God Damn clicks and pops


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I cant seem to ever get away from these mother F$%$#!g clicks and pops when I record guitars. :mad:

Im not clipping, so I am leaning towards some sort of latency issue or something.

I am using Nuendo 2 with a RME9652 Audio card and RME 96K converters on a MAC G4 single 1.2Ghz with 2GB Ram and 3 hard drives.

This really only happens when I am recording guitar tracks.

Mic'd or Direct.

Its especially bad on chords and notes that are rung out.

I don't know if its because the waves are more intense that its causing latency issues or what. I have tryed changing the buffer size which I am currently using the highest. I have tryed switching my hardware sync settings. Nothing seems to change.

This is a primary reason why I am driven to go to Pro Tools.

I had the same issues with Nuendo 1 as well so I am leaning towards the MAC or Hardware as a problem.

Anyone have any clue why only the guitars would cause this problem and what I can do to fix it? :waah:
I run an iBook G4 1.42 w/1.5GB RAM and I get no pops/clicks at all using either my old Edirol FA-101 or my Saffire Pro 26 I/O.

Maybe try a piece of software that is more Mac friendly, like Logic? I hate Logic compared to Steinberg software but it works so much smoother on a Mac, I hardly tax the CPU at all when tracking 16-Channels with 1/2 plugins on each with Logic Pro 7.2. But with Nuendo 2 I couldn't get all the plugins loaded before the CPU hit 95%.
I don't understand your reasoning...

it's bad on chords... how could this be latency?

does your system report HW Errors?

by your description sounds like gain scheduling problems.

possibly overdriving your preamp input?

test... simplify your input chain and make sure all gains are very low... record and check
running a macbook pro here (2.16ghz core duo, 2g of ram)
I'm using cubase LE. The only time I really get and latency issues on playback is when I'm running a ton of taxing VST's.

Do you think logic would be that much better of a choice?
I believe I may have resolved the problem.

The RME 96K has lights on the clock settings section and one of my coverters would flash now and then. Turns out that is reporting an error in the clock.

I had to change my clock settings a bit and I think its ok now.:rock:

Anyone have multiple Digital Converters that have used External BNC connectors to sync all their devices together?

I am wondering if thats the best way to go.

I use external Word Clock... I have RME 9652 and converters and no problems Just make sure your system is set to use Word Clock correctly.