Getting my studio started

Sep 16, 2004
So my new conputer parts and my audio interface arrive this week. I was wondering what everyone sugests for starting out. My plan is to lay down some tracks with my drummer and play with those. and if it turns out good i'll ask some friends if they want to do a couple of songs for free. I've got a lot to learn still. i've never mixed a whole band in a pc. Plus i can play all the basic instuments myself. but would it be better with other people so i can get used to the differences in instument sounds, playing styles, etc...

Do what ever you can, whenever you can, as much as you can.
I found that its "more" educational to mix a whole band than just work with a single instrument/ kit because you can then see what needs to be done within the context of the mix, so you can improve next time. But of course, as stated one million + 1 times before....just try as hard as you can to make everything sound as awsome as possible before you hit the record button.
So yeah, do everything that you're able to, you never know what you might learn with each project, even when its not a whole band recording.
Go with the drummer, go with the friends with the free songs.........and enjoy!
