GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1994

10) The Ending Quest by Gorement
Embraced by darkness eternally...


"Gorement is quite average, boring even compared to the rest of the Swedish scene." - @Dodens Grav

"The ending quest sounds like a mix between slumber of sullen eyes and the karelian isthmus to me." - @CF87

"This reminds me of a combination of God Macabre and Tiamat." - @swizzlenuts

"gorement is a terrible name btw" - @polarity

"One of the absolute best Swedish death metal albums ever released in my eyes and it's a rather unique one. So much atmosphere contained in this and that guitar tone is killer." - @Phylactery

"That Gorement album is no where near as good as LHP or LAEFS or even Clandestine or the first three Grave albums. Waaaaay over rating that second tier death metal." - @Krow

"I'm not familiar Grave, but Gorement is way more interesting then Entombed, which is the definition of overrated second tier death metal." - @crimsonfloyd

"I love that Gorement album but it doesn't even approach Like An Everflowing Stream's level of consistency, quality of riffs, melody, etc." - @Slayed Necros

"Shouldn't surprise you I love it, I like my death metal doomy and full of gorgeous melodic leads." - @Vegard Pompey

Chosen by:
Vegard Pompey (#3)
Atomic Tide (#5)
-CyanideChrist- (#6)
Phylactery (#=6)
crimsonfloyd (#9)
no country for old wainds (#9)
Omni (#9)
Slayed Necros (#10)

9) Stream From the Heavens by Thergothon
Enormous buildings of slimy black stone...


"Thergothon is not the slowest band, but the band who released the first wave of funeral doom into the world (with their Fhtagn nagh Yog-Sothoth ep in 1991). Certainly the doom genre was changing (hell, Winter had a release in '89, and disembowelment had a release in 90 I think) - but it was Thergothon that led the pack when weaving those fine funeral tapestries." - @Pessimism

"Funeral doom should be able to really hit hard and be exciting despite being very slothlike and drawn-out. Thergothon, in that sense, is pretty much the be-all-end-all of funeral doom" - @V.V.V.V.V.

"Thergothon are kind of boring. I have their album, but meh. It's not shit, it has atmosphere, but it's a real bore to sit through. Maybe it would be ok if I was really stoned and visualizing all kinds of stuff, but I can't smoke weed any more, it just gives me instant and extreme paranoia." - @SentinelSlain

"Jesus Christ, Thergothon is fucking terrible... Why the fuck are we making such a big deal about funeral doom, its boring as fuck....And this is coming from a guy who loves Drone....Does anyone even listen to this shit on the forum?" - @KafkaX

"this sounds Lovecraftian and isn't some trad metal fags singing about Cthulhu." - @Anom@nder Rake

"taps into forces that pre-exist the petty concerns of humankind and will remain long after we've choked on an asteroid. humbling, meditative and mysterious music, and i like the, uh, windswept production even though it's probably objectively bad or whatever." - @no country for old wainds

"just a unique otherworldly sound that just oozes lovecraftian dream worlds and vast cyclopean vistas and plateaus of leng and whatnot. I love the melancholic guitar-melodies together with the soulcrushing heaviness." - @Vilden

Chosen by:
Vilden (#1)
Anom@nder Rake (#2)
no country for old wainds (#3)
Terasophe (#7)
spikes77 (#7)
Oblivious Maximus (N/A)

8) Vikingligr Veldi by Enslaved
From above rain the golden arrows of Thor...


"As much as I do agree that Vikingligr Veldi is a pinnacle of black metal, Blodhemn is my personal favourite of their albums." - @CASSETTEISGOD

"Vikingligr Veldi is far FAR FAR more engaging and immersing an album than In The Nightside Eclipse." - @Mort Divine

"Don't get Monumension? Why the fuck not? It's EASILY their best album. Vikingligr Veldi is also easily their worst. They are the definition of a band that has gotten better with age." - @Luminous Aether

"Vikingligr Veldi is easily one of metal's finest hours that blows me away with something new every time I listen to it." - @Addo_Of_Nex

"Drool. What a fucking album. What a fucking band. They just kick so much fucking ass man." - @Hubster

"Vikingligr Veldi is most definitely not Enslaved's best album, nor the best of their black metal material. It's alright, but I don't see why so many people worship it." - @ASD

"I've never understood what makes this album so great. Sometimes I've actually thought that people claim to like it simply because it's one of Enslaved's earlier works. I find the mid to latter part of their discography much more interesting (Eld onward, mostly)." - @Einherjar86

"This is sometimes overlooked in terms of the Norwegian scene I've noticed, but for me it is among the elite." - @Phylactery

"On Vikingligr veldi, Enslaved integrate elements of progressive and psychedelic rock, plus ideas from Bathory's viking metal records into the Second Wave template. This leads to epic compositions in which blistering passages of black metal stand side by side with psychedelic passages and bombastic leads. Vikingligr veldi is also philosophically distinct from the other early Norweigian black metal records. While most Second Wave records dwell on an opposition to Christianity, Vikingligr veldi dramatizes and glorifies Norway's viking heritage. Although there are still plenty of dark and foreboding passages, this is ultimately an uplifting, prideful, and empowering monument to Norway's epic history." - @crimsonfloyd

Chosen by:
spikes77 (#2)
Mort Divine (#4)
crimsonfloyd (#4)
Anom@nder Rake (#5)
Phylactery (#=6)
TechnicalBarbarity (#7)
Serjeant Grumbles (#7)

7) Youthanasia by Megadeth
Life’s fabric is corrupt, shot through with corroded thread...


"Am I the only one who thinks 'Youthanasia' is a boring and horribly produced hunk of crap? :loco: I like 'Cryptic Writings' better...and I don't like most of the songs on that.." - @onion Crystal Ice

"A great collection of solid songs. It may not technically be their best, but it's my favorite." - @J.

"While most of the music on Youthanasia wouldn't be classified as thrash, it's still one of my favorite metal albums from the mid 90's. It's just so well written and executed." - @TechnicalBarbarity

"'Youthanasia' is my favourite Megadeth album even above and beyond 'Rust in Piece'. I love the epic feel of 'Youthanasia'. The production and style of riffs are incredible, and the choruses - oh the choruses. Mustaine nailed them in a way that he hasn't been able to before or since. The title track, as well, is one of my favourite songs." - @requiem

"good melodies and the most consistent album he has, but too mono-tempo and gets boring as a whole" - @HamburgerBoy

"Addicted to Chaos was the first song I wanted to learn on drums just because of the intro. Youthanasia is just an amazing record that goes under the radar for a lot of people." - @The Ozzman

"Last album they did that was actually pretty cool was Youthanasia." - @ShredHeadJHJ

Chosen by:
TechnicalBarbarity (#1)
Bloopy (#1)
Slammed (#2)
RadicalThrasher (#4)
Baroque (#5)
The Ozzman (#6)

It's probably gonna cost Burzum 1st place. :cry:

nope. whether that's because he got 1st anyway, or because he's more than ten points behind first, is another question however...

Fuck, I forgot to extend my list. You should've reminded me.

i didn't tag you in the reminder post because crimson had literally just reminded you on that same day :p
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6) All the Witches Dance by Mortuary Drape
Magic sinister blood cult of the undead...


"I torn in whether I think All The Witches Dance or Tolling 13 Knell is the their best album." - @Dazed and Brutal

"i thot i told y'all. im illiterate not stupid" - @Dazed and Brutal

"Everything they've done is superb (though I haven't heard the most recent). I think All The Witches Dance may be my favorite." - @Dodens Grav

"Does anyone capture an occult sound quite as well as these guys? Morbid and filthy shit." - @Phylactery

"I dont really get a lot of death in their sound. I hear that extra heavy greek style black metal mixed with thrash and/or traditional heavy metal depending on album. (and maybe a pinch of italian occult doom vibes)" - @Krow

"Listened to it and nothing has changed my opinion on it. Forgettable is a bit harsh, but it certainly isn't close to top 10 worthy considering you have stuff like Burzum and Mayhem to contend with. It was good, but the "spooky" atmosphere and the style just fails to excite me these days." - @Master_Yoda77

"Between this and you not thinking that Nordkarpatenland was very good, I'm starting to think that you hate black metal with good guitar riffs." - @Omni

Chosen by:
Slayed Necros (#1)
Krow (#1)
Omni (#1)
Phylactery (#=6)
Dazed and Brutal (#6)
rms (#6)
Anom@nder Rake (#8)

Vikingligr Veldi is indeed among Norway’s elite and anyone that didn’t list it or have it on their honourable mentions has objectively poor taste.

But nah, don’t really know why anyone into black metal wouldn’t like it. It’s also incredible how young they were when they recorded it. Epic shit. Glad it made the top 10, even it is below tripe like Youthanasia.
5) Mortal Throne of Nazarene by Incantation
Indulgence is eternal under the ibex moon...


"Both Immolation and Incantation's first three cds are classic, but if I was stuck with one cd out of these albums. I would go with 'Mortal Throne of Nazarene'." - @CF87

"I remember the first time I heard that album it made me feel like a lightweight. The sound on it is almost overwhelming. Pure Satan in an audio format." - @Oblivious Maximus

"Mortal Throne of Nazarene is my favorite. That album has a blasphemous sound that overtakes most black metal bands." - @Manic Ferocity

"Mortal Throne of Nazarene is so fucking brutal and evil." - @CASSETTEISGOD

"Always a distinct sound to be heard from the mighty Incantation! Love the swirling geetars and just beautiful thickness of it all. Killer riffs with demonic vocals!" - @Sirjack

"The album cover to Mortal Throne of the Nazarene is a perfect preview for this masterwork. A set of dismembered body parts are pieced together into a transcendent work of art. Likewise, the various elements of this album, each grotesque in its own right, come together to express something simultaneously demented and profound. Everything about this record is crushing. The drums and bass create a throttling thunder sound, beneath which some of the most demonic and monstrous death metal growls reside. Atop this massive low-end is a series of grotesque riffs. Yet, it is the variety in tempos that push the album of the top. It’s like watching a wild predator chase down its prey and then slowly shred it apart." - @crimsonfloyd

Chosen by:
rms (#1)
Anom@nder Rake (#1)
TechnicalBarbarity (#3)
crimsonfloyd (#3)
Atomic Tide (#7)
Master_Yoda77 (#7)
Omni (#10)
Oblivious Maximus (N/A)

4) ...For Victory by Bolt Thrower
Mortality now echoes throughout this world...


"Bolt Thrower fucking rulez!!!!!!!!!!!
the best album of this band, is FOR VICTORY...
Old death metal rlz
" - @Depth

"Mate, I'm a big BOLT THROWER fan. I would suggest starting with "...for Victory", as it's their best release, but apart from "Realm of Chaos", they haven't released anything bad anyway." - @Carcassian

"I have around 8 dollars and 40 cents on paypal. if I had 3 more dollars I could buy bolt thrower 'for victory'. Since carcassion is a jew and a bolt thrower fan hopefully he sees this sending me 3 dollars." - @CF87

"I would go as far as saying it's the best bolt thrower and one of the best death metal albums. pee-pee touching indeed(my pee-pee)." - @CF87

"Favorite Bolt Thrower album? Mine has been ...for Victory as of late. Tons of pummeling women-and-children-murdering death metal riffs with enough atmosphere to make blackgaze proprietors reconsider what genre they're playing." - @Manic Ferocity

"The only album where Martin Van Drunen's vox were good is ...For Victory" - @The Ozzman

"Armageddon Bound is the song that got me into them." - @no country for old wainds

"Really happy that For Victory made it to second place, currently it's my favourite by them" - @CASSETTEISGOD

Chosen by:
Sirjack (#3)
Atomic Tide (#3)
rms (#3)
-CyanideChrist- (#5)
Dazed and Brutal (#5)
Master_Yoda77 (#6)
Talos of Atmora (#7)
The Ozzman (#9)
Dak (N/A)

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Reactions: Onder, CiG and -CC-
Vikingligr Veldi is indeed among Norway’s elite and anyone that didn’t list it or have it on their honourable mentions has objectively poor taste.

But nah, don’t really know why anyone into black metal wouldn’t like it. It’s also incredible how young they were when they recorded it. Epic shit. Glad it made the top 10, even it is below tripe like Youthanasia.

i like it more these days, probably could've HM'd it. i didn't really think my HMs through like i did my top ten.
3) Hvis Lyset Tar Oss by Burzum
We are not dead... we have never lived.


"Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is the worst Burzum album (of the black metal stuff)" - @The Ozzman

"Burzum will be the default #1 so we should just do 2 through 10 tbh" - @The Ozzman

"Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is the best black metal album ever" - @Master_Yoda77

"if you dont like Hvis Lyset Tar Oss the first time you hear it you're a shithead my pals." - @Koude Haat

"My girlfriend let us have sex to Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. Its a very rhythmic album so it works." - @crimsonfloyd

"Immortal and Burzum are the most overrated BM bands ever and I don't understand why people like them so much. Immortal is good for introducing people to BM but Burzum is sooooooooooooo boring." - @ProphetofHatred

"Are you fucked up or something? How can you deny the greatness and influence of Hvis Lyset Tar Oss or Filosofem?" - @EspaDa

"only perfect extreme metal album that exists. I like others better, but none stay balanced like this album." - @Dazed and Brutal

"This used to unquestionably be my favourite black metal record, but it's such an emotionally draining experience that I rarely listen to it anymore. This is the first time in like 3 years. The first track especially makes me feel things I don't want to feel. I've always thought the the title track was underrated, I think it's the best song here, or at least tied with Det Som and one of the best black metal songs ever. The way it builds up in layers is genius." - @Phylactery

Chosen by:
Master_Yoda77 (#1)
crimsonfloyd (#1)
no country for old wainds (#1)
Mort Divine (#=1)
Anom@nder Rake (#3)
Vilden (#5)
spikes77 (#5)
Vegard Pompey (#5)
Phylactery (#=6)

I’m not even sure that TH will be making it. I don’t recall seeing it on that many lists!

I’m hoping for a DMDS victory. Took the longest of all the Norwegian classics to fully click with it but now it’s my favourite.

Kinda surprised at the low score for HLTO. Only just broke 70.
I’m not even sure that TH will be making it. I don’t recall seeing it on that many lists!

I’m hoping for a DMDS victory. Took the longest of all the Norwegian classics to fully click with it but now it’s my favourite.

Kinda surprised at the low score for HLTO. Only just broke 70.

I think it was on a decent amount of lists. Besides, what else could it be (unless there's a Black Sabbath clone sleeper I've forgotten about).
"That Gorement album is no where near as good as LHP or LAEFS or even Clandestine or the first three Grave albums. Waaaaay over rating that second tier death metal." - @Krow

I won't bother arguing whether Gorement's album is better than early Dismember or early Entombed, but the second and third (especially third) Grave albums? What the hell, The Ending Quest is way better than them.

Fuck, I forgot to extend my list. You should've reminded me.


Also, booo on Bolt Thrower beating out Incantation.
