GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1985

No I'm saying it is officially a split record if you're doing an '85 list and I wouldn't include it in 1990 because it's a reissue of just one side of a split.

But it's not a big issue, I'm looking at the ratings and not enough people voted for it.
It's basically an EP from 85. Very easy to split 2 EP's or just add a few extra tracks on one side and call it a split EP. And if im not mistaken the cover artwork is that of Bestial Devastation and doesn't even mention SeculoXX (who only have three tracks on side B btw). I need to go dig through my collection now, lol. There is a good chance i might not actually have the original and was mixing it up with one of my old copies of Morbid Vision/BD
iirc Overdose have less tracks but more minutes than Sepultura, and yeah I think the cover is Sepultura but the back is Overdose. Most splits are like that.

Edit: MA and Discogs also show that Sepultura's tracks were on side B, not A. But I don't own the original split so I dunno how accurate that is.
and yeah I think the cover is Sepultura but the back is Overdose. Most splits are like that.
i didn't collect/buy LP's when i was younger so i wouldn't really know, most of the splits i have do not have other covers on the back(except for the ones i have on 7"), instead they have the info for both bands.

Track length means nothing really. If it did then we would probably have to refer to Reign in Blood as an EP.

Edit: MA and Discogs also show that Sepultura's tracks were on side B, not A. But I don't own the original split so I dunno how accurate that is.

no difference really. But now i'm curious, is it the other way around on your copy?
Amount of tracks matters about as much as track length, that's all I was really pointing out. 21ish minutes of a 36ish minute split LP is from Overdose.

no difference really. But now i'm curious, is it the other way around on your copy?

I don't own the split man, I own the Morbid Visions + Bestial Devastation CD.

amount of tracks definitely matters when deciding whether it's an EP or full album. Most of the time at least. That's why i brought up Reign in Blood as an example

By what logic? There are grindcore EPs with 50 tracks, there are doom metal albums with 4 tracks. It's not a reliable measuring stick for what is or isn't an EP.
i said MOST of the time. Clearly 3 second grind tracks you are talking about do not factor in to "MOST". And yes, the amount of songs was definitely one of the "measuring sticks" of what is and isn't a EP in most metal recordings, especially form back then. how do you not fucking know this lol

Also what we arguing about? Bestial Devastation was released in 85 and there's nothing really here to argue. A re-release in 90 does not magically make it a 1990 EP/Split/album.

edit: and yes, track length is deciding factor too(even though i said it means jack shit lol), but in a lot of cases it wasn't.
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Yeah I don't really care, I was just saying that it's actually a split, not just a Sepultura release, which I didn't think would be controversial since it's just a fact that anybody can verify and then you tried to say Overdose is basically an afterthought on the split because they have 3 songs, their art is on the back not the front and their tracks are on side B not side A.

In the end it matters not because barely anybody voted for the release, and yes I do know that track numbers used to be the major measuing stick for whether something is an EP or not because back then most bands made songs of a conventional length. But once metal bands started releasing songs with unorthodox lengths, sticking 4 tracks on a 7 inch or 10 inch didn't mean what it used to mean. Reverend Bizarre's Harbinger of Metal EP is longer than most albums ever recorded.

What defines an EP these days is a more ambiguous thing, that's all I was saying.
Yeah I don't really care, I was just saying that it's actually a split, not just a Sepultura release, which I didn't think would be controversial since it's just a fact that anybody can verify and then you tried to say Overdose is basically an afterthought on the split because they have 3 songs, their art is on the back not the front and their tracks are on side B not side A.

In the end it matters not because barely anybody voted for the release, and yes I do know that track numbers used to be the major measuing stick for whether something is an EP or not because back then most bands made songs of a conventional length. But once metal bands started releasing songs with unorthodox lengths, sticking 4 tracks on a 7 inch or 10 inch didn't mean what it used to mean. Reverend Bizarre's Harbinger of Metal EP is longer than most albums ever recorded.

What defines an EP these days is a more ambiguous thing, that's all I was saying.

me saying what side they're on is completely irrelevant and was in no way an indication of one being an afterthought, all i was saying its pretty easy to tack on additional stuff from another band onto your EP/recording. And i dont think there is a single person on this forum that doesn't know that it was released as a split ... btw you do know what a split means right .. SPLIT albums and SPLIT EP's.

for example NOFX(please, i dont need anyone here to tell me they're not metal) have an EP that's over an hour long, but at the same time it does have like over 20 tracks from what i remember, lol. So in reality they are both deciding factors, but we can argue about about which is more of a deciding factor but that would be kind of pointless.

All im saying is that it was released in 85(regardless if its a split EP/album). And i know there's no chance its going to make the top 10, it was just a reminder for a few people who said they would list it after i mentioned it last time. For me the best part of these threads is seeing peoples lists, not the outcome.

What defines an EP these days is a more ambiguous thing, that's all I was saying.
i agree
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