The Apprentice
Oh god Tim <3
Alright what I do is.....
Guitars. First I roll off highs and lows. LP and HP filters. Guitars 120hz HP and 10khz LP
Bass I roll off highs and lows. 70hz hp and 4khz Lp.
(btw this is of the assumption your drums are already EQ'd properly.)
After I leave room for low end and high end I reenter my guitar chain.
Now I listen. SHIT! I hear that my snare's low end is buried to dick heaven. So I deduct from the guitars at around 200hz (may be differnet for you, depends on snare). I use a narrow Q and no more than -3db. We aren't trying to change sound, just enhance and tweak. Still a little buried, don't take more out of the guitars to ruin tone, instead look for another track that could be competing. OH YEAH BASS! FUck yeah! Now I take out 200hz from my bass, being narrow again, and subtle.
Alright wow, it sounds much better, (if you want more thickness in snare, add more 200hz to the bitch.)
Now you listen again. You are also going to realize problems in the mid frequencies quite often. Snare crack, tom notes and such are going to be burried in the mid region. WHY might the little boy ask? "because you need to obviously scoop out some mids in your bass guitar" said grandma. So you do it and grandma says "holy wow, COwy you got something going there."
After you go through each section of frequency spectrum, lows and mids and highs. And everything is breathing. Go to each instrument. Like I sure does.
Kick, alright I hear it well, the thump click and slap is all there. BUT I could use more low on it, just to bring out more kick in your face. there are different ways to do this. Compression, EQ or transient modifying (also compression).
Snare, sounds great. Just needs more blend. ADD REVERB! I send it to a bus of verbation. Slap that shit on that, have it routed. Good to go. Remember to use room samples for your natural verb in your blend, but use outside VST verb just to add to the blend.
Guitars sound powerful, but could use more chugging power. Go to 150-300hz. Add some, and it will have more power. (REMEMBER THE LAST STAGE WHERE WE WERE GOING THROUGH THE FREQUENCY SPECTRUM, WE WERE DOING DEDUCTION, ADDING ROOM) now it's okay to take up room.
(if this addition, add's distortion or sounds messy, take a TINY BIT of [w/e you added] from the bass).
Then keep moving to each instrument.
I go and on the drum bus, I will add GCLIP, and clip the drums.
Guitars I limit
Bass I compress THeN limit
So breakdown!
1. Take away frequencie's not needed
2. Go through Lows, Mids and Highs and make room for each instrument.
3. Now go through each instrument part, and add, deduct, compress, reverb, limit whatever you need.
5. Master (compress, limit, EQ, ENHANCE FREQUENCIES!)
Very informative and fucking hilarious