Give me some ideas for our live shows

Someone to switch your guitar tones for you, I can't think of how many times live I wished I had someone to switch my tones for me. I mean give me control over my wah, but change my tones for me,.... no tap dancing!
As far as image goes, we're going more theatrical - we've been getting stick for being "too costumey" as it is so we might as well go full on!! Mediaeval tunics and battle gear all the way (we are a power metal band!!).

God I've wanted to do that medieaval tunics and battle gear thing all my life, I've even though of making a black metal project with medieval tinges and dressing like friggin forest elves or something, don't know if it has been done before on that genre of music

Run through your intro in rehearsal, if you feel like the coolest band on earth when you hit the first note then you've got it right!! As far as image goes - the matrix thing has been done to death, kind of like pirate shirts and power metal. If your music affords the chance to be theatrical then go for it, the more individual the better.

oh yeah EVERYTHING will be rehearsed, I've never been a fan of actually improvising on stage, I'm gonna rehearse even whatever I say between songs (i've been playing bass on stage for a few years now, but this will be my first show as a vocalist), leaving little to no space for moronic improvised comments (Opeth is my favorite band ever I even have their logo tattooed on my back, but sometimes I just despise Mikael's stupid stories on stage, roundhouse tapes ftw) .

On the costume thing, it may have been done a million times but never been done here, bands don't seem to take themselves serious enough to put on a decent theatrical act, instead just get on some fuckin sandals and black shirts and start playing, maybe the most serious band puts on some leather jackets to look heavy metal, that's pretty much it. So I think with a costume type thing like the neo suit I mentioned it would definitely stand out with all the local bands here and have a more "serious band" look on stage.

btw dude if you have any footage or pics of your onstage antics please do link it, I've love to see how that theatrics and smoke and lights and stuff works for ya!

that you behead midway through the show
how about the nude dancers behead the singer (me) instead? oh wait some band with a purple midget as a singer did that already amirite? *cough*cof*cough* (see what I did thar?)