Ah yes, the national pass-time of both Caledonia and West-Britannia

Pretty much. Just say what bands you like and they'll recommend you some good stuff.
And slipknot are awful in every way, from the absurd image to the really shitty music to the fact that they have 9 members (if you have to have that many members, at least have them do something useful, like kicking ass - see Eluveitie).
Anyhow, your sig features Dimmu, COB, Metallica, AC/DC, and Slipknot. Just from that alone I recommend better versions of each of those: Emperor, Wintersun, Testament, Gun Barrel, and Eluveitie (who are only like slipknot in that they have 9 members, but kick ass). Those aren't obscure - you'll have no trouble finding stuff.
Just an FYI

Kataklysm is announced a tour with...

Dying Fetus
and another band who's name I managed to forget. If this tour happens before Germany, I will skip Iced Earth for this.
Pretty much. Just say what bands you like and they'll recommend you some good stuff.
And slipknot are awful in every way, from the absurd image to the really shitty music to the fact that they have 9 members (if you have to have that many members, at least have them do something useful, like kicking ass - see Eluveitie).
Anyhow, your sig features Dimmu, COB, Metallica, AC/DC, and Slipknot. Just from that alone I recommend better versions of each of those: Emperor, Wintersun, Testament, Gun Barrel, and Eluveitie (who are only like slipknot in that they have 9 members, but kick ass). Those aren't obscure - you'll have no trouble finding stuff.

actually I know all these Bands, and some I actually like, but, for Example, I dont like testament. but coming back to my Sig, this is taken from a page where you can add couple of this bands to your Sig and create this banner. and in fact that they have all types of music, metal bands arent that much, and if you find one, its the famous ones. so I had to take what was there.
believe me, Im not that little kid that you might think. I listen to metal since Im 12, I know a couple of good bands.
Just an FYI

Kataklysm is announced a tour with...

Dying Fetus
and another band who's name I managed to forget. If this tour happens before Germany, I will skip Iced Earth for this.
holy shit
fuck yeah
Anyone here seen Kataklysm live?
Then let me describe: FUCKING AWESOME.
They sound incredibly tight live.
And of course Eluveitie and Dying Fetus own, so this will slay.

actually I know all these Bands, and some I actually like, but, for Example, I dont like testament. but coming back to my Sig, this is taken from a page where you can add couple of this bands to your Sig and create this banner. and in fact that they have all types of music, metal bands arent that much, and if you find one, its the famous ones. so I had to take what was there.
believe me, Im not that little kid that you might think. I listen to metal since Im 12, I know a couple of good bands.
Then just don't have a sig like that...
Also, most bands have html banners on their myspace.
but i still recommend checking out the recs thread.