GMD Poll: Top 10 Metal Albums of 2003

1. Morrigan - Celts

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2. Dub Buk - Русь понад усе!

dub buk Русь понад усе!.jpg

3. Warloghe - Womb of Pestilence

warloghe womb of pestilence.jpg

4. Avenger - Godless (...Assuming The Throne Of Immorality...)

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5. Hail - Inheritance of Evilness

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6. Deströyer 666 – Terror Abraxas

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7. The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Traveller

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8. Soulreaper - Life Erazer

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9. Mi'Gauss - Open Season

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10. Nocternity - Onyx

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