GMD Social Poll: Top Ten Films of 2005

Is NZ Netflix similar to Aussie Netflix? Because last I checked there's a lot of Johnnie To stuff on there (including both Election movies).
1. The Proposition (number one, hands down--"no finer race of men have ever peeled a potato")
2. Munich (this is actually my favorite Spielberg)
3. V for Vendetta (tough for a literature guy to pass on this one)
4. Serenity (I'm a leaf on the wind...)
5. The Descent (modern classic)
6. Brick (Rian Johnson man)
7. A History of Violence (David Cronenberg man)
8. Antibodies (fucked up movie, this one)
9. Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (awesome flick about immigration and the border before it was a major political issue in the U.S.)
10. Kingdom of Heaven (I actually have issues with this movie--mostly having to do with the horrible acting from Bloom and Neeson--but still love it, can't help it)

Honorable mentions for:
Thank You for Smoking
The Constant Gardener
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1. Brick (Rian Johnson)
2. Sin City (Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller)
3. De Battre Mon Coeur S'est Arrêté [The Beat My Heart Skipped] (Jacques Audiard)
4. The Descent (Neil Marshall)
5. A History of Violence (David Cronenberg)
6. The Proposition (John Hillcoat)
7. Batman Begins (Christopher Nolan)
8. Brokeback Mountain (Ang Lee)
9. A Bittersweet Life (Kim Jee-Woon)
10. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Shane Black)
Didn't get around to watching a few things I wanted to so I won't even make it to ten. Some of these I haven't seen since 2005 but it'll have to do

1. A History of Violence
2. Kingdom of Heaven (director's cut is much better)
3. Walk the Line
4. Sin City
5. Batman Begins
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