Giving up the smokes.


Formerly Ulster Mosher.
So, I finally decided to kick that filthy habit, and bought a course of patches to get of the smokes. Went out tonight and smoked my brains out for one last time, so now I feel like shit. I never want to see those fucking things again. But hopefully tomorrow will be a different story. Its gonna be tough, but I think I'm up for the challenge this time.

Anyone else tried to quit recently? I remember PoolePaul was trying to quit last year. Did you keep at it mate? Lemme know how you got on.
Ulster Mosher said:
So, I finally decided to kick that filthy habit, and bought a course of patches to get of the smokes. Went out tonight and smoked my brains out for one last time, so now I feel like shit. I never want to see those fucking things again. But hopefully tomorrow will be a different story. Its gonna be tough, but I think I'm up for the challenge this time.

Anyone else tried to quit recently? I remember PoolePaul was trying to quit last year. Did you keep at it mate? Lemme know how you got on.
Congrats dude... one of the most important desisions you'll make in your life.
I quit, 5 years ago after over 10 years and didn't find it very hard... because I really wanted to stop. It was the SINGLE best thing I've ever done for myself.
Here's to you.:worship:
Ulster Mosher said:
So, I finally decided to kick that filthy habit, and bought a course of patches to get of the smokes. Went out tonight and smoked my brains out for one last time, so now I feel like shit. I never want to see those fucking things again. But hopefully tomorrow will be a different story. Its gonna be tough, but I think I'm up for the challenge this time.

Anyone else tried to quit recently? I remember PoolePaul was trying to quit last year. Did you keep at it mate? Lemme know how you got on.

You already know I know you can do it but, in case you forgot, you're going to do great!
Me and my girl stopped 2 years ago.
The first weeks were very hard (I smoked 40 cigs per day, she did, too).
I couldn't sleep and I was tetchy. We gain weight. We needed the help of a doctor. I NEVER imagined that quit smoking is THAT hard. I felt like a drugaddict (well in fact I was). After 2 months we liked it very much (everything smells better, tastes better, etc.), but our problem was: All our friends still smoked.
So after 14 months, new years eve, we were at a metal-concert (Pain, Theatre of Tragedy, etc.) and we were drunk. So I said to her:"Mh, I'd like to smoke only for tonight!" And she said:"Well, I thought the same." So we bought just one pack. (Everytime I drank alcohol I wanted to smoke)
Next week we smoked 4 cigarettes per day and some weeks later we smoked 40 like we did before our 14 months break. :erk:
Today we're still heavy smokers and we know one day we'll try again.

My father stopped after 30 years: He had NO problems at all. He's happy.
My uncle started again after 9 years without it (!!!!). He woke up at night and had the desire for a cigarette. He bought some and started again.
So if you stop, don't make the same mistake like we did:
It's like alcohol: You're an ex-smoker for your whole life. NEVER think:"Well, I'm not addicted anymore, so I can try just one cigarette. I'll have no problem with that." THAT's dangerous, because your brain never forgets the addiction.

So good luck. It's worth the trouble!
Hey Freakbrother, if Austria is anything like the Czech Republic, everybody fucking smokes. "trees smoke. Birds smoke" is what Scott said about Berlin, and it's fucking TRUE. I look forward to going back to Minneapolis, where smoking is banned in bars. It's got to the point that I don't like to go out very much, because I'll come back reeking of fucking smoke. Not all of my Czech friends smoke, in fact the guys I know from this board, none of them do, but many do, and have zero respect for the fact that we don't. Smoking is the hegemony, not non-smoking, like it is in the U.S. That fact alone would make it hard to quit.
Great thread! I just had to light one up when I saw all this talk about smoking!
I don´t really want to quit, I still enjoy it. But I do want to cut down on them, now I smoke about 20 per day, and I want to get under 10. But it usually lasts for 3-4 days, and then I´m back to a pack.
Anyhow, I just read the other day that here in Denmark the percentage of people under 30 who smoke is actually rising. That´s a bit surprising...
Good luck dude..I am on day 7 without cigarettes and let me tell you that it hasn't been easy:ill: ..Just stay away from things that go well with cigarettes like coffee and alcohol..Imagine all the money we will be saving if we quit these nasty things. I was smoking a little over a pack a day the last 5 1/2 years and they cost on average about $5.25-$5.45 a pack in Michigan. That's alot of chuck that could be spent on much cooler things..
It's been 5 years for me. The urge came and went for the first 2 or 3 years.

I run alot now so smoking isn't really an option at all.
Great thread! I just had to light one up when I saw all this talk about smoking
great post ! i work in a respiratory division for a major healthcare company. we repair ventilators and sell trachs and, masks and, nebulizers. people like you give me overtime and make the stock in my company go up ! thanks for the help.:headbang:
I've been off them since last March....... hate to sound like a cunt but it was easy enough. I used that book "easy way" funnily enough. Anyway, certainly the best thing i ever done although if it hadn't been for the imminent arrival of the wee one i'd still be doin it today!

Good luck my Ulster chum!
man everyones quitting smoking these days

good luck with it, don't envy you at all tho, i'll keep hacking up he chunky stuff thanks very much......tho not the biggest fan of should say ciggies on this board really huh......, but they keep dr greenthumb away during the day, thats summat :)
Thanks for the feedback guys. Went out today to play golf, where sometimes I'd nearly smoke an entire pack on the way round. Stuck a patch on, and off I went. Got to the 18th, and hadn't realised that when I put my fleece on, the patch had actually came off, so I done it all on my own for that one round. Went to the bar for a drink afterwards, and my mate lit up. God it nearly made me fucking puke. I really don't want to see another one ever again. It HAS to be this time.
karrokid said:
great post ! i work in a respiratory division for a major healthcare company. we repair ventilators and sell trachs and, masks and, nebulizers. people like you give me overtime and make the stock in my company go up ! thanks for the help.:headbang:

Smokers also save us social security money, since they die earlier.
To quote Bill Hicks :
Obnoxious , self-righteous, whining little fucks. My biggest fear is that if I quit smoking, I'll become one of you...Don't take that wrong. I have something to tell you non-smokers that I know for a fact that you don't know, and I feel it's my duty to pass on information at all times. Ready?.......Non-smokers die every day...Enjoy your evening. See, I know that you entertain this eternal life fantasy because you've chosen not to smoke, but let me be the 1st to POP that bubble and bring you hurtling back to reality....You're dead too.