GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1984

1. Metallica - Ride the Lightning
2. Trouble - Psalm 9
3. Fates Warning - Night on Bröcken
4. Jag Panzer - Ample Destruction
5. Warlord - And the Cannons of Destruction Have Begun...
6. Warlock - Burning the Witches
7. Metal Church - Metal Church
8. Helstar - Burning Star
9. Voivod - War and Pain
10. Anthrax - Fistful of Metal

Compared to my initial list, Trouble have moved up four places to no. 2 and Warlord and Jag Panzer have switched positions.
Rating without Glam-Netal:

1. Metallica - Ride the Lightning
2. Grave Digger - Heavy Metal Breakdown
3. Armored Saint - March of the Saint
4. Tank - Honour & Blood
5. Tokyo Blade - Night of the Blade
6. Tyrant - Mean Machine
7. 220 Volt - Powergames
8. Holocaust - No Man's Land
9. Spider - Rough Justice
10. White Wolf - Standing Alone