Giving the forum a facelift...including name change

ok this looks like shat, but it was fun :lol:


I was wondering when that picture will be seen again... oh my
Am I the only one here who thinks that this place has lost some of it's flavor? Sure the changes are minute, but I'll be damned if this place doesn't feel as if someone died.

Oh well, it had to end some time.
maybe the whole thing should have been closed and opened somewhere else under a whole new monicker ...
anyone follows, good ... anyone doesn't ... whatever.

feels like the company i work for was sold and i don't like the new boss ... or something within those lines.
It does feel/seem different comin' here an not seeing the banner and seeing some simple "RC" logo and a huge space.

Outside of that the forum itself is still much of the topic, metal, pix, politics, arse wiping, dramatics, etc...
Cara, can you make a more elaborate banner? The simpleness of the current one depresses me. Though, I think I'm more forlorn due to Ali's absence, than the insignia. Either way, get to work.

I'll send you an otter pop for your trouble. :)
Out. About. In. Around. Under. Over. Done. Elf. Duck. Moose. Paperology. Mints. Knife. Plastic. Corn. Dirigible. Hexed. Feet. Automatic. Round. Target. Sharpie. Frank. Scotch. Spokes. Plank. Ink. Delve. Quaint. Dream. Like. Dung.