GMD Social Poll: Top Ten Films of 1994


1. Death Machine
2. Timecop
3. Leon: The Professional
4. The Crow
5. No Escape
6. Surviving the Game
7. The Stoned Age
8. Hellbound
9. American Cyborg: Steel Warrior
10. The Endless Summer 2


Pretty great year
Last edited:
1. Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino)
2. The Last Seduction (John Dahl) - surprised this has not been mentioned by anyone - a stellar noir with the most badass femme fatale ever
3. Three Colours: Red (Krzysztof Kieslowski)
4. Heavenly Creatures (Peter Jackson) - Jackson's most low key and best
5. Leon: The Professional (Luc Besson)
6. Death and the Maiden (Roman Polanski) - Sigourney Weaver is incandescent, for me her best performance (including the Alien trilogy)
7. Once Were Warriors (Lee Tamahori)
8. In the Mouth of Madness (john Carpenter)
9. China Moon (John Bailey) - another underrated noir and probably the best Double Indemnity worship ever
10. Una Pura Formalita [A Pure Formality] - (Guiseppe Tornatore) - has its flaws but well worth it to see Roman Polanski as a creepy police detective interrogating Gerard Depardieu as the suspect
1. Pulp Fiction (d. Quentin Tarantino)

2. Clerks (d. Kevin Smith)

3. Once Were Warriors (d. Lee Tamahori)

4. Léon: The Professional (d. Luc Besson)

5. The Crow (d. Alex Proyas)

6. Little Odessa (d. James Gray)

7. Pom Poko (d. Isao Takahata)

8. Crumb (d. Terry Zwigoff)

9. Natural Born Killers (d. Oliver Stone)

10. River of Grass (d. Kelly Reichardt)
Wanted to watch/re-watch some shit but doubt I'll get around to it. haven't seen most of these for a while, ranking mostly based on (bad) memory

1. Ed Wood
2. In the Mouth of Madness
3. Once Were Warriors
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Quiz Show
6. Crumb
7. Leon: The Professional
8. The Crow
9. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
10. Speed

once were warriors.jpg
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haven't deep dived this, and i haven't seen stuff like crumb, ed wood and satantango which i'd expect to enjoy. also would've liked to rewatch leon and a few others mentioned in this thread, but oh well. i've cobbled a top 10 together:

10. Amateur (d. Hal Hartley)

not even a top 5 hartley for me but all hartley is good.

9. The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down (d. Jan De Bont)

well directed set pieces, good chemistry between the leads, always been a regular comfort watch. they should've just put a brick on the accelerator though.

8. Heavenly Creatures
(d. Peter Jackson)

haven't seen it in like 15 years so take the ranking with a pinch of salt.

7. Chungking Express (d. Wong Kar-Wai)

haven't seen it in like 15 years so take the ranking with a pinch of salt.

6. The Secret of Roan Inish (d. John Sayles)

AKA How Green Was My Island. just a super lovely rural irish fantasy with some bleak undercurrents.

5. River of Grass (d. Kelly Reichardt)

reichardt's debut is a riff on Badlands and, as with malick's film, it's easily the funniest of her career. in turn it's probably my favourite.

4. Cemetery Man (d. Michele Soavi)

always nice when a hot regular customer turns up to make your dead-end job a little more interesting, although not if it means people start burning your phone books or stealing your murders.

3. The Invincibles (d. Dominik Graf)

missing link between christian petzold and michael mann?

2. Pulp Fiction (d. Quentin Tarantino)

glad i found a rare vhs rip on karagarga, i wish more people could watch this obscure gem.

1. Exotica (d. Atom Egoyan)

i always liked this but a recent rewatch cemented it as an all-time favourite. a film of such restrained desperation, the scene behind the club just kills me.
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I was going to do a 60's year next but decided to RNG it instead, and it gave us 1981 so go over there next. Anyways onto the results...


Pulp Fiction (Quintin Tarantino) 83 points
Léon: The Professional (Luc Besson) 42.5 points
The Crow (Alex Proyas) 34 points
Clerks (Kevin Smith) 28 points
Once Were Warriors (Lee Tamahori) 28 points
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (Stephan Elliott) 23 points
In the Mouth of Madness (John Carpenter) 22 points
Dumb and Dumber (Peter Farrelly) 20.5 points
Speed (Jan de Bont) 18.5 points
Ed Wood (Tim Burton) 17 points
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