GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2005

cool, my delayed countdown is now justified. definitely gonna do it friday so last warning for any stragglers.

1) nokturnal mortum - weltanschauung
2) bekhira - l'elu du mal
3) manilla road - gates of fire
4) averse sefira - tetragrammatical astygmata
5) infernum - farewell
6) temnozor - folkstorm of the azure nights
7) gbk - kosherat
8) mortem - de natura daemonum
9) bruce dickinson - tyranny of souls
10) darkness eternal - misanthropic annihilation

i can't say i'm too confident on the order of this tbh but i liked this year. very davidy list this time out, phylactery picked the wrong year to not participate, great year for BM - even stuff that didn't make the list like macabre omen, geimhre, old wainds and dark fury is kewl, along with crimson massacre and slough feg (edit: and stargazer). there are some intriguing curiosities like TOOOOHOHHhhh and sigh which might sneak up there at a later date but i can't honestly say i'm that into them yet so
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Glad to see you rank the Averse Sefira at number 4, it would have been in the top half of my list as well.i I haven’t heard the Geimhre or Dark Fury.

I could have made a top 10 I just haven’t had time to do any listening to come up with a proper order.
cool, my delayed countdown is now justified. definitely gonna do it friday so last warning for any stragglers.

1) nokturnal mortum - weltanschauung
2) bekhira - l'elu du mal
3) manilla road - gates of fire
4) averse sefira - tetragrammatical astygmata
5) infernum - farewell
6) temnozor - folkstorm of the azure nights
7) gbk - kosherat
8) mortem - de natura daemonum
9) bruce dickinson - tyranny of souls
10) darkness eternal - misanthropic annihilation

i can't say i'm too confident on the order of this tbh but i liked this year. very davidy list this time out, phylactery picked the wrong year to not participate, great year for BM - even stuff that didn't make the list like macabre omen, geimhre, old wainds and dark fury is kewl, along with crimson massacre and slough feg. there are some intriguing curiosities like TOOOOHOHHhhh and sigh which might sneak up there at a later date but i can't honestly say i'm that into them yet so
Nice to see atleast one more who understands which is the #1 album this year. :)

Need to listen to that Infernum album too.
yeah sorry, i don't typically remember who's already confirmed they aren't voting when i make those posts

Nice to see atleast one more who understands which is the #1 album this year. :)

Need to listen to that Infernum album too.

you may not agree with my feelings that it's better than the majority of 21st century graveland but i'm sure you'll like it. i think i told you this before a while back but the album's backstory bears repeating: infernum was karcharoth's baby but he left after the debut, turned to communism, became a police informant against the right wing temple of fullmoon guys inc. darken, attempted to murder fenriz, got jailed for a while then killed himself. darken and copernicus carried on their own version of infernum while this was happening and released this (most of it is old unreleased material) as a tribute to karcharoth after he died.
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=10) Tyranny of Souls by Bruce Dickinson
No ocean could wash my sins away...


"you can fuck off" - @no country for old wainds

=10) Ghost Reveries by Opeth
I hear the baying of the hounds in the distance...


"if you think i'm doing full entries" - @no country for old wainds

=10) Kosherat by Grand Belial's Key
Follow the path of the urethra!


"for a four way tie for 10th" - @no country for old wainds

=10) Beyond Into the Night of Day by Othyrworld
I am a prisoner of time, trapped within a lost dimension...


"cunts." - @no country for old wainds

9) Verisakeet by Moonsorrow
In black blood we sleep...


"I'm listening to Verisakeet right now...This album is 5 songs of pure epicness and my fav Moonsorrow album...Classic album." - @IntoPhagist

"Verisakeet is far more serious and deep than the works that precede it." - @Eligos

"Verisakeet is crap, basically" - @Krigloch the Furious

"You gotta get on Moonsorrow dude, they blend the best of black/folk/progressive IMO and have a huge range of emotion from dark to triumphant." - @Draehl

"if you are going to choose any Moonsorrow album it has to be Verisakeet." - @Belligerent

Chosen by:
Draehl (#1)
RedinTheSky (#2)
Serjeant Grumbles (#2)
Atomic Tide (#3)

8) Gates of Fire by Manilla Road
In memory Rome’s heroes live on...


"GOF seems to drag and has a bit too doomy of a vibe for me (obviously people who like trad doom more than I do, even though I do like doom, will like it more)" - @V.V.V.V.V.

"While I think the middle part of Gates of Fire is probably the best [post-reformed Manilla Road], Spiral Castle is the overall winner imo too. It has better song through the whole album and Gates of Fire drags on a tad bit too long imo." - @Vilden

"I've been on a massive Manilla Road spree all day, have to say my favorite is still Gates Of Fire, though with a band as high quality as MR, all of them are fucking A." - @ASD

"Not huge on Gates of Fire." - @waif

"the road's finest late-period recording. dark as pitch, written with immaculate patience and timing, seeping into the bones via a hypnotic slow burn. turns out they do doom better than they do thrash." - @no country for old wainds

Chosen by:
Vegard Pompey (#2)
Vilden (#3)
no country for old wainds (#3)
Master_Yoda77 (#5)
Slayed Necros (#10)

7) Order and Punishment by !T.O.O.H.!
There is a creature whose name it's better never to say...


"I actually think that one of a few bands that have made Czech language sound metal is !T.O.O.H.!" - @Onder

"!T.O.O.H! fucking SUCK though. Fuck Lee B." - @polarity

"what the hel is tooh?" - @Krigloch the Furious

"!T.O.O.H! do not suck. They are one of the craziest best death/grind bands to ever exist." - @Mort Divine

"Those goofy !T.O.O.H.! vocals have a very special place in my heart." - @whiskey funeral

"I like the 'goofy' , 'silly', stuff that !T.O.O.H! delivers... it's kind of like a jazzy insano thrash." - @RedinTheSky

"If you're into that off-the-beaten-path deathgrind stuff like Lykathea Aflame, you absolutely must listen to !T.O.O.H.! I think they're better than Lykathea Aflame, and lately they've become one of my favorite bands." - @Cythraul

"If it doesn't make it into the top 10 you guys collectively suck tbh" - @HamburgerBoy

Chosen by:
RedinTheSky (#1)
HamburgerBoy (#2)
Anom@nder Rake (#3)
Vegard Pompey (#6)
EternalMetal (#7)

Talos of Atmora (#7)
Mort Divine (#8)
Bobzilla7954 (#8)
-CyanideChrist- (#9)

6) The Gathering Wilderness by Primordial
Sometimes I get to thinking of the past...


"Personally, I dislike the shift in vocals on Gathering Wilderness and Nameless Dead. I like his singing and raspy vocals, not this aggressive throaty thing he's doing these last two albums." - @J.

"I love the songwriting on The Gathering Wilderness but it has the worst production. At least, that's my opinion. It's mixed lower, they compressed the fuck out of it, and the drums sound flat and dead whereas on Storm Before Calm or Spirit the Earth Aflame everything sounds louder and more precise." - @Einherjar86

"I know it might be mixed lower, but I like the production overall. It sounds very organic to me." - @Mort Divine

"here's my controversial opinion

Primordial's The Gathering Wilderness, though it was the album that got me into Primordial, is one of their weaker albums
" - @unknown

""The Coffin Ships" has to be the best Primordial song." - @Funerary_Doom

"For Primordial, I would start with To The Nameless Dead, but The Gathering Wilderness is my favorite." - @Krow

"The best Primordial albums are Spirit the Earth Aflame and The Gathering Wilderness imo." - @Vilden

"i got pretty primordial inside your mother's gathering wilderness" - @no country for old wainds

Chosen by:
Serjeant Grumbles (#1)
Mort Divine (#1)
Bobzilla7954 (#3)
Krow (#3)
EspaDa (#5)
Master_Yoda77 (#7)
tagradh (N/A)

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Amazing album, but I still stand by my production comment. When I switch from a Spirit or Storm track, Gathering songs are always quieter and flatter. Kind of a bummer, because it features some of their best stuff. "Coffin ships" and "End of All Times" are incredible.

This might not be a popular opinion, but I'd probably rank Storm Before Calm higher than Gathering. "Sons of the Morrigan" is one of my favorite metal songs in general.
Did you perhaps check to see if the repressing in 2010 or 2014 fixed that sound issue? That sounds like something that would really piss me off btw.