This has been a good thread, and has been fairly useful in some respects. For my own situation, I agree that the band name can be restrictive, but I like it, and to me it suits our music. I don't agree that instrumental music is dead - it's a smaller niche, but it is still really damn popular.
Not a single review we've ever had has said we needed more vocals. Almost every single reviewer has heaped praise on the production, and cannot believe it was all self-produced. We are constantly inundated with requests to play shows. The problem here is our fanbase is so widely spread around the world that we can't realistically go to these places to play.
I listened to some of your music over the last two days Sami. Not being funny, but your kind of music is really popular at the moment. I work in music software, we make synths and effect plugins and what not. That whole heavily saturated club music vibe you've got going on - it's a dime a dozen these days, and works really well at festivals and outdoor gigs where people are heavily intoxicated and are there to just have a good time. I'm not really convinced you have a proper perspective of what it is like for the rest of us who don't have 808 and 909 four-to-the-floor kick drums for people to dance along to.
At the same time, it isn't the kind of music that people take away with them - they don't really get emotionally affected by it, not in my experience anyway. It's the experience of where you heard it that matters to those people, not the music itself. Which is pretty much the antithesis of how I approach music, and so is probably a large part of why we disagree so much.
There are loads of artists using the exact same sounds you're using - 7Skies, Skrillex, BT, amongst others. You may say, well if that's what sells then do it - but no. I don't want to do that, and I don't want to throw dubstep wobbles in the middle of a track just to appeal to a crowd of drunks and pill poppers. That just isn't my style.
Now that's just me. I'm not saying you or anyone should think the same as I. Personally I don't dig your music; it sounds like a less aggressive version of Skinny Puppy blended with Orbital, NiN, and Meat Beat Manifesto influences, and I got all I needed from that when I was 15/16. But I think you should be happy that you've had the success you've had.
I don't say this to be mean or insulting, honestly I don't. I'm just giving you the same on-the-level critique that you gave me. I think your approach has worked for you, but it wont work for everyone, and timing matters greatly with stuff like this too.
Anyway, I'm blathering on a bit now. I guess what made me start this thread is that I haven't played a really good gig in a while, and I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms!