Girls are idiots (some) (most actually)

Mikael is God

Master of Bating
Jul 7, 2001
Ok let me tell you a small story..... I have a friend Dan... he was like the happiest person ever for the past 2 weeks... becuase he met this chick kayti..... so they hung out a little.... and stuff.... and so dan liked her and stuff... and they hung out some more... and one day they were hanging out this week while they were ALONE IN HER HOUSE kayti leaned over on dan and just looked straight at him.... Dan is an idiot... and didn't kiss her!!!! But anyway.... a few days after... he talked to hes like "i should hav ekissed you" and she said she didnt care it was ok but she said YES he should have kissed her (meaning obviously she likes him right?).... so anyway... he told her to go hang out with him yesterday night and she talked to him online and told him that SHE DIDNT LIKE HIM!!!! she wanted to be friends.....

Now let me see... that is the biggest crock of bullshit!!! I can't believe she did this to dan.... becuase she just led him on... and its not like she just flirted with him... she hung out with him alone... and tried to make out with him... or tried to get him to make out with her or osmething... thats just crossing the line

Theres many girls like this.... who i happen to think are fucking sick becuase this fucking poor boy was so happy and he was all prancing around and she just fucking RUINED his mind... i've never seen someone so frustrated from a girl before!!! (except myself) what a sick bitch
Oh yea by the way.. theres someone that said I am an example of someone who uses "curse words" way too much.... and i'd just like to clarify that i dont and i was using the fucking words because i was frustrated so HAHA.. (i had to stick that fucking in)
Only if they're nice. ;)

But seriously, folks. Girls suck just as much as guys suck. I bet this girl's friend went to her favourite forum and posted "Guys suck!" "This guy dan didn't take his chance when he had it!"

etc, etc.

And as a photographer, I can tell you that I'd much rather photograph females, since they're actually eye-pleasing, whereas guys, well, just usually aren't. So.. I refute your comment!
I agree with Duvall, you are kinda lumping 50% of the human population (around 3billion people by my count) together by something as trivial as gender.

Yeah, this particular girl seems like a bit of a bitch but that isn't adequate provocation for calling so many people "idiots" when they haven't done anything to do personally, and probably haven't even met you.
I suppose, in a way you are correct in saying that "girls are idiots" because by definition, 50% of the world population is below average in terms of intelligence.
However, the few females I know are intelligent and wonderful to be around. Perhaps you and your friends are having so many problems because you are seeking out the wrong qualities…..?
this has happend to me.. I had my chance to kiss a girl but I didnt, Every time i tried to see her something came up or she had to do something then she broke up... =\.. I still wonder what would have changed if i kissed her, but anyway...when ya get the chance and the girls for it go for it .. i learnt my lesson :D
On the grounds of the title, I'd have to disagree due to it's abigous and sweeping nature, however, you are right, some girls are sick, and maybe some boys too, but I had a run in with this complete bitch, who cheated on me unnumbered times and then denined it all, last i heard the whore was dating two men and a woman all at once behind each others backs, so on the basis of that i agree, there are way too many girls who just mess around with people, like this kati.
Youre friend Dan doesn't sound like he's very experienced with girls...... anyway he should just see it as a learning experienced.. yes he SHOULD have kissed her, but at least he's never going to do the wrong thing again. This girl probably went home that night feeling so foolish saying " i shouldn't have tried to kiss him, he obviously doesn't feel that way, maybe we're better as friends." and you know girls.. once they get one thing in they're head its hard to change it! Tell dan to move on and be happy that he's still friends with her
I agree with hibernal dream....we girls over-analyze WAY TOO sure she went home that night and figured she tried to make a move, and if he resisted he obviously didn't fele the same so she tried to get over him....sometimes girls can get over guys in a day or sometimes it takes 3 FUCKING MONTHS OF HEARTBREAK.....whoa....sorry
you know... out of the... at least 50 - 100 girls that i know personally tht i talk to or talked to.... maybe 2% werent totally shallow or just stupid.... or just way too "im a girl"... where the hell do all of you find all your friends that are girls?

I have a theory that on average (this entire post will probably be based on somewhat embittered generalizations, note that now) girls, although they obviously physically mature faster than boys, don't mentally, at least (or, "especially") in regards to rationalism as it pertains to the romantic relationship. This goes back to my less sophisticated "girls and assholes" theory, which I've ranted about previously. It goes like this:

Girls like assholes. The purpose of the nice guy is rebound material, as they will obviously treat the girl well, make her feel better about herself, and instill enough self-confidence that they may go back to the asshole (sometimes psychologically, if not more, abusive) (ex?)-boyfriend for another beating. I have noted this trend in many examples around me.

I think mentally, girls hit thier full maturity somewhere around 25 when something in the hormonal mix apparently shifts slightly and the "bad-boy" image ceases to be appealing, in favour of stability. Of course, (the following I was told by a female psych nurse friend of mine) often by that point, the girl has been through enough misfortunate relationships that a deep bitterness sets in towards ALL males, and this has to be slowly overcome.

My ultimate hope has always been the full dispensing of all bullshit and just being able to have a fully honest, totally straight-up relationship with a girl wherein no confusing head games, strutting, or posturing are necessary. However, I'm beginning to believe that this may, in fact, be impossible, or if it is, it would probably end up with less intrigue/mystique, and being somewhat unfortunately unromantic (hell, let's face it - that would simply be too easy and make too much sense).

I guess to respond to the thread title simply, I'd say to a certain degree it does seem that girls are idiots when it pertains to us males, and that's aggrivating at times. However, it's only temporary... grown women seem much more sensical and intelligent... if they're not too bitter. (Restate "this is all generilzation, there are many exceptions, presence of personal bias" disclaimers here)

Thus spake Hoser.
I've discovered that I find 25-30 year old women much more interesting conversationally than people my own age. Tis a pity, since you'd be hard-pressed to find a woman of that age willing to have anything to do with a 21 year old male...

though I can think of one example..
This is an interesting thead, but the subject line is stupid.

Anyway, guys are just as dumb as girls when it comes to "mating rituals" and such. :)

At least inexperienced guys and girls...

As for the broad generalizations, I don't care for that comment. I think girls in their mid 20s are the best to talk to... but I never can meet people around my own age. (I'm 24)
Ah, so if girls suck, and slightly over 50% of the world population is female, that would make humankind as a whole generally suck. But we already knew that...

Seriously though, I think this kind of 'girls suck' 'men are idiots' 'i hate everyone' titles are just excuses for lack of better ways to start a conversation, and put off a potentially nice discussion.
Originally posted by GwEn I agree with hibernal dream....we girls over-analyze WAY TOO MUCH.
I agree. I used to all the time, but have been trying to think my way through it lately. Now, as soon as I get all flustered, I start playing the "situation" over in my head immediately until I either see where the conversation went wrong and SAY SOMETHING or just realize that, "Well, I'm totally over reacting over nothing."

Go have a bong load and chill the fuck out. ;)

. Now, as soon as I get all flustered, I start playing the "situation" over in my head immediately until I either see where the conversation went wrong and SAY SOMETHING or just realize that, "Well, I'm totally over reacting over nothing." posted by Opet

exactly opet!....and i would like to say that my comment "we girls over-analyze way too much" was a generalization and there are, of course, exceptions.
Originally posted by Mikael is God
Ok let me tell you a small story..... I have a friend Dan... he was like the happiest person ever for the past 2 weeks... becuase he met this chick kayti..... so they hung out a little.... and stuff.... and so dan liked her and stuff... and they hung out some more... and one day they were hanging out this week while they were ALONE IN HER HOUSE kayti leaned over on dan and just looked straight at him.... Dan is an idiot... and didn't kiss her!!!! But anyway.... a few days after... he talked to hes like "i should hav ekissed you" and she said she didnt care it was ok but she said YES he should have kissed her (meaning obviously she likes him right?).... so anyway... he told her to go hang out with him yesterday night and she talked to him online and told him that SHE DIDNT LIKE HIM!!!! she wanted to be friends.....

Now let me see... that is the biggest crock of bullshit!!! I can't believe she did this to dan.... becuase she just led him on... and its not like she just flirted with him... she hung out with him alone... and tried to make out with him... or tried to get him to make out with her or osmething... thats just crossing the line

Theres many girls like this.... who i happen to think are fucking sick becuase this fucking poor boy was so happy and he was all prancing around and she just fucking RUINED his mind... i've never seen someone so frustrated from a girl before!!! (except myself) what a sick bitch

I think the correct subject line should have been: Dan is an idiot.