Giving up the guitar

Rusty is a technician plain and simple. Chris Broderick is another that comes to mind. I think tosin abasi (animals as leaders) is truly in a world of his own when it comes to new school shred with genuinely original melodic ideas contained within a shred/metal context. If you haven't checked him out I highly recommend you invest some time and study into his lines.
Rusty is a technician plain and simple. Chris Broderick is another that comes to mind. I think tosin abasi (animals as leaders) is truly in a world of his own when it comes to new school shred with genuinely original melodic ideas contained within a shred/metal context. If you haven't checked him out I highly recommend you invest some time and study into his lines.

+1 on Tosin.
Truly one of the best virtuosos in modern heavy guitar music
Amarshism is right. Rusty doesnt care much about his bends or vibrato. He is more a alternate picking men with lots of really technical shit. He has a video doing a shit with 4 fingers that is extremely hard.
^ what he said. Rusty doesnt care much about his bends or vibrato. He is more a alternate picking men with lots of really technical shit. He has a video doing a shit with 4 fingers that is extremely hard.

Fair enough and not in 100000 years of practice could I alt pick like Rusty and do 4 finger per string runs like him, but to me, in a metal and rock soloist, they must have good vibrato.
For that reason alone I'd vastly prefer to listen to Michael and Christ Amott and Mikael Akerfeldt
I hat Herman :D His solos have no soul, its like listening to a robot playing them :lol:

.. says the guy who likes Rusty. :lol:
Seriously, im not going to say that Rusty is a bad player, but come on.. there is not another guitarist on this planet that puts so little emotion and tonality in to his playing like Rusty.
Fair enough and not in 100000 years of practice could I alt pick like Rusty and do 4 finger per string runs like him, but to me, in a metal and rock soloist, they must have good vibrato.
For that reason alone I'd vastly prefer to listen to Michael and Christ Amott and Mikael Akerfeldt

You are absolutely right, I am not even a real fan of this technical stuff. But I recognize his impressive skills. To me he is even better than petrucci in the technical level. But yeah I prefer a David Gilmour solo at any day, at any time.
You just have to realise that not everyone can be on 24/7. To play some of this shit requires hours of warmup and to shoot a video spot you might only get an hour or so, so it can be unfair to nitpick shit like this. The hardest thing rusty does is the 4nps stuff with the stretches between the middle and ring finger. Harry, the speed will come with time, I'm sure if you want to achieve it in the first place, and are dedicated you could do it. But that being said, if you have no need for speed, then your time would be better spent practicing different stuff.

I'm by no means a fantastic amazing guitar player but I attempted to ape rusty on a track the slice the cake bass player did. Improvised, one take, on my first time playing a seven string.
Tracks called how to crash a Boeing 747
.. says the guy who likes Rusty. :lol:
Seriously, im not going to say that Rusty is a bad player, but come on.. there is not another guitarist on this planet that puts so little emotion and tonality in to his playing like Rusty.

I don't like Rusty's music :D The video I posted of him just shows off his technique, which I was obsessed with a year ago :D
You just have to realise that not everyone can be on 24/7. To play some of this shit requires hours of warmup and to shoot a video spot you might only get an hour or so, so it can be unfair to nitpick shit like this. The hardest thing rusty does is the 4nps stuff with the stretches between the middle and ring finger. Harry, the speed will come with time, I'm sure if you want to achieve it in the first place, and are dedicated you could do it. But that being said, if you have no need for speed, then your time would be better spent practicing different stuff.

I'm by no means a fantastic amazing guitar player but I attempted to ape rusty on a track the slice the cake bass player did. Improvised, one take, on my first time playing a seven string.
Tracks called how to crash a Boeing 747

Kick ass playing dude :kickass:
You are absolutely right, I am not even a real fan of this technical stuff. But I recognize his impressive skills. To me he is even better than petrucci in the technical level. But yeah I prefer a David Gilmour solo at any day, at any time.

Hell, i'm not even a fan of Petrucci's sweep picking (although in general I do like his playing though)
I've seen him live twice and his sweeping was sloppy both times, not just once or twice but consistently through the nights and it's even not that clean on the studio recordings, definitely nowhere near the sweeper that Jeff Loomis is
Hell, i'm not even a fan of Petrucci's sweep picking (although in general I do like his playing though)
I've seen him live twice and his sweeping was sloppy both times, not just once or twice but consistently through the nights and it's even not that clean on the studio recordings, definitely nowhere near the sweeper that Jeff Loomis is

Loomis is the sweeping god :D But so is Rusty, his 8 string sweeps are incredible :lol:
You just have to realise that not everyone can be on 24/7. To play some of this shit requires hours of warmup and to shoot a video spot you might only get an hour or so, so it can be unfair to nitpick shit like this. The hardest thing rusty does is the 4nps stuff with the stretches between the middle and ring finger. Harry, the speed will come with time, I'm sure if you want to achieve it in the first place, and are dedicated you could do it. But that being said, if you have no need for speed, then your time would be better spent practicing different stuff.

I'm by no means a fantastic amazing guitar player but I attempted to ape rusty on a track the slice the cake bass player did. Improvised, one take, on my first time playing a seven string.
Tracks called how to crash a Boeing 747

Definitely true players have their bad days, but I've just found on average Rusty seems more "off" on average than say Guthrie or Joe Satriani
As for speed, I used to alternate pick pretty fast (Paul Gilbert-esque speeds) but I quit practicing it so much when I realized my vibrato and phrasing were absolutely fucking horrid, so I quit practicing alt picking altogether and started on vibrato.
My legato technique is still speedy, but that's because it came to me far more naturally than alternate picking. For legato, I only had to put in 1/10th of the practice that I had to do for alt picking.
I can quite easily do big stretches too but the guitar is just about strapped up to my neck at that point:lol:
maybe JPs sweeping is not that good but the sound he has in his hands beats most of those speed-technique type shredders. His playing is just pleasant to listen to unlike most of those shredders that simply produce noise. That's what in my ears makes diffrence between JP, Joe Satriani, Vai and players like Rusty Cooley(which i hate with all my heart), Michael Angelo Batio, Yngwie.
That beign said, tight technical rhytm play>long wankery solos at any time, any day. At least you can play it in a song and it wont feel ,,forced''. That's why Loomis/Michael Romeo shine, they can shred but they also play kickass rhytm.

Rusty might do shit music and have pretty boring solos, but no one could say they aren't play tightly :D

Pfff. I hope you never have to record or mix him then. You'll change your tune in a hurry. ;)

Amarshism is right. Rusty doesnt care much about his bends or vibrato. He is more a alternate picking men with lots of really technical shit. He has a video doing a shit with 4 fingers that is extremely hard.

Fair enough and not in 100000 years of practice could I alt pick like Rusty and do 4 finger per string runs like him, but to me, in a metal and rock soloist, they must have good vibrato...

This is one of the few areas where I'll defend Rusty. Maybe he doesn't use it as much as he used to (again, his earlier stuff while in Revolution was much better...wish I could show you), but he has an awesome, super wide vibrato. Very Yngwie-ish vibrato. And, I'm not saying Rusty is a shit guitarist. I could never dream to be as good as he is. He has incredible technique. And he can sometimes actually pull out a good solo. Check out the solo on Outworld - City of the Dead. Not the full CD version...but the demo version. The CD version is him trying to replicate that demo solo. But being a tight player? It's called "editing".

And a small "plug": if you like Outworld's music...check out Eumeria, formed by the keyboardist from Outworld, also featuring the same bassist, shred guitar, and a FANTASTIC singer.