Ghost Reveries Special Edition

if the gr "making of" footage is on there i would buy it instantly... although i already have GR :erk:
im a victim :(
etakistan said:
In Japan, it is much cheaper to import CDs rather than buy it there. That is why Japanese editions are always super special. To make them buy in Japan.

And people need to get over the OMIGOSH BUT I WANT SPECIAL STUFF!

Cos like, if you really want it, you could just buy it yourself. Don't be so cheap.

And don't say you can't afford it. If you need it so much it makes you sad you can't have it, then you will buy it.... or get over it... whatever...

Not everyone can afford 37 copies of the same CD :p
it was mentioned in the press release, before the release of GR, that there would be a forthcoming special edition. of course, it's been such a long wait, that they must have assumed most people would end up buying the first version before the special edition finally surfaced.
Welcome to the world of record collecting. If you want to be a completist. You suck it up and buy it. Notice I didn't say download, which you could do, but then you aren't really a collector.
Risquit said:
Welcome to the world of record collecting. If you want to be a completist. You suck it up and buy it. Notice I didn't say download, which you could do, but then you aren't really a collector.

I collect vinyl, not plastic.
:Wreath: said:
etakistan, you shit money, don't you?
Unfortuneatley not.

But collecting is my hobby, so I dedicate more money to it than most.

More than I should.

I get min. wage. :<
I saw a while ago on that there was a import version of Ghost Reveries with a Bonus Track. But it didn't say the name of the track, it just said Bonus Track TBA 2005 or something..
cheechonaleash said:
What a way to make a lasting first impression... there was a server error as I was trying to create this thread... then I had to take off... what the message was supposed to read is something to the extent of Metal-Temple has indicated on their website that the Special Edition of GR shall be released on March 28th. Apparently, it is to include the BBC Recordings of When, TGC and Soldier of Fortune... hope it's good

Damn, I'm longing for this release! :Spin: