someone who gets stoned and does these things regularly will argue that it doesn't affect them, and people who don't smoke pot will say it does...There will be no resolution to these disparate ideals. And, obviously, it's played out in these threads that those who are clamoring the most that it doesn't affect anything are probably the ones who smoke the most?

Irony, you dirty, dirty bitch.
I think that if you need a pot to work, to concentrate or to think better, you have a problem.
It's like when a kid says "I take ecstasy because I have fun", like the only way to have fun is self-blowing the brain.
I have friends that smoked pots...they smoked before the school, during the school, after the school, in the afternoon, in the evening....but they were never more concentrate....... all the opposite.
They laughed without reason, they understood nothing at school, they remembered nothing, etc...
So.... I think it's a stupid self-convincement that smoking before work is good for you.
It's like if I would say "I take coke/heroin/amphetamine before work because I feel better and I'm more concentrate" ..... :D It's stupid, but there are persons that does it
Yep, I used to think having a few drinks or smoking a joint before playing a show made me play better on stage. For years i did this....

It was not until I started playing shows sober, and yes I may have been a bit more nervous at first, but I played 10x better. Its funny how many bands do this same type of thing, and you even hear it in the studio from band members. I always try and break it down for them and let them know its just a mental thing that they make them self believe. Not to say people can not play when stoned or drunk, but in no way does it make you any better.

Now I did try smoking weed once a long time ago when I was tracking/recording a friend and I totally lost my focus and we had more fun joking around and just being stoned then getting work done. I also like to smoke every now and then as well, but only on my free time. I actually did yesterday for the first time in like 4 months. I was out fishing with a friend and had no responsibility that day.

I think it makes me fish better...:lol:
I have friends that smoked pots...they smoked before the school, during the school, after the school, in the afternoon, in the evening....but they were never more concentrate....... all the opposite.
They laughed without reason, they understood nothing at school, they remembered nothing, etc...


i never smoked weed in HS...but i toked bowls before almost every class in college - all except my recording class, really, and ended with almost a 3.5 GPA

more than anything, i think it's dependent on the person. i have friends who smoke and become totally worthless - such as the guy who came over and smoked me out yesterday. every time we get high, he just sits there giggling like a school girl and doesn't know what the hell's going on, where i keep going about my business like nothing happened

So.... I think it's a stupid self-convincement that smoking before work is good for you.

i don't know that anyone's arguing that it's "good for you", but rather whether you can perform your job under the influence. again, i would say that it depends on both the person and the job in question.

Irony, you dirty, dirty bitch.

let's get her high
I agree when serving clients it is unprofessional. But, when you generalize that's where the argument comes from.

I bet you Lance Armstrong could get stoned and still whoop anyone here's ass in a bike race, just as Andy could take a million bong hits and most likely still come out with a better album than most people here.

What you think might be "right" for you personally, but it doesn't mean that you're "right".
let's get her high


I could agree with your points to an extent, though.

But, personally, I've never dealt with someone who can both be responsible/do a good job while at the same time be high....That said, I've never met - in person - a habitual non stop pot smoker who really had done much with their life to begin with.

I truly, truly, truly don't mean that as a slam against pot smokers "in general", but IME those who do it often are addicts, and behave as such, and their lifestyle reflects a desire to put priority in their habit above all else.

I think the same could be said for alcohol. IMO, if alcohol is legal, pot should be as well. But, that's another topic.
Party drug for me.... life wrecker for most of my friends. Seems a bit weird to smoke it all the time. Most of my mates who are regular smokers have "wasted" their lives, or not done as well as they could have, are lumbered with a shitload of racked up debt etc so im sure their concentration has suffered lol. Turned one of my friends into a jibbering, stuttering paranoid android actually, so you've gotta be pretty responsible with it. Ive found that the ones who do it everyday (at least in my circle of friends) are the generally the ones who are bored, have no hobbies, and in certain cases it gets worse and worse, in my eyes being the original catalyst in moving up the drugs ladder for the irresponsible. 2 weeks ago, one of my good friends' little brother died from his first attempt using "hard" drugs.
It's pretty fucking irresponsible IMO.
I used to go into classes baked out of my face, it was fun 'n all but I've no doubt that it contributed to me fucking my course up severely.
i dont even jam stoned anymore, because it adversely affects my concentration, sort of at least.
i can concentrate on playing one thing for about an hour, and really get everything out of whatever drum groove, guitar part or whatever it is im playing, and milk it for every aspect of its very existence, but its boring as fuck for everyone else but you so i even jam sober now

i still carry some sort of pretense about using weed to open my mind, enhance art, use it to really get into deep thinking about stuff, and I thoroughly believe that weed is an incredible tool for stuff like that, but it's not to be fucked with like so many people do.

i would never go to work stoned

hell, i started mixing a track stoned and it was like a dub producer had attempted to mix metal.
Reverb on everything that went on for fucking miles.
it was awesome as hell, and i was in euphoria while i was mixing
woke up the next morning and thought "Jesus that sounds fucking shit"
so im never mixing high again, unless its something that would benefit from oodles of reverb and delay, like some of my avant-garde improvised projects, but thats more fun times and artistic expression than mixing metal is IMO.

i smoke a lot of fucking weed as a fair few people here know, but theres a time and a place.
hell, i started mixing a track stoned and it was like a dub producer had attempted to mix metal.
Reverb on everything that went on for fucking miles.
it was awesome as hell, and i was in euphoria while i was mixing
woke up the next morning and thought "Jesus that sounds fucking shit"
so im never mixing high again, unless its something that would benefit from oodles of reverb and delay, like some of my avant-garde improvised projects, but thats more fun times and artistic expression than mixing metal is IMO.

Hahahahahahahahahaha, what I would give to have been there both for the mixing process and the next morning :lol:
i think im a really weird person because i dont drink, smoke or do drugs...and i feel good...
see i still don't understand what's going on to where your thought processes are so much different when you're stoned that you would mix a track completely differently than you would otherwise...
it wasnt completely different as such
i still like fucktons of reverb on everything
it was just off the fucking scale is all while i was stoned.
i think im a really weird person because i dont drink, smoke or do drugs...and i feel good...

Man... I used to smoke and drink but never did drugs... now I don't smoke, don't drink and still don't do drugs, eat vegetables and stuff and I REALLY feel better. Make 2 weirdos then :)
PS: does this make me less metal ?
Man... I used to smoke and drink but never did drugs... now I don't smoke, don't drink and still don't do drugs, eat vegetables and stuff and I REALLY feel better. Make 2 weirdos then :)
PS: does this make me less metal ?

Make that 3 of us.

Tried and tested all I wanted, was 2 fun years. Life works out better for me this way. No mood swings, more energy, have more money to put into my business and get tons more done. I'm more into getting out to the country instead of staying up all night and feeling shit all day at the weekend.

Occasionally I drink.

Since I stopped everything over a year ago, I have been shocked of how much fun you can actually have without putting shit into you system... as gay as it sounds... go figure.
One thing to point out by the way - according to his MSN updates, Jesse (the OP) works at a gas station, so when the most you have to worry about is selecting the right grade of fuel and making sure to tighten the cap until you hear the clicks, I think being baked is pretty acceptable :lol: